Boarding ships using cannons.

  • I was wondering if any experienced pvp players can give me advice on using ship cannons to board. When ever I watch people do it on YouTube after they shoot out the cannons they can keep swimming forward while keeping thier momentum to catch the fleeing ship, however as soon as I click the swim button after touching the water, all my momentum stops. Is there a trick to this? I would appreciate the feedback.

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  • It's all just trajectory and sprinting once you hit the water at a good angle.

    Maybe try the setting Hold A/Space to Ascend
    If you hold jump when you hit the water you'll float up asap and gain more speed.

    The only trick you could do with swimming like that would be doing a dolphin dive.
    If you have enough speed you can gain airtime by diving down and then up out of the water to do a jump.

    This can let you board brigs without a ladder, like a deckshot with extra steps.

  • I appreciate the advice. I never hold the jump button after launching from cannons as I didn't think it did anything besides slowing me down. Hearing that it actually helps conserve momentum is a really good find. Thanks.

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