A broken dream and why i won't play the game... :/

  • Aye sailors!

    I know nobody is interested in this and maybe more pirates have already wrote a similar post, but i wanna put my sign under tha lettah that witness the unwilling faculty to not play the game because it's just PvP oriented.

    Indeed, PvP lovers can do whatevah they want allaround tha sea, but sometimes, a tired capitain like me, arriving home in a late hour, after dinner, maybe has just the will to go around loosing time circling with his own little ship and not to fight and challenge those brave cunning foxes who surf the see just seeking for troubles.

    I guess many other like me prefere to spend time in drinking our grog under cabin without the risk to have ripped sail from a cannonball.

    So, it's really really sad to realize that the game of our dream, made with a great graphic, will remain just a dream because is just pvp...

    May your dream be realized in the deep of the ocean where mermaid swim!


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  • Really, the only risk one has, is if one has chests aboard. If you are at the pub drinking grog, I doubt someone sinking your ship will affect you in any way. Note that this game cannot be called Sea of "Thieves" without that pvp aspect, which in my honest opinion, is quite easily avoided if you prefer a pve play style.

  • @BazarOfTheBizar what do you expect people to do right now ? obviously most of them are focused on pvp because they've done what little content it was in this closed beta and they became familiarized with whatever was to explore on the map. The full game will be a different thing. But hold back don't jump on the buy if it's not satisfying your needs. Keep an eye out for it , because i honestly think it will improve in the direction of your liking.

  • @bazarofthebizar It's not PvP oriented, but it does have a major element of PvP. The object of the game is to build your pirate legend. Whether some choose to do that through finding treasure, sinking ships, or winning grog drinking contests is their choice. I've had sessions before where I just wanted to relax on the sea and could do that with little or no PvP. Just steer clear of outposts and popular islands (That you'll figure out pretty quickly). :D Also, for the beta, since the only faction was the gold hoarders everyone was after some precious booty.

  • @bazarofthebizar You make an interesting point here. I have been reading through the PVP vs. PVE discussions here and find there to be some compromise needed. Will Rare add PVE only servers? I personally wouldn't use them, but would they be good for the PVE focused people? Would that then just ruin it? I think it could ruin it because you'd just have team deathmatch games in PVP lol.

    Safe zones are an option being discussed elsewhere on the forum.

    So let me ask you for your opinion here. What would the devs need to do in order to retain you as a player?

    • Safe zones
    • Neutral location where a bounty is put on the head of anyone that attacks or kills another player
    • PVE servers

    Interested to hear your thoughts.

  • @zanzikahn Agreed that when you have loot and r delivering chests , fairgame to be killed.But sinking an unmanned ship?Without even looking if there was loot onboard or if the player actually was doing anything?Thats just plain nonsense and doesnt encourage anyone to cooperate but shoot on sight.The game does have an element of : ill ransack your ship , steal your goods and initiate battle at sea...but shooting and killing for the pleasure of trolling? Just because, well you can and the poor s*****k can spawn to another server!Tha makes absolutely no sense and eventually this game will die if ppl think that way.Might will call SOT , Sea of COD if all there is to do is shoot on sight because its fun to slow ppl down for no gd reason lol

  • @bazarofthebizar

    I get where you're coming from. The idea of being a chill pirate upon the sea does seem nice to not only yourself, so don't feel you are alone no matter how many comments tell you otherwise. I'm going to say though, that this was the plan for the game since way back in 2015 when this game was announced. Later on down the road I hope they have the time to develop a sole PVE experience for the pirates like yourself!

  • @clumsy-george Um. What?!

  • Well, the first time I played I did not fall in love with the game, I turned off the xbox and went back to my old games.
    But the second time I tried to play, I discovered the magic that surrounds the game and I believe that now issues like "removing PVP to PVE" are part of the game.
    In my opinion only a few adjustments will balance the game making it more interesting for single players like:

    1- Small boats need to be faster, so you can escape
    2- Small boats should have the map near the rudder.
    3-system of rewards by murderous pirates, as more he kills, the better his kill reward and his ship has some mark indicating that.

    just some ideas...

