new types of ships

  • who wants to see new types of ships in the sea of ​​thieves??

  • 7
  • @elgatonoire7288 like another version of the sloop, brig and galleon? Sure, why not...if they are just different in looks and got no advantages or disadvantages whatsoever I'm into it

  • @elgatonoire7288 different styles for current ships would be cool. As long as you're not asking for a 10 player gally with 20 forward facing cannon. 🤣🤣

  • Actually the upcoming Burning Blade event seems interesting in this direction. While not a new ship per se, it will be interesting to pilot this behemoth.

  • It could work. They could bring out something like a war frigate or Man o’ War which would allow a max crew of 5. Otherwise slot in a schooner/caravel or something and reconfigure the crew compositions for each to allow 5 on the galleon.

  • @captainwilks no extra players on ships. Upsets the balance of the game. And it's been suggested many times in the past and a few times this year.

  • @qu1etone

    Yep server balancing would be an issue. I kind of assumed that that was the OPs intent with the post. Maybe a leap in the wrong direction on my part.

    I think the main rationale for more ship types would be to get more of your shipmates together. Though again, that leads back to potential balancing issues on servers.

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