[Mega Thread] - Microtransactions, DLC, and Games as a Service (Part 1)

  • Following the infamous EA fiasco, we've seen a great many discussions around Microtransactions, DLC, and the Games as a Service model in Sea of Thieves.

    As referenced in this announcement, any and all discussion and opinions on Microtransactions, DLC, and the Games as a Service model can be posted here.

    As a reminder, the Pirate Code is more than just guidelines, but the rules of the community and game that we expect all members to abide by when participating on the forums. Any member who fails to abide by the code may find themselves put in the brig, or removed from the community.

    Thank you!

    Articles for Reference:


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  • Hey look a shiny Pirate.

    I'd rather be dirty, unwashed and look like a moody matey, cosmetics are for those who desire to be cosmetic... I for one will definitely have a look but I'm not sure I'll need to purchase anything as I'll most likely be happy with how my pirate be looking from what I gather in game?

  • @dhg-ixxrmacxxi I was wondering when this thread was going to pop up.

    Well ill get us started of then, let the games begin.

    Im against them, i don't believe they are needed and Rare and Microsoft are able to sustain the game without them. The game is online only and ive paid £50 to get access to the servers so that should be my part done. I also pay Xbox Live which is there to support Microsoft and there servers and services (£60 a year) Microsoft owns Rare.

    I also think its really bad how Rare have taken an extremely highly requested feature and slapped a paywall on it.

    I personally think since a big part of the game is about cosmetics you should be able to unlock everything in game by grinding even if it does take hours and have monetary purchases as a fast track option.

    Can we also try and keep this discussion civilised and be respectful of each other, i know its a hot topic with very big opinions and disagreements but let's keep with the forum spirit here.

  • If people have such an issue with the game then don't get it. Nobody is forcing you to do anything. Wait a month or 2 after the game comes out and then see how you feel about it but honestly nobody wants to hear anyone complain about microtransactions anymore. People clearly don't understand that for Rare to fund this game for another 10 years, which they plan on doing, they have to create other ways for the game to generate revenue since the base price of the game won't be relevant in a couple of years. If $60 for a game as good as this one is too much for anyonethen don't buy it or wait for a sale. 90% of console games come with a $60 price point so it's something that you have to deal with. BUT PLEASE STOP COMPLAINING

  • Not 100% for this plan for SoT

    Why not make it a reward for amazing tasks like in old games that made people impressed at how skilled the player was to own a rare unlockable rather than a fancy bought item... Take Halo 3 where you had to get 49 out of 79 achievements or 1000 gamerscore to own a Katana on your back.

    This vid sums up mine (and some other members of this forum) opinion about this

  • @dhg-ixxrmacxxi Appreciate the Mega-Thread, but I can't help laughing at the necessity. 😆

    Cheers, mate.🍻

  • What I'm seeing is really that the people who aren't happy seem to be really upset with the fact that the purchasable items may not be available to them at all unless the buy them with real money (though I don't think Rare has said that officially yet). This I believe is the real problem, though I can see exactly why a business would do it.
    I'm sure that if there were a long drawn out process of unlocking these items in game as well there'd be many of us that would put in the effort, but still a large number that would skip it and just pay for it. In the end though it's up to the big bosses and that is way of the gaming industry nowadays. We just have to accept these decisions, get over it and enjoy the game. (really nothing else you can do)

  • All I see is jealousy. I'm fine with MTs, but that doesn't mean I'm an advocate for them. As long as everything 'premium' will in no way give anyone an advantage other than 'super-sexy-shiny-pirate' then I am totally fine. Bring on the pets Rareware!

  • I think the main problem is that Microtransactions are such a part of major AAA games these days that really if games don't have them they are missing out on a few bits of booty. Developers need all the help they can get when it comes to launching a huge game. Look at WoW, it's had cosmetics for some times, including pets!

    I'd even go to say that some players like to buy such things, and not having them available could even put them off. Sure I'd be annoyed if this was pay2win but it really isn't me hearties.

    If you want to buy pets and look cool without putting the effort in to find them then sobeit, however us pirate legends be navigating the high seas for such treasure, Y'arrrghhh!

