Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL) Community Competition. Your Best 'Spooky Spectacular' Screenshot. [RESULT]

  • Well you certainly produced some spectacular screenshots these past 2 weeks!

    First off the honourable mentions, and what great bunch of scalleywags they are too, with such a keen eye for a good screenshot!
    So well done to...


    And the winning spoils go to...
    @BeerNymph Congratulations!

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  • 23
  • Congratulations

  • Congratulations!

  • I think the honorable mention entries are better than the winner because they were worked on

  • @sulfonicape1741 @Legendary-Liz Isn't this supposed to be a 'screen shot' competition? Like literally, taking a screen shot? Or some sort of photoshop/editing is expected to win?

  • @zig-zag-ltu what does photoshop and editing have to do with it?

  • @sulfonicape1741 Do with what? Just a simple question of what submissions are valid for this competition, does it have to be a screenshot or people using editing software are eligible to win as well.

  • @zig-zag-ltu Any use of image editing, other than cropping, is not allowed.

  • @taaaamas I thought as much, also no offense to anyone here, but aren't the honourable mentions heavily edited? If not - wow.

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  • @zig-zag-ltu both of these shots were done in game with zero editing :) Glad you liked them!

  • Awww thank you so much!!!! This was a really good picture by me and my crew :)

  • @legendary-liz
    Nice, glad you liked it - I'll get that anchor one of these days! :)
    Congratulations to the winner!

  • @itz-tarte-xx If what you say is true, then good, Sir, Hats off, I truly admire your creativity and outside of the box thinking. Also I don't know if any compliment could be greater than me saying they are photo shopped :D would honestly love to hear your secret how you have done these, obviously if it's not a trade secret :)

  • @zig-zag-ltu It's the best compliment to receive! No trade secrets here - just knowledge of emotes and what effect they can provide, time invested in shots to make them look good, and a crew that's willing to help with the creative process

  • @itz-tarte-xx Yeah I guess I need to learn more about the game, can't think off a way to pull off those 2 skulls in the air ^^

    The 2nd one is like a promo poster for a pirate serial killer movie !

  • @sulfonicape1741 I mean.. really?? Do you realize how much work it takes to get the chefs outfit?

  • @sulfonicape1741 It’s sad that you think our shot is little work and no creativity. Apart from the chefs costumes (which is way more than just a few PVE hrs, lol), there’s actually hours of work behind this one - thinking of something unique that hasn’t been done before, selecting the spot, adjusting to the theme other parts of our outfits/appearances and equipment (buckets from new season pass), setting the light (there’s a guy holding red lantern behind the guy taking a shot), choosing angles and emotes and timing them right, positioning our pirates, we also put the skulls onto the frying pans, on top of burning food. But oh well, I’m not here to argue!!!!

    Appreciate your opinion, pirate, happy sailing!

    P.S. I’m also very very happy, cause it’s the first time I’ve won something in a SoT competition 🍻

  • @beernymph Sorry, but hours of work just to find a couple of skulls and two animations? Anyone can take such a screenshot. I support the previous commentator, since this is an ordinary screenshot without much creativity. The competition was attended by people who made beautiful works using different angles, changing the size of the characters in sight, lighting to create a dark silhouette, using a collision of objects and characters. And these are just two chefs with skeletal hands...

  • @odin299 If you refer to me I never said that. The winner of the competition submitted a very cool screenshot fitting the theme chosen - perfectly. I was just astonished by the two I have mentioned as I thought no way these can be achieved without editing tools. There is a saying ''Art is Subjective''

  • Remembering the last capture code contests (in which I participated), the works were much better than those that won in the nominations (geysers, ferry, moon). I agree with @ODIN299 , it's a long job to find a skull on the nearest island and search for a banana for a frying pan, as well as a second selection of emotions.

  • @odin299 I’m not here to argue. I love every picture submitted. Diminishing the work of others shall not bring you any good. Take care and happy sailing, pirate 🍻

11 out of 23