Why am I forced to either cheat or quit the battles?

  • As the title says, why am I forced to either cheat to win or quit and lose in the ship battles? I cannot get a solo battle anymore where the other player wants to actually battle. They either want an invite to have us both win or they run and never fire off a shot wearing my time down so that I eventually quit. Now I know I'll get the "Just chase em down and sink em" routine...but if they constantly run and never turn back... That makes for a VERY boring battle. I also don't want to have empty wins by inviting the other "loser" to my ship so they benefit off my win and spoils. And I don't want to continue dumping all of my coin in to supplies for said battle, but if I don't then I run out trying to sink the runners and now its just a session of Ring Around the Rosie until I have to quit due to time.
    Can't Rare add a timer to the battle or make it that if one player doesn't partake after a certain amount of time their hourglass breaks like it does going out of bounds? Why do the legit players have to be punished and not the cheaters/runners?

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  • Or just take the win. I mean you’re there to win, why are you complaining that someone isn’t losing when you inv them?

    If it’s so common, why are you wasting your gold on resources too?

    I get that people want the thrill of PvP but most people who want to get the curse PvP wise have done it already I reckon, and those still trying are the ones avoiding the PvP but want the curse and would rather farm losses or just ask for inv.

    Tbf it’s on Rare they’re allowing the invite system to work, if this was patched by the 1st month of season 8, the meta wouldn’t exist.

  • If I have time and the person just keeps running because I haven't invited them, I just sit in the center of the circle and fish. It slows down their invite farming and eventually they might come to attack. If not, put the pressure on them HARD, ram their ship, board, etc. I know it can be frustrating, but I don't feel there's a need to add a timer or shrinking circle or anything. If I lose I want it to be because I LOST, not because they had more kills than me within 15 minutes or whatever.

    Actually had a ship that I encountered 3 times on Community Day in pretty quick succession (I was only able to be on for about 3 hours total). They wanted me to invite them, and each time I rolled up, fired a warning shot, and then opened fire. The first 2 times they sank fairly quickly. The 3rd time they actually put up a fight, and it was a pretty close match! They still sunk, so I'm sure they weren't too pleased, but they still gave me a "Well played!" at the end and probably had a bit more fun as the match was so close.

  • Nobody is forced too “cheat”. That all the player choice.

  • I wouldn't toy with justifying the violation of your principles even in hyperbole

    people often don't bounce over a line they tip toe towards it with bits and pieces of resentment and internal justification, often under the guise of humor or exaggeration.

  • @burnbacon
    Your right... It is the players "choice" to cheat or not. So then the only other option is to quit and lose because the player who wants the invite to win merely runs eating up time until us legit players bail. So back to the title... why are we forced to cheat...or juke the system if it makes you feel better... or quit and lose?

  • I've never lost to a runner. Siblnking then isn't that hard.

  • @bosstonez "forced to cheat". Just curious, cheat in what way?

  • A diminishing circle would work...

  • @thegingrprince said in Why am I forced to either cheat or quit the battles?:

    @bosstonez "forced to cheat". Just curious, cheat in what way?

    Lol, someone admitting to cheating? Gasp! 😲

  • @tesiccl said in Why am I forced to either cheat or quit the battles?:

    Or just take the win. I mean you’re there to win, why are you complaining that someone isn’t losing when you inv them?

    There's nothing fun in not fighting for the win. I personally don't feel any joy when im gifted a free win, I'd rather fight for it. Why? Because it's fun, and fun is why video games exist. Do people actually get dopamine from winning even if they did nothing to get it?

  • @zerrryy 1000% agree

  • @sss-zan said in Why am I forced to either cheat or quit the battles?:

    A diminishing circle would work...

    NO it would not. They would still run.

  • @zerrryy you’re trying to police what people find fun or not, not what this game is about. If giving someone the win gives me joy, then yes I’ll do it, is that the most “fun” way I could play? No. Why? Because it’s my choice.

  • @personalc0ffee said in Why am I forced to either cheat or quit the battles?:

    @sss-zan said in Why am I forced to either cheat or quit the battles?:

    A diminishing circle would work...

    NO it would not. They would still run.
    Run WHERE? A diminishing circle means less and less room to run!

  • @sss-zan said in Why am I forced to either cheat or quit the battles?:

    @personalc0ffee said in Why am I forced to either cheat or quit the battles?:

    @sss-zan said in Why am I forced to either cheat or quit the battles?:

    A diminishing circle would work...

    NO it would not. They would still run.
    Run WHERE? A diminishing circle means less and less room to run!

    They will still run it doesn't matter if it shrinks, they are still going to do it. It will not stop players entering the mode that do not want to pvp yet want the rewards.

  • Ummm... cheating is a choice.
    Parley is a choice.
    Turning the damned thing off is a choice.

  • @tesiccl

    Tbh, it’s on Rare, where they’re allowing the invite system to work. If this was patched by the 1st month of season 8, the meta wouldn’t exist.

    Where is the money in fixing their system when content and reskins are much better? There is no point in trying to fix their game.

  • I ran 3 fights this morning. The first was a hard fight that I ended up losing as the guy outplayed me. The second I won because the other guy simply ran for the edge. The third I ended up being completely wrecked.

    All in all, since I started tracking my solo sloop PVP log, I've had 16 fights. Of those only 3 have had runners. And of those, 2 were literally the same guy running twice in a row. Granted ~20% is a high amount, but it isn't anywhere near what you are making it out to be. Yes, I have a small sample size, but confirmation bias is a thing, and I suspect you are falling for it.

    I find HG runners annoying, because I'm trying to learn to PVP better, and these guys are robbing me of that chance each fight. I'll take the win, but winning/grinding isn't the reason I'm in HG right now.

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