New Sailor from the UK

  • Ahoy,
    played the beta this past weekend with my brother and had a blast, i recently became a dad so my play time can be limited but hoping to find some crew mates to have adventures with come 20th march i will be playing on my pc and xbox (my partner may join me from time to time as well) feel free to add me =)

  • 5
  • @bionicdolphin69

    Welcome aboard and congratulations on the new arrival!

  • Welcome aboard matey! Glad to see another l***y sailor.

    We are a group of welcoming, easy going, mature, mainly British pirates, who play when we can and because we want to. It sounds like you’d be a great fit.

    More information here:

    Fair weather and following seas to ye!

  • Welcome abord and feel free to add a fellow dad to your crew!

  • @bionicdolphin69

    Will you rant and roar like true British sailors ?

    Fair winds to you,

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