  • @discord-96 I'd agree, but the current plan for their Microtransactions is not a progression shortcut. and doesnt really add gameplay value

    you cant buy clothes or ship items, only pets. so you kinda know if someone bought something if you see anyone with a pet

    @SARACENS-LAMENT think about it this way, the progression in SoT is for the most part cosmetic. if you could just buy cool clothes and the like with real money, the game objectives and your progress would lose a good bit of meaning. with the only microtransactions being pets, it kinda seperates the progression of the game from people who can afford to spend extra money

  • I'm of the opinion that people don't care as much as they claim to. It's the internet. People like to make a giant fuss for attention or whatever other reason floats their boat.

    If the people who are wholeheartedly against these microtransactions as they claim, they would speak with their wallet and not just by typing rage rants on the internet. If they truly cared about it so much, they wouldn't buy the game. Money is the one and only thing that rings true in a business. So if you want something to change, don't just not buy the microtransactions, don't buy the game.

    But we all know that at least 90% of the people complaining about it and telling us they won't be buying the game will still do it. Thus the existence of the things they loathe so much will continue.

    (I say all of this as someone who is completely fin with what Rare is doing. They don't break the game, I highly doubt they'll be the ridiculous prices people fear, and I understand that Rare needs money beyond the initial sales to continue development.)

  • But they're optional. What if they went with a sub fee because PC players don't pay for Xbox LIVE. Then you would be stuck paying for live, the game, and the monthly sub fee.

    A very good point there, I might add that they could be charging DLC instead of the free expansion updates that they have for the future. Micro-transactions may very well be the saving grace that have swayed the higher-ups to allow this. I'd rather a game have optional Micro-transactions than be forced to buy DLC to continue the game to the level that I wish.

  • As long as it’s not 4.99 for just let’s say a hat then I don’t see anything wrong with mta’s. I’d be fine with paying 4.99 for a bundle of cosmetics (hat, shirt, jacket, pants and boots) that’s perfectly reasonable to me anyways lol.

  • @x-snozzberry-x I agree with you whole completely! I'm not fussed but a pet or like you say a few items of clothing would be a decent amount of gold to spend on a small amount of booty!

  • @x-snozzberry-x said in [Mega Thread] - Microtransactions, DLC, and Games as a Service:

    As long as it’s not 4.99 for just let’s say a hat then I don’t see anything wrong with mta’s. I’d be fine with paying 4.99 for a bundle of cosmetics (hat, shirt, jacket, pants and boots) that’s perfectly reasonable to me anyways lol.

    Yeh I'm hoping the same, hopefully they'll realise that it'd be silly to price people out of the market. The more reasonable the price the more popular the purchase (I hope).

  • @x-snozzberry-x said in [Mega Thread] - Microtransactions, DLC, and Games as a Service:

    As long as it’s not 4.99 for just let’s say a hat then I don’t see anything wrong with mta’s. I’d be fine with paying 4.99 for a bundle of cosmetics (hat, shirt, jacket, pants and boots) that’s perfectly reasonable to me anyways lol.

    That seems unlikely, though. There are games (unfortunately) that charge $15 for a full outfit. MTs can be outrageous, but the beauty is you only need to buy the ones that truly 'speak' to you. When the pets drop, I'm not going to hoard all of them, but I will purchase my favorite one and look at getting more a ways down the road.

  • @DJM-XR07 In reply to your post on the locked thread.

    DJM Said * "Obviously they need to make a profit.this is there job after all. and if people are willing to pay for little monkeys in sea of thieves than why is there a problem with that? you are in fact interested in the continued development of the game? and yes, could they hold off from having Microtransactions for a year? probably, is it a crime that they release them a few months after launch, no. just dont buy them, they dont do anything for progression and dont do anything in terms of gameplay" *

    Firstly for me, the problem is a massive part about the game is cosmetics, its how us as players are going to make ourselves unique and forge our legend. You say they dont do anything for progression, but since the game has "horizontal progression" It kind of does as these are the items you are working towards by playing the game.

    What tends to happen with MTs is the really nice items get a price tag slapped on them which is obviously going to make you want them. A rough example off the top of my head is Overwatch: The default skins are nice, they loop epic. But when the events come around see the limited timed skins which become avaliable then, they are in a league of there own. Thats what really worries me down the line with this game, we are going to be able to get nice items in game and still look cool. But there are always going to be those people who look Really nice because they have forked out some extra money on them. In a game all about forging youre legend and customisation it worries me.

