Release the Release Date!

  • @deadly-hawkins It does! I have used it a lot on PC and works nearly flawlessly.

  • @jovialqristof said in Release the release date!:

    Parenting in the day, pirating in the night

    Umm... I have some bad news about baby sleep schedules for you... ;)

  • Hello can't wait for this game. It feels like I've been waiting forever.

    But will there be different editions of the game?

    Also will there be any DLC?

  • I've been thinking about this trailer. Why does it seem that we're all forgetting this is simply the "Release Announcement Trailer" this isn't the final trailer. I might be going out on a limb here, but I have this sneaking suspicion that these features are just things they intend to show us this December. There's 21 days left, and going off of Joe's Insider Report as well as other posts by Rare, there's a lot more to come just in this month alone.

    And that's not even considering content they don't want to show us, and are holding back until release. Perhaps, I am naive or too trusting in Rare. But, after playing the alpha and being active on these forums for a while, you slowly start seeing the trail of breadcrumbs... and it all leads to one thing.. Chickens.

    Chickens are the ultimate goal in Sea of Thieves, it's why they are the land-animal shown first. They are the king of the land, screw lions, sharks and skeleton captains, it's all about the chickens. Isn't it @Pikaaroon ? Rare has finally unveiled their true inspiration for the game. It's not cooperation, it's not treasure, it's not becoming your own legend. It's about finding that legendary Chicken.

    All jokes aside. There's lots more to come. This isn't it! The company who created one of my favourite games Banjo Tooie & Kazooie is capable of much more craftiness than they have shown in this Alpha. (But if you, glares at Rare, don't include a reference to Mumbo Jumbo.. I will be .. sad)

  • @siriondb

    Its also still avalable on gamestop but sold out on the microsoft store

  • @wymerz sold out on the microsoft store

  • @grimreaper1342 the controller has bluetooth so you can use it on a windows 10 pc but hurry it is already sold out on the microsoft store for me in NY

  • Do the preorder bonuses apply to the pc version of the game as well?

  • The controller isn't yet available in the Netherlands :(

  • @jackal666666 no EDITIONS or DLC have been mentioned by rare as of yet

  • @erikinthebakery said in Release the release date!:

    @jovialqristof said in Release the release date!:

    Parenting in the day, pirating in the night

    Umm... I have some bad news about baby sleep schedules for you... ;)

    Our first kid was sleeping at night when newborn, mostly. :D

  • This game looks great, I visited their channel on YouTube. Y'all should check it out. Has some funny moments and informational videos. The developers gameplay is pretty good. This game took my breath away when I saw the trailer. Not to mention the graphic upgrades it has had. It use to look weird, lol, but now.... Respect!

  • @fullmetaljakekn they did say they are selecting people, not everone is going to get it. Lucky him, I didnt kow aboit that till last night

  • @glitterqueen86 depends on were you pre ordered

  • @reverendkeyrlis well said, well said

  • So Excited for this it will be probably the best game of 2018 really can't wait

  • @nonzeroaphid733 really wish i was in the technical alphagame right now... Do you onow how i can get an invite?

  • @killingcurse1 how do i get a invite to the tech alpha?

  • @evilmonkey96521 here is the thing, the dead line was the 1st of this month, I myself am not going to get one because I missed the date as well. They will most likely have another on of these before release. It is possible they will invite people who have not pre ordered the game to the closed beta; the closed beta is for people who have pre ordered. To check that, look in the store on Xbox.

  • @killingcurse1 I have received access to the closed beta and haven't pre-ordered. EDIT.... Haven't pre-ordered YET.

  • @wolff34 i hope the release date are coming early next year because its looking so awesome. I want to play it so much right now. :D

  • @tentunic4178397 Release date is March 20th 2018! You can also pre-order the game now -

  • Im really exited about this game i hope i get the key! :D

  • @grimreaper1342 yeah, you dont have to pre order to get access, but if you do pre order they said there will be a closed beta

  • alt text

    *edited for size (Was too large)

  • @monsterrvenom said in Release the release date!:

    Do the preorder bonuses apply to the pc version of the game as well?

    Yes the preorder bonus is for both PC and Xbox.

  • Is there any news on the beta release date?

  • @the-slyfry said in Release the release date!:

    Is there any news on the beta release date?

    January 2018

  • @the-slyfry No they said it will be released some time after Christmas. Don't quote me on it.

  • @khaleesibot - Do you have any details on the PC version release and price?
    Im looking to buy the physical game and install it rather than use the windows store.

  • @djslydeviant Same date and price for the PC version as the Xbox version! :)

  • Will there be a collector’s edition? I will be getting the controller, but I don’t want to pre order the game if the collector’s edition will come out.

  • Already pre-ordered my controller. First time I've ever bought a special one. :)

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