Rare fix this game

  • Have y’all played the solo slooper life, especially on Xbox lately? I urge you to plug in an xbox one and try to play this game. 1min load times off the ferry of the damn. Repeat spawnson the same spot constantly and having 0 chance of fighting back after being boarded?

    Maybe just maybe make some quality of life updates instead of these stupid updates that bring nothing to the game.

    How about making some code where if you die after within 10 seconds of spawn the game decided a to stop dropping me in the same spawn I’ve died in for the fourth time in a row. I don’t [mod edit] care where, just not the respawn area where 3 men are waiting for me with a blunderbuss to instantly send me back through two load screens

    Maybe just maybe while on the cannon, and the A button which literally does nothing, loads a chain shot instead of me having to fumble through a menu to pick it and then load it like PC can do?

    Maybe just maybe listen to players and take their consideration that the Ferry of the damn has no business being in this game, and put a respawn timer into play, so we don’t have to go through two stupid [mod edit] load screens, that always very in the amount of time spent loading.

    Like Jesus, I enjoy the PVP, but your making your console community fight an up hill battle.

  • 16
    xbox onefeedback
  • @wicked-sl4yer As gamer I understand your frustration, yet in the same time I invite you to retrace your steps and see what you as a player can do better.

    The loading times are not as bad as before, still they can be improved; meanwhile if you are boarded and there is no escape from that position you can always scuttle.

    The use of cannons becomes almost a second nature once you have enough experience and keep in mind that the best traits of a sloop are maneuverability and speed.

    Furthermore if you think that solo sloop (which in SOT is the hard mode) is too hard, try a bigger ship and recruit a new crew.

  • First and foremost in this response, I will have to ask that you be mindful of your words and to not bypass our filter.

    That said, and in regards to your cannon issue specifically, you can hold the left bumper while holding on to a cannon and pick the ammo that you want to use. It's literally the same function I use on PC, but I of course hit the Q button on my keyboard rather than a bumper button on a controller. Or another idea would be to assign your cannonballs to a hotkey. I personally use the R3 (depress right stick) to cycle through them. Just some tips to try and assist for future endeavors.

  • This is a prime example of an inexperienced pirate, who is emotionally-charged, trying to change the game for their own shortcomings by asking for a feature that is already, well, a feature.

    @Wicked-Sl4yer Believe me when I say, you're not the 1st 1 - not by a long-shot. Try asking for help 1st.

    Don't like being outnumbered? Join a crew!

    Don't like being spawn-camped? Scuttle your ship - it's in the crew submenu.

    Don't like being boarded that leads to being spawn-camped? Defend your ladders!

    Don't want to watch your ladders? Then listen for the difference in sound a cannon makes when firing a pirate as opposed to a cannonball, or for the sound of splashing water coming from a nearby swimming pirate.

    See a swimming pirate or hear that unique cannon sound? Turn away from the opposing ship's broadside!

    There are so many solutions if you just calm down and take a moment to think a bit and actually learn!

    All of the mistakes that YOU made led to this moment. Learn from it!

    Start by going into your settings menu and looking at your controls - I'm sure you'll be surprised at what else you learn is in there since you didn't know about the cannonball selection.

    Finally, let me know if you have any questions - I will be happy to answer them for you.

  • urge you to plug in an xbox one and try to play this game. 1min load times off the ferry of the damn. Repeat spawnson the same spot constantly and having 0 chance of fighting back after being boarded?

    Sounds to be the machine problem and not the game. I upgraded to Xbox one X and those loading times are a thing of the past. 10 seconds or less

    0 chance at fighting back? Scuttle. You already lost. And it mostly solo sloops who suffer. I do as well but I know when I’m beat.

    Don’t the games problem, but the players mind set

  • @burnbacon said in Rare fix this game:

    urge you to plug in an xbox one and try to play this game. 1min load times off the ferry of the damn. Repeat spawnson the same spot constantly and having 0 chance of fighting back after being boarded?

    Sounds to be the machine problem and not the game. I upgraded to Xbox one X and those loading times are a thing of the past. 10 seconds or less

    0 chance at fighting back? Scuttle. You already lost. And it mostly solo sloops who suffer. I do as well but I know when I’m beat.

    Don’t the games problem, but the players mind set

    Remember to be specific and direct with your advice; an Xbox One X can still have slow load times, like with what he is experiencing - a Series X/S or a SSD, however... That's what he actually needs to reduce those loading times.

  • Personally I (and my crewmates) encounter consistently long black load screens all the time recently, from 1 to 2 minutes on certain servers and 1 or 2 seconds on others. I should add that I play on a beast of a rig, SSD, 32gb of ram, rtx 3070 and an i7-10700. The load screens should never take more than 5 seconds so there is definitely an issue that isn't just about old hardware.

