Anyone Know How They Did It?

  • My friend and I sunk a galleon ship and took a fort of fortune. We specifically checked everywhere on the island for mermaids but there were none at all. We open the stronghold and start loading the treasure onto the rowboat when our ship exploded. There was no rowboat in sight, no ship no nothing. There were two pirates that sunk the ship and killed both of us. These weren't the pirates from the previous galleon. When we tried going back for the loot knowing they didn't have a way out cause they blew up our rowboat we found our loot still there but the chest of legends and chest of fortune were both gone? No idea how they could get out of there so fast. I tried checking the whole island for buried spots but there were none either. They basically somehow took the two chests and left the rest of the loot to us. Anyone know how they could have escaped like that? The fort was keel haul...

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  • Stealth/sneaky plays are like any other style. Some get very very good at it as that's their thing.

    I've seen a piece of loot taken from some of the more experienced crews in the game. I've had loot taken off me. I knew they were there and they were still that stealthy.

    Sometimes it's right time right place and someone just pulls off a great steal in the moment and sometimes it's one of the people/crews that are really into it, have the reps, and the performance is impressive.

  • @krockiefish
    These guys are what I like to call "Aquatic Pirates." They don't use their ships or a rowboat; they just swim. I've encountered something similar twice before:

    The first time, I was sunk by a crew, but was able to get away using a rowboat I had; I made it all the way to just outside Plunder Outpost before someone swimming freely in the water killed me.

    The second time I was parked at a Treasury, I had just dove down to complete the event when I noticed my ship sailing away. (just moments ago, I had checked and double-checked all of the Tuck spots on my sloop) One pirate swimming in the ocean decided to board my ship and take it for a joy ride. I only know this because as soon as I got back on my boat via mermaid, the pirate jumped off my boat and began swimming in a different direction. (I lost him in the water, and that was the end of it)

    I'm convinced Michael Phelps and Katie Ledecky play this game in their spare time. :)

  • This HitboTC video explains the basics of how to do it

    It takes practice and a quite a bit of luck.
    I can probably count my actual steals (that didn't involve sinking them with a boat) on one hand. It can be difficult to pull it off, but when you do the game has no other rush like it

  • @krockiefish if they where hiding on your ship there would be no mermaids

  • You can swim pretty far armed with 5 pineapples (1,000 heath) and knowing how to evade shark attacks.

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