  • I so hope SOT doesn't turn into COD TDM.I need a break from such mehem 😡.......When I saw the trailer and youtube vids I pre orderd straight away 😊. I don't know if I can activate the closed beta... so I'll just wait and see when it's released. I've always played both pve & pvp games I just hope the pro you tubers potray SOT as a different type of take on pvp. I love the idea of good banta with other gamers for a change.

  • @sparkyknees The closed beta is, sadly, over.

    I'll look forward to seeing you on the waves in March, though!

  • Enough time for me to sort out an outfit ...... I've never dressed up to play my xbox before....the missus will be worried lol.......until then,I bid thee fairwell aŕrrrhhh....need to work on my pirate lingo tho😁

  • @bazarofthebizar As somewhat of a cunning fox myself, the last time I played, I spent four hours just sailing around taking pictures and trying to avoid people. (it can be done)

    During those four hours I saw many ships, and even had the odd non-verbal communication with a few, but avoiding them became a game in itself. To see how long I could go without being drawn into an enemy encounter, how long I could go without dying, it was pretty fun indeed.

    Now, I'm not saying you should avoid every ship you see, but what I am saying is that every ship doesn't have to be a hostile encounter either. The game is what you make of it, and I choose to make it fun.

    Just for the record: I was in one ship battle that lasted for a minute at the most, and I never died once in the whole four hours that I was playing. Well.........maybe a shark got me once.

  • This game over all is shaping up to be just like everyone was wishing for. The always said It would be an all around game. Yes we test certain features they want and yes you see more PVP but I cant count the hours I've spent sailing where I never saw a ship. They want you to see a ship about every 45min. This means if you want to play solo you can. Plus you can always run away from battles. Solo play just like stated above from other people is meant for really experienced players. I'm sure in time the game will change to the full release in mach.

    But you have to remember this is strictly just testing and nothing more right now. Wait for judgment when the game is fully released with all content included.

  • I agree with most of the responses in this thread. I have been keeping an eye on this game and pre-ordered specifically for beta access on the xbox. I have participated in some of the PVP vs PVE discussion after the beta when live. I came to opposite conclusion as you. At first I was frustrated at the spawn camping and dying continuously on an empty ship, but that is because I was trying to interact with people. After some reading and brushing up on things, I just started avoiding other ships to explore the world.

    I can't image how a hard core pvp only player would play this game for long. Camping on an island for three hours to kill a few noobs with potentially no treasure (It was easy to find another with no one on it). Searching the sea for 30 minutes to kill a ship only to have them slip out of sight. My biggest complaint was having a hard time getting in (something I expected since we were the ones testing that aspect, so pretty small complaint).

    Like most others have already stated. PVP is a potential risk in the game. I agree it should be part of it. I am hoping for more interaction opportunities other than shoot on sight, but I can still play the game and have fun. If I only wanted to hunt other ships, I think I would get bored with the game rather quickly. Most pvp centered games you are dying or killing every few seconds, I can't image there would be much of a long term thrill dying or killing every 20 - 30 minutes.

    Just my two doubloons from someone late to the party. Is there any grog left?

  • @sparkyknees said in A broken dream and why i won't play the game... :/:

    Enough time for me to sort out an outfit ...... I've never dressed up to play my xbox before....the missus will be worried lol.......until then,I bid thee fairwell aŕrrrhhh....need to work on my pirate lingo tho😁

    I just call everyone "landlubber" - it is enough to get by

  • @faramous said in A broken dream and why i won't play the game... :/:

    @bazarofthebizar You make an interesting point here. I have been reading through the PVP vs. PVE discussions here and find there to be some compromise needed. Will Rare add PVE only servers? I personally wouldn't use them, but would they be good for the PVE focused people? Would that then just ruin it? I think it could ruin it because you'd just have team deathmatch games in PVP lol.

    Safe zones are an option being discussed elsewhere on the forum.

    So let me ask you for your opinion here. What would the devs need to do in order to retain you as a player?

    • Safe zones
    • Neutral location where a bounty is put on the head of anyone that attacks or kills another player
    • PVE servers

    Interested to hear your thoughts.