    Thats why i believe everything should be unlockable by playing even if it takes days of grinding to get one item, at least then you have a choice and the majority of people will just pay anyway so i believe everyone wins.

    I also never said it was a Crime to have them, Lootboxes and incentivising children to gamble maybe, but that's a different conversation.

    I also want Rare to continue development of there game, im massively against Microtransacations but it doesnt mean i dont love the game. However i dont believe they need to lock highly requested features from the community behind paywalls to do it. I touched on Buying the initial game plus my xbox live membership, i personally believe i am supporting Microsoft enough and should be able to get access to the full game.

    Maybe they should do it so if you play the game through the gamepass then you can buy MTS but i don't believe people who have fully commited and actually have paid for the game should. Or like i said above we should at least have the option to get them through grinding out gameplay.

  • @lothaes the way I see it if you love the game what’s wrong with supporting it as long as it’s not outrageously priced.

  • @x-snozzberry-x I be agreeing with ye on that one matey! It's like I enjoy pizza n Grog, so as long as its not outrageously priced, savvy?

  • @knifelife I understand the issue with buying MT cosmetics in a game where milestones are cosmetics. However, the milestones are going to be obviously noticeable. I'll be able to look at you (for example) and know by seeing your outfit that you're a pirate that has sank many ships.

    I think as long as there is distinction between paid and earned, the system will work perfectly fine.

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in [Mega Thread] - Microtransactions, DLC, and Games as a Service:

    @saracens-lament said in [Mega Thread] - Microtransactions, DLC, and Games as a Service:

    But they're optional. What if they went with a sub fee because PC players don't pay for Xbox LIVE. Then you would be stuck paying for live, the game, and the monthly sub fee.

    A very good point there, I might add that they could be charging DLC instead of the free expansion updates that they have for the future. Micro-transactions may very well be the saving grace that have swayed the higher-ups to allow this. I'd rather a game have optional Micro-transactions than be forced to buy DLC to continue the game to the level that I wish.

    They deliberately chose not to go with DLC because it would fragment the player base. So it was either optional MTs or a monthly sub that we would be FORCED to pay in order to enjoy the game.

    The next argument is this, "It's cut content and should have been in the base game I just paid $60 for. They're using cut content to milk the player base." Yeah, well say that in three years when the game is still being supported and everything is free -- for everyone.

    I think that people have forgotten the days when you bought a game and it was buggy as anything and you were just left with it. Constant updates/fixes weren't always a thing, and long term work on a game needs to be funded. Yes Microsoft will make a tidy profit from the initial sales, but that money will most likely get put into funding a new venture. Not keeping this one running. That's where the Micro-transactions come into play.

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in [Mega Thread] - Microtransactions, DLC, and Games as a Service:

    @knifelife said in [Mega Thread] - Microtransactions, DLC, and Games as a Service:

    @dhg-ixxrmacxxi I was wondering when this thread was going to pop up.

    Well ill get us started of then, let the games begin.

    Im against them, i don't believe they are needed and Rare and Microsoft are able to sustain the game without them. The game is online only and ive paid £50 to get access to the servers so that should be my part done. I also pay Xbox Live which is there to support Microsoft and there servers and services (£60 a year) Microsoft owns Rare.

    I also think its really bad how Rare have taken an extremely highly requested feature and slapped a paywall on it.

    I personally think since a big part of the game is about cosmetics you should be able to unlock everything in game by grinding even if it does take hours and have monetary purchases as a fast track option.

    Can we also try and keep this discussion civilised and be respectful of each other, i know its a hot topic with very big opinions and disagreements but let's keep with the forum spirit here.

    But they're optional. What if they went with a sub fee because PC players don't pay for Xbox LIVE. Then you would be stuck paying for live, the game, and the monthly sub fee.

    A massive part of the game is about cosmetics so optional or not, if you dont fork out for them there is a massive chance as a player you are going to feel inadequate to people who have.

    We all know the better pets and items will be paywalled, with the lesser if any being obtainable in game. I just think its a sly move on there part when a massive core component of the game is customisation.

    People are spending £50-80 on this game, they should be able to feel as good as other people playing without having to pay extra for the pleasure. Its why i think as long as they make it so the really dedicated can still get them i think it will be okay.

  • Ultimately, price aside, if people are willing to pay a reasonable amount of money on something that gives you no advantage whatsoever then good for them.

