Draw system

  • in the new pvp mode I notice that most people try to run away and make figth way longuer than necesary so we should put a time limit like 20 min and if no one is sunk until the 20 min timer is over then its a draw and the invader get merge into a other server but no one get any sand in the hourglass

  • 13
  • @gibusman2 Big no for me, because that would only incentivize teams that are losing to keep running so they can get a draw instead.

  • There needs to be a victor in this. If you go for a while and its fairly even for a bit, then your seconds away from a win and time runs out, thats going to annoy people beyond measure.

  • There DOES need to be a way top stop fights from dragging on for too long.

    But i don't like the idea of a draw.

    Maybe a new emergent encounter could be spawned once the time passes a certain threshold, to help one of the ships along on their trip to davy jones.

    Be kind of cool, if the fight is close enough, for it to draw the attention of flameheart and ramsey. They could spawn in the sky and throw down flaming balls of fire/lightning bolts and help support their allies, namely us.

  • @cpt-redmane

    There seems to be a severe lack of Flamey since his "return"...

  • @pithyrumble

    Aye, first he didn't shut up, now he has joined Ramsey in doing nothing but sitting on his behind and yelling about the glory days. :P

  • but no one get any sand in the hourglass

    Pointless. So pretty much if you are already at 100 or have your Rewards, you can just mess with people who are wanting a fight, Draw. Thus nobody wins but upset the other crew. Troll.
    No thanks.

    Draw isn't on the table.
    I say, the ship who dealt the most damage at the end of a "Timer" should get the win. Damage measured by cannons fired/hit. Mast destroyed worth x2 or something.

  • @burnbacon I would instead go for the Battle royale solution, reduce the area until there's no escape from the enemy attacks.

  • I know it's not gonna happen, but it'd be nice if the devs chimed in every now and then, so we don't see the same topics pop up repeatedly.

    Not a fan of PvE or RNG interference where SBMM is involved.

    I've seen suggestions for time limits and suggestions for a shrinking boundary, and I think either of them would work. As far as incentivizing some sort of draw meta strategy, this can be avoided if the reward for a draw is less than the reward for a loss.

    I read in another thread that every loss is 1/14th of a level. So then every draw could be 1/28th of a level or something ridiculously disincentivizing.

  • @theblackbellamy Then going for a draw would still be a good bluffing strategy if you know you can't win. The better ship would then be put in a spot that they have to either forfeit a match they were the better one in, or take the draw and get less XP...

    Besides that it also makes no sense: why would you get less XP if you don't lose...

  • @super87ghost Forgot to include this in my last reply, but I brought it up in a similar thread recently. What the current system lacks is time limits as well as a tie breaker. A scoring system that keeps track of cannon hits & kills (like Arena did) could be used as the tie breaker in the type of situation you're worried about.

    Maybe a match can last for 10 min, at which point if neither ship has sunk, then the ship with most cannon hits wins. If the score is close, within a few cannon hits, then it could go into OT. Which could either be an additional time limit that is ultimately decided by first-to-sink or the final score; or a shrinking boundary, which would force the fight to come to an end more effectively.

    And why would you get less XP for a draw than a loss? To avoid incentivizing "teams that are losing to keep running, so they can get a draw instead." If they get more XP for a loss, they will at least be incentivized more to participate and take a loss, rather than waste time and take a draw.

  • I think a better way to streamline fights would be that after like 10 minutes the safe zone starts slowly shrinking

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