    It might be fun to have a safe zone on the map, like a outpost where you can drink grog and play music with other crews without having the fear someone will pull out their pistol and starts shooting around.
    But I think it would be a mistake if you could turn your loot in their.

    everyone would just sail to the safe zone to turn in their chests, skulls or tradegoods.
    And people will with bad intentions will try and sail the outskirts of the safezone to try and intercept those that try to turn their goods in. For that reason alone I do not feel like making a safe zone where you can turn your goods in is a good idea.

    Making a zone where you can meet the other crews, have a laugh and maybe even for the solo players or the small crews to meet up and graduate together to a 4 man crew that could be a good way for the devs to make some sort of safezone.

    And players like @BazarOfTheBizar can chill their with a mug of grog, having a laugh with other players without the fear of getting killed.

    @Faramous I hope you like the thoughts.

  • safe zones will kill the game by removing all risk from the equation, leaving only a simple treasure hunting game that would get boring quick if not for other pirates.

  • I completely understand how you feel. You do your work playing game get close to turn in, only to lose all your chest. But there is a danger there that gets your blood pumping when you finally turn in your treasure it’s a risk and creates a thrill that you accomplished your goal. It gives you a reason to keep your eyes on the horizon. I’ve been able to run away from most ships on a one person boat. Sometimes there are those who could care less, if you have a chest or not they just want to sink you and they will follow you for hours just to do it. Those are people who bring misery to any game they play because they hate life for whatever reason, but most will try and catch you in a short distance then when they realize you are going to keep running they will back off and go after another because it’s smart and more logical. I prefer the PvP element it’s just more rewarding. My advice is when you get the long chasers after you. Look for other ships sail to them and pray. They may even get your treasure but at least the no lifer won’t; after he chased you all that way, and maybe they will take him out too. Think of it as an investment instead of a loss that the people you just ran into will kill the long chaser.

  • I really got no idea what your Problem is, i could explore a Island for atleast 30min without getting attacked. I Could relax on my ship without getting Attacked. I searched sometimes 40min for a Ship. They trying to add more PvE stuffs, we just saw 20-30% of the content. If you watched Twitch and Youtube videos you can see how much fun people had with the PvP System. If you like a 100% PvE game u should maybe play something else. See League of Legends one of the most played Games and it doesnt really has PvE so it doesnt matter what PvE players want.People like PvP more.

  • @radzz-the-drunk said in A broken dream and why i won't play the game... :/:

    @faramous said in A broken dream and why i won't play the game... :/:

    @bazarofthebizar You make an interesting point here. I have been reading through the PVP vs. PVE discussions here and find there to be some compromise needed. Will Rare add PVE only servers? I personally wouldn't use them, but would they be good for the PVE focused people? Would that then just ruin it? I think it could ruin it because you'd just have team deathmatch games in PVP lol.

    Safe zones are an option being discussed elsewhere on the forum.

    So let me ask you for your opinion here. What would the devs need to do in order to retain you as a player?

    • Safe zones
    • Neutral location where a bounty is put on the head of anyone that attacks or kills another player
    • PVE servers

    Interested to hear your thoughts.

    It might be fun to have a safe zone on the map, like a outpost where you can drink grog and play music with other crews without having the fear someone will pull out their pistol and starts shooting around.
    But I think it would be a mistake if you could turn your loot in their.

    everyone would just sail to the safe zone to turn in their chests, skulls or tradegoods.
    And people will with bad intentions will try and sail the outskirts of the safezone to try and intercept those that try to turn their goods in. For that reason alone I do not feel like making a safe zone where you can turn your goods in is a good idea.

    Making a zone where you can meet the other crews, have a laugh and maybe even for the solo players or the small crews to meet up and graduate together to a 4 man crew that could be a good way for the devs to make some sort of safezone.

    And players like @BazarOfTheBizar can chill their with a mug of grog, having a laugh with other players without the fear of getting killed.

    @Faramous I hope you like the thoughts.

    I'm inclined to agree with you. I think that it could undermine some of the core game play risk/safety mechanics. I'm very interested to see how this plays out, though tbh I won't be unhappy either way.

  • I wouldnt judge the game on just the beta ... there is content that is still to b released. Im guessing here but there looks like there might b some PvE questing to b included i dont think rare will just make it soley Pvp

  • I totally understand your way of thinking, but you can usually just outrun / outmanouover the ship that's trying to get you.
    In a game like this, no pvp would without a doubt make many amazing events/stories not happen at all.