    If people aren't, then good for them as well!

  • @shadowstrider-7 said in [Mega Thread] - Microtransactions, DLC, and Games as a Service:

    @knifelife I understand the issue with buying MT cosmetics in a game where milestones are cosmetics. However, the milestones are going to be obviously noticeable. I'll be able to look at you (for example) and know by seeing your outfit that you're a pirate that has sank many ships.

    I think as long as there is distinction between paid and earned, the system will work perfectly fine.

    Ultimately its all speculation so i cant agree or disagree with you, but the trend of other developers is have the lesser items avaliable to unlock in game and have the nice ones with a price.

    By doing that when people see the paid items they are in awe and will go out and buy it themselves. That in itself will unbalance the whole game in sense of horizontal progression and earning your legend. They need to have it at a minimum where you can grind your a*s of them.

  • It's really boiling down to a jealousy issue here. Player A has a monkey, but Player B does not. Player B gets angry because s/he feels it isn't fair that Player A was able to buy one. Some people have expendable income, some don't, that's life.

    Now it's time for my ever-growing list of real-life analogies:
    I said this in another thread, but it's totally true!
    My neighbor owns an Aston Martin DB7 while I drive around in a Honda Civic. I'm not knocking on his door to tell him how unfair it is for him to own that car. Instead, I'm inspired to work harder so that I too can have an Aston Martin DB7.

  • @shadowstrider-7 said in [Mega Thread] - Microtransactions, DLC, and Games as a Service:

    It's really boiling down to a jealousy issue here. Player A has a monkey, but Player B does not. Player B gets angry because s/he feels it isn't fair that Player A was able to buy one. Some people have expendable income, some don't, that's life.

    Now it's time for my ever-growing list of real-life analogies:
    I said this in another thread, but it's totally true!
    My neighbor owns an Aston Martin DB7 while I drive around in a Honda Civic. I'm not knocking on his door to tell him how unfair it is for him to own that car. Instead, I'm inspired to work harder so that I too can have an Aston Martin DB7.

    I still enjoyed that, even though I already saw it on the other thread haha!

  • @saracens-lament It's totally true! I hate him for owning that car and I loooove Aston Martins! 😰

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in [Mega Thread] - Microtransactions, DLC, and Games as a Service:

    @knifelife said in [Mega Thread] - Microtransactions, DLC, and Games as a Service:

    @ant-heuser-kush said in [Mega Thread] - Microtransactions, DLC, and Games as a Service:

    @knifelife said in [Mega Thread] - Microtransactions, DLC, and Games as a Service:

    @dhg-ixxrmacxxi I was wondering when this thread was going to pop up.

    Well ill get us started of then, let the games begin.

    Im against them, i don't believe they are needed and Rare and Microsoft are able to sustain the game without them. The game is online only and ive paid £50 to get access to the servers so that should be my part done. I also pay Xbox Live which is there to support Microsoft and there servers and services (£60 a year) Microsoft owns Rare.

    I also think its really bad how Rare have taken an extremely highly requested feature and slapped a paywall on it.

    I personally think since a big part of the game is about cosmetics you should be able to unlock everything in game by grinding even if it does take hours and have monetary purchases as a fast track option.

    Can we also try and keep this discussion civilised and be respectful of each other, i know its a hot topic with very big opinions and disagreements but let's keep with the forum spirit here.

    But they're optional. What if they went with a sub fee because PC players don't pay for Xbox LIVE. Then you would be stuck paying for live, the game, and the monthly sub fee.

    A massive part of the game is about cosmetics so optional or not, if you dont fork out for them there is a massive chance as a player you are going to feel inadequate to people who have.

    We all know the better pets and items will be paywalled, with the lesser if any being obtainable in game. I just think its a sly move on there part when a massive core component of the game is customisation.

    People are spending £50-80 on this game, they should be able to feel as good as other people playing without having to pay extra for the pleasure. Its why i think as long as they make it so the really dedicated can still get them i think it will be okay.

    So if they sell a Santa Suit for Christmas you're going to be upset because I look cool? Why punish people because they want to spend money on a silly outfit? You think your $60 and Xbox LIVE membership got you everything and you enjoyed that content and got your money worth... This is three years later...

    Why punish people because they don't want to? Works both ways..

