April 25th Update - State of Play

  • @therealsourmeat I had zero game crashes after the update on Thursday

  • @sonicbob thank you for taking the effort of giving us this long and detailed article on the state of the game, there are some disheartening facts, but it’s a relief to know you’re working on it. The upside is I had zero game crashes since Thursday’s update and I hope you can give back open crew option in time for the full PlayStation launch on Tuesday

  • Thanks for your transparency

  • Nice to see and read this. Communication, acknowledgement and transparency are key for players' comprehension and patience. Thank you and please keep it up.
    P.S. keeping the known issues list up to date (which hasn't been...), would be nice too.

  • @sonicbob

    I appreciate the additional transparency in development woes with this post.

    I will attempt to be brief.

    • As a mostly solo-sloop player I'd like to highlight the frustration of getting scammed on shipwright supplies for a year or so now. Initial implementation of the system was working fine; but whatever was done to prevent crews from purchasing more supplies than was fair has made sessions incredibly frustrating. I'm not even trying to gam the system here, I just want my four pineapples to play HG but I continually find myself spending gold on those 4-5 purchases and receiving 2 or 3/5 with Fruit being the most frequently broken purchase. I CAN purchase wood/cannons from the merchant but if I get ripped off on pineapples I effectively need to start a new session and attempt to buy supplies again. Please fix this.

    • Our "Galley" night was broken last night by EAC insisting that our helm was violating anticheat. He only had discord and SoT running. He has not had this issue with the previous implementation so I believe something is newly broken with Thursdays patch.

    • In addition I do think another post explaining the newly added report features in relation to player aiming and movement deserve a post stipulating what this means as it was a big topic of discussion on Twitter and the only official word on it was a post by Jotoro on the official discord. Its properties are still confusing to me. Effectively what does the report in game feature accomplish? Would it basically be "if enough reports are published for one player, server logs will be checked?"

    I'm not an exploiter and I go to alot of trouble recording and reporting cheating/unhealthy play for ya'll but Iwould like to know how effective this system is and how troublesome it might be if you are too accurate of a player.

    Thank you for communicating with us.

  • @sonicbob Any word on the EAC/Hazelbeard issue that's been hitting players?

  • They still can't seem to figure out (or even recognize) the crates getting stuck after you buy them from the merchant. It's been years now...

  • Thanks for the update. On the bright side, I haven't crashed on Series X since the update and luckily I had a "most recently used ship" in Guilds. ;)

  • @wolfmanbush I agree with you they do post about some current issues that happen. Many however are not. The fact that the known issues section only has 22 current issues, two being updated more than a year ago, when we know the number of issues is probaby more triple digits proves what I am saying. Hopefully it will improve and the transparency will be more visible.

  • @wolfmanbush I wish they’d fix my comendations and give me the shrouded ghost that vaporized mid fight because of the meg bugs… bad bad luck 😔

  • Je ne peux pas jouer au jeux depuis sa sortie sur ps5 j ai un problème sa me marque Avacadobeard
    J aimaire avoir de l'aide au plus vite merci

  • Ive had nothing but problems playing since the maintenance… coukdnt login in all afternoon and my mates could!
    ended up reinstalling the game 7 hours later and missed out on so much!

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