    But if you have any ideas regarding how this could work for gamers like yourself, I would suggest making a list and posting it on the forum.

    • pve-servers could work for some?
    • a few safe-zones?
  • Don't forget the power of proximity chat in this game. I used it in the Beta to great affect to announce my attacks, to offer a white flag of truce, and to just yell "Go (Mod Edit) away!"

    The proximity chat is great fun!

  • @bazarofthebizar I'm not hating on your thought I'm just curious as to what you would change to make the game more of what you're looking for? Like what would you want to do just be free to move between island to island digging up treasure without risk other than from environment(i.e. rocks, storms, etc)?

  • @bazarofthebizar when the game comes out for a bit people will probably get bored of PvP so they might try to roleplay or something like that. I dont know just a thought.

  • @bazarofthebizar I mean not to show your post any disrespect but honestly your post is kind of rhetorical. Yeah some people prefer pve or pvp but it's in the name "Sea of Thieves" it isn't going to be some nice peachy let's drink some grog and sail the sea. I wasn't as interested in SoT as I am now. I was watching some videos from the producers and if you take a second and actually look at the game it is a beautifully crafted game to live your life as a pirate. So take meaning to this reply and BE MORE PIRATE! P.S can't wait to launch on March 20! Hope to see you all on the sea's!

  • @zanzikahn I also don't understand people's tales of woe coming from the beta unless my experience has just been very different. I solo'd the smaller ship with 9 chests aboard a couple of times and, using only very minimal caution, was able to avoid larger groups of pirates with ease.

  • @kratzer Right? There was not a single moment in which I did not have control over who I interact with. If people are encountering unexpected engagements, it has me wondering if they were at all cautious or acted as if no danger will ever come and ignored the horizon.

  • @bazarofthebizar During the beta, I was able to fully avoid conflict by keeping my eye on the horizon while at sea and taking alternate routs to my destination if I saw any ships in the distance. You can totally play without coming in to contact with other players. In fact, I felt the same as you at times. I just wanted to lazily sail the seas without conflict and I was able to do so with (relative) ease. It actually adds a bit to the dynamic of the game by having to have yar wits about ye if you want to steer clear of potential enemy ships. However, I get it. I'm sad I'll never get to come across you as we sail on our merry way towards our own respective booty.

  • Wow Captains! i never expected a suck participation to this topic and i really thank you all for that, for who agree, for who disagree and for who ask solution or ideas about what was in topic argouments.
    I really appreciate that because is a sinthom of a new born strong community and this is for sure a good way to start a game. :)

    In general, the frustration of a pvp situation is about the boringness of stupid folks.
    Usually the circular life of a game provide this:

    • everybody plays at the beginning in PVE to get strong
    • with equip and strenght, player start to overcome and trumple other weak players
    • weak player learn that the way to survive is to be as power players, so he goes around kicking other weak and associating with others stronger player in guild/associations/club
    • pvp system grow out of control and that bring the game to a sistematic endless pvp regardless the enemy: is weak? bad for him. Is strong? i try and try and try until i kill him. No matter if he has theasury onboard. I just do this because if i don't do this, he will do this to me. And if he does'nt do this now, i'll do this anyway in future because this is the game! (and with this stupid think, the world will end in this nonsense pvp spiral...)

    Well.. there en are alot that others game system have provided in time. Let's analyze them.
    Going back to the night of the times, there was UO, with a free PVP and loot system where you could loose every single coin. And with every single coin i mean really every single coin because (someone can remember) you had could split your money in 1 by 1 in the backpack and if someone had would loot your body, had should loot every single coin...
    This was the beginning of MMORPG and, thank god, this epoch has mostly beed forgotten (exeption made for Albion Online in recent time... ).

