A Fort of Fortune that Was Messier than Davy Jones's Locker

  • I just had one of the best Sea of Thieves sessions I've had in a long time. So I hopped on Sea of Thieves to hopefully do a Legend of the Veil with 2 or 3 of my friends, but I could only do it with one. We hopped on my sloop, voted up Athena, got supplies, and set sails. We got the first stone easily, but has difficulty with the second stone because we didn't use our brains and use the lantern we got from Belle to see if anything was around that only the lantern could show, and when it said to light the braziers, I thought it meant the brazier at the top of Kraken's Fall. Also, we had a brig come close to us, they will be important later.

    Then a sloop showed up but did nothing, because it was a new player, and a little bit after their arrival, a FoF went up. Then the brig from earlier was at the island and was parked looking like it showed up a little bit ago, and it probably did and we didn't see it because of the rocks. We asked the brig if they wanted to alliance, and we did, and we went to the fort and they would join us later. I shot out a cannon to see if that sloop from earlier wanted to alliance, but they were new and didn't understand, so whatever. We got to the fort and there was a sloop there, and we tried to alliance, but they attacked. We engaged, and they brought a keg on our ship, but they made the mistake of dropping it, and my friend in superhero fashion picked up the keg, jumped off the boat, and sacrificed himself to save the ship. We kept fighting, I killed a guy in the water with a keg, and I was going to use that keg against them, but his teammate was trying to harpoon me, but he harpooned the keg and I threw a blunder bomb, setting it off, but they didn't sink. We kept fighting what seemed to be a long fight, but our brig friends joined the party and expedited the process.

    We did the fort, with us all accidentally killing each other, though I surprisingly died the least amount of times. We defeated the boss using some tridents they had. We decided to touch all the Athena kegs and mega kegs so we would get the most emissary value possible. We then tried to bury them so we could steal each other's map bundle, and after I had buried an Athena keg, my friend accidentally dug it back up once, and there was no stopping that think, and it blew up the other legs. Ok, so no midnight blades mask for my friend. The brig then said that they wanted the Chest of Fortune and the Chest of Legends, but I wanted the Chest of Legends, so we did a gentlemen's duel for it. There was a trident in play, I played it, getting my opponent down to where if anything shot him we would have died, and in the end I lost, probably should have just dived in with sword ans blunderbuss, which I'm great at. They got the two main chests and we got the rest.

    They sold while we loaded up, then we sold everything, and I friended one of them and tried with the others but we were getting drunk. Then they started attacking our ship to celebrate, but we had a grade 5 emissary, so we had to lower it before sinking, luckily I told my friend to vote to lower it after we sold everything but before we were attacked. I wasn't drunk anymore so I climbed my way up the spire of Ancient Spire, lowering it before we sunk, giving us 10k. I then told them that that was an adrenaline rush. I tried to friend the other 2, but I was killed in their celebration, but I'm sure they're all friends so it don't matter. I then hopped off the server, and bought myself another sloop that I called The Food Sloop that my friend and I would use to sell meats to players, so if you see a sloop called The Food Sloop, stop by and buy some meats and fruits with some treasures and we have fair and generous bargaining standards. I think I had gained like 200k to 250k, so that payed for the sloop by itself or almost by itself.

    All I got to say is that I won't be going on my Xbox for the next 3 days cuz I severely went over my time limit.

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  • alt text

    Sir, please separate your thoughts into paragraphs.

  • @zig-zag-ltu

    I will edit this into paragraph.

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