    You're second point confuses me, My purchase of the game should get me everything i believe yes, also my Xbox live is a subscription and its recurring so they are still extracting money out of me. I also havent asked them to support the game for "X" amount of years and i might not even be playing the game in 3 years. So that confused me personally.

    At the end of the day i dont believe they need the Microtransacations they can do it without but they see an opportunity to extract more funds from there consumers that way. Its just one of those things we will never agree on lol.

    Heck why dont they make PC players pay for Xbox Live and then we can all be happy and they can use that to support there game for the next 500 years.

  • @knifelife As much as I agree with your sentiment, reality is likely different. I mentioned in the thread that is now closed...this is all about profit. Nobody develops a game (or anything for that matter) without profit in mind. I have no doubts they (the Bosses) have gone over several market analysis to find what they "believe" is the right mix based on current market trends. MS has been around, and has remained VERY successful for a VERY long time. A business does not do that based on stupid decisions. Take a look at Gamepass...I am willing to bet that is foreshadowing to a new pardigm in gaming marketing. Don't be surprised if you see major publishers (like EA) start a "Netflix like" gaming service.

    With all of that said, I am OK with the MTs. I may buy some, I may not. I know my kids will (which I guess that means I really will, but you get the point). I will remain OK with it as long as the game is getting the support these MTs are supposedly funding.

    Finally, for those that are against MTs 100% and upset you may not be able to earn a pet, look me up online sometime, [mod edit]. No charge.

  • @touchdown1504 said in [Mega Thread] - Microtransactions, DLC, and Games as a Service:

    look me up online sometime, you can touch my monkey. Seriously pet it, stroke it, fondle it. No charge.

    Sea Of Feels. Rated M for Mature.

  • @dhg-ixxrmacxxi
    thankyou for making this tread as it was needed.

  • @shadowstrider-7 said in [Mega Thread] - Microtransactions, DLC, and Games as a Service:

    @touchdown1504 said in [Mega Thread] - Microtransactions, DLC, and Games as a Service:

    look me up online sometime, you can touch my monkey. Seriously pet it, stroke it, fondle it. No charge.

    Sea Of Feels. Rated M for Mature.

    Come on man, get your mind out of the gutter, just trying to offer something nice to folks that won't buy one! Hey, as long as no one chokes my pet chicken, we can all be friends!

  • @shadowstrider-7 said in [Mega Thread] - Microtransactions, DLC, and Games as a Service:

    @touchdown1504 said in [Mega Thread] - Microtransactions, DLC, and Games as a Service:

    look me up online sometime, you can touch my monkey. Seriously pet it, stroke it, fondle it. No charge.

    Sea Of Feels. Rated M for Mature.

    @shadowstrider-7 said in [Mega Thread] - Microtransactions, DLC, and Games as a Service:

    @touchdown1504 said in [Mega Thread] - Microtransactions, DLC, and Games as a Service:

    look me up online sometime, you can touch my monkey. Seriously pet it, stroke it, fondle it. No charge.

    Sea Of Feels. Rated M for Mature.

    Best.Comments.Ever...... +1 for sure

  • The games MT will work, and ill probably buy a monkey or parrot, but its still a trend with MT, that people are trying to defend.
    When i was playing Planetside, every weapon could be bought with real money, but you could grind in game cash for all of the weapons to.
    upgrades was only in game cash for soldiers and vehicles/planes
    I still hated that people that had enough money just bought the weapons, but if it could keep the game running i could live with it.
    But also skins for a cooler game experience, that u could only buy with real money, and that trend has just kept going, with i think is sad for games in general.
    I don't have a solution, cause they need to get some more money in somehow, just my 2 cent on the "issue"

  • @earthbeatle1983 said in [Mega Thread] - Microtransactions, DLC, and Games as a Service:

    The games MT will work, and ill probably buy a monkey or parrot, but its still a trend with MT, that people are trying to defend.
    When i was playing Planetside, every weapon could be bought with real money, but you could grind in game cash for all of the weapons to.
    upgrades was only in game cash for soldiers and vehicles/planes
    I still hated that people that had enough money just bought the weapons, but if it could keep the game running i could live with it.
    But also skins for a cooler game experience, that u could only buy with real money, and that trend has just kept going, with i think is sad for games in general.
    I don't have a solution, cause they need to get some more money in somehow, just my 2 cent on the "issue"


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