    Than has been WOW time with many different useful options splitted in others useful options: dedicated servers for PVP and PVE (the best solution, imho).
    In PVP server, ok, free pvp for all everywhere. But with the right idea of no loosing equipment. I work hard to have my equip and in the end arrive the bully one and i loose everything because of the the lag, because is stronger than me, because of every other milion reasons?? That's the real frustrating mechanism.
    In addition, Battleground: pvp areas where you could get your PVP item and keep going no matter if you loose or win. Why not? I like do PVP so i go in battleground, having a different pvp reputation to grow up and gaining different decent equipment. Sounds fair.
    I've started playing in PVP server and after an year more or less i quit them to go in PVE server.
    At the beginning i tought it was totally boring: no suspance, no fear in giving my back to the enemy, no red names around in the map even in enemy territory... but in real, that was GREAT! Why? Because, at the end, i like to be an explorer and the world offer by himself enough peril and trouble without the stupidity of the human being.
    And, if someone is nostalgic for times gone, well, ther's the option to flag your PG in PVP, so everybody can attack you (with alert message) being PVP flagged and you can have your pvp moment if you want.
    Still remaining battleground and pvp map zones.

    There is than some system like Guild Wars 2 where u have entire maps with pvp world zone, with castles, siege weapons and so on.
    In there you just loose your time and part of the map with honor, but no equip.

    Shifting to other game system, ther is The Division (FPS) with the black zone PVP map.
    Is good? is bad? Is bad because of the cheaters, is good because is challenging.
    You can be better of others players or not, but in general you keep the worn equipment and loose the looted equipment if someone kill you (mob or player, is the same).

    At the end of this analysis, i guess the answe to the main question to myself (why you fear the pvp?) is: because i don't wanna loose time.
    This is translated with time in collecting treaures.
    To collect them i need to go around exploring.
    Explore take my time.
    The game is good if you can go alone do achieve your goal.
    If you go with friend is better.
    If i have friend to play, i have to wait them to log in and go around with them.
    We have to face the timing process of a family, of a work, of a sleeping time :D
    Not every day is possible to play togeter.

    If in the time we play, we have also to face the PVP problems, ok, could be facinating and funny the first time, the second and maybe also the third one. But in the end i prefere to play chess or diablo instead of fronting again and again pvp boring player.

    Flag pvp system on player, pvp zone, battleground, pvp/pve maps, pvp/pve server and so on..
    Solutions are beyond the corner.
    Noone will blame if you adopt solution that other system already use. The greatness of the game is the game himself with the pirate theme!
    The point is: who do you want play this game?
    Everyone? So you have to satisfy every different desire.
    Just the brave? Forget me and just think about them. No problem, peace and we still be friends :D
    Casual players? It seems a stupid thing, but casual players are more numbered than someone can expect. Even just for relax sometime i keep some old game and i go around to complete something that i havn't done before. Than, maybe, the game stay quiet for other few months, but in the end, sometimes, i keep it back again.

    I think that every opportunity should be explored and given. :)

  • @bazarofthebizar hi sir u said the game is pvp oriented and i think its not true atm yes cause there not much to do and whatever u do its gonna be wiped so ppl hunt a bit of treasure and in the last beta ive bought the full bigelrat stuff reached lvl 20 with goldhoarder so me and my friend started hunting boat to pratice pvp thats why u think that way dont worry when game release we gonna have way more stuff to do ! Collecting animal farming gold chasing fort and kraken and lot of ppl wanna get the legend title fast so they dont lose time chasing player they will try be the 1 legend so dont take time to give u trouble !

  • Its a pvp game, play it or not play it, get over it, do you go into a chinese restuarant and complain they dont serve indian food? Or infact insist they change the menu to cater to you? Maybe you do.....

  • It's a PIRATE game. Seriously, I'm not the type to call someone a delicate snowflake but come on. I lost at least 6 chest to ambushes and still usually saved most of them all by myself vs. whole crews, if you plan well you won't get your head bashed in. If they integrated separate PvE servers then a whole swath of players would be grinding to "pirate legends" while the rest of us try to be PIRATE LEGENDS. THIS ISN'T A GAME IT'S AN EXPERIENCE, SO IF THE KITCHEN WAS TOO HOT IN BETA, I guess just don't play then, kid, Playstation has the exact game you're talking about and it's called NO MAN'S SKY.

  • it's not just pvp. These betas were tests and there was no real progression. Me and my mates didn't bother with quests and did pvp mostly because we did them already 4 times. There was nothing to loose because the progression wasn't persitant. But i am sure that when the game comes out for real people won't do so much pvp as in the tests. Atleast that's what i am gonna do. If you think it's pvp centered I think you're wrong.

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