Booted back to Xbox menu

  • I re-entered the game, headed to outpost to sell and only got credited for items found after boot. When do you expect to fix this issue?

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  • I'd like to think sooner rather than later but I dunno.

    I'm about a month into crashes/beards and some have been going through it longer than that.

    Too unpredictable to really plan around them so in a game like this it can be pretty unpleasant.

    For me personally I just know I'm not missing much by cutting back on what I do in the game. The megs are bugged, the skelly ships are bugged, not much going on organically, the fortune fleet can be done very very quickly.

    I just look at it as I know I'm not missing out.

    Raids and pvp are the rough parts as a solo that disconnects. The rest I can at least tinker with.

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