    Apart from that, all of your other concerns can be remedied by getting better at the game. I should add that sloop is the weakest ship on the sea and playing solo is the hardest way to play the game. I recommend starting on a larger ship, there are nice "looking for crew" channels on discord that can help you form a reliable team.

  • @alienmagi said in Rare fix this game:

    Personally I (and my crewmates) encounter consistently long black load screens all the time recently, from 1 to 2 minutes on certain servers and 1 or 2 seconds on others. I should add that I play on a beast of a rig, SSD, 32gb of ram, rtx 3070 and an i7-10700. The load screens should never take more than 5 seconds so there is definitely an issue that isn't just about old hardware.

    Apart from that, all of your other concerns can be remedied by getting better at the game. I should add that sloop is the weakest ship on the sea and playing solo is the hardest way to play the game. I recommend starting on a larger ship, there are nice "looking for crew" channels on discord that can help you form a reliable team.

    I will admit, even I encountered a random 2+ minute black screen for the 1st time ever just last week. 😅

    Clarify what makes the sloop weak - it's not weak when it comes to durability or manueverability or when sailing directly against the wind, for example. If it's the weakest overall (which I personally disagree with), then describe why. Otherwise your claim lacks context and/or supporting evidence.

  • @galactic-geek said in Rare fix this game:

    @alienmagi said in Rare fix this game:

    Personally I (and my crewmates) encounter consistently long black load screens all the time recently, from 1 to 2 minutes on certain servers and 1 or 2 seconds on others. I should add that I play on a beast of a rig, SSD, 32gb of ram, rtx 3070 and an i7-10700. The load screens should never take more than 5 seconds so there is definitely an issue that isn't just about old hardware.

    Apart from that, all of your other concerns can be remedied by getting better at the game. I should add that sloop is the weakest ship on the sea and playing solo is the hardest way to play the game. I recommend starting on a larger ship, there are nice "looking for crew" channels on discord that can help you form a reliable team.

    I will admit, even I encountered a random 2+ minute black screen for the 1st time ever just last week. 😅

    Clarify what makes the sloop weak - it's not weak when it comes to durability or manueverability or when sailing directly against the wind, for example. If it's the weakest overall (which I personally disagree with), then describe why. Otherwise your claim lacks context and/or supporting evidence.

    Well the sloop of course has a maneuverability and durability advantage but there are other reasons why I think its the weakest, such as:

    • It has only 1 mast so it can be immobilized very easily, at which point a few blunderbombs or a double boarding can get it sunk very swiftly.

    • It only allows for 2 crew members. If the sloop and the bigger enemy ship are on simillar levels of skill the 3v2 player advantage makes a big difference. For example, on a brig or gally you can have 2 people reliably guarding the ladders, while on a sloop you'd need the whole crew to stop managing the ship to do so. On the other hand, when a sloop is in a tight spot, a brig or gally can usually spare 2 boarders easily while still being in control of their ship. Another good example scenario would be a gally just using ram strategy, sending 3 players on the sloop making it a 3v2 TDM while the 1 player on thr gally repairs their hull. Normally this results in an easy sink.

    • The sloop only has 1 cannon on each side. This is a huge disadvantage, when you are exchanging broadside with a sloop you only have to aim at the one cannon to keep it from firing theirs and it usually results in me hitting them in the face instantly killing them. On larger ships you can switch between cannons while dodging enemy projectiles.

    • Considering the size of the sloop's hull its's also easy to damage the repairing player with blunderbombs, or just sending the pirate flying off the ship even with regular cannonballs.

    • Even though the slooo has its maneuverability advantages, if the brig or gally's sails are fully raised, they can easily track the sloop with their broadside when the sloop is trying to circle around it. This normally results in the bigger ship having 1 repair person tanking while everyone else on the crew unloads their fury at the sloop's 1 highly vulnerable cannon and mast.

    Of course, when you come across a less skilled brig or galleon you can easily sink them if you're experienced, but if each crew is around the same skill level and if the sloop doesnt have some great curseballs available, in my experience (I do a lot of PvP) the sloop will always sink in this scenario.

  • @alienmagi said in Rare fix this game:

    @galactic-geek said in Rare fix this game:

    @alienmagi said in Rare fix this game:

    Personally I (and my crewmates) encounter consistently long black load screens all the time recently, from 1 to 2 minutes on certain servers and 1 or 2 seconds on others. I should add that I play on a beast of a rig, SSD, 32gb of ram, rtx 3070 and an i7-10700. The load screens should never take more than 5 seconds so there is definitely an issue that isn't just about old hardware.

    Apart from that, all of your other concerns can be remedied by getting better at the game. I should add that sloop is the weakest ship on the sea and playing solo is the hardest way to play the game. I recommend starting on a larger ship, there are nice "looking for crew" channels on discord that can help you form a reliable team.

    I will admit, even I encountered a random 2+ minute black screen for the 1st time ever just last week. 😅

    Clarify what makes the sloop weak - it's not weak when it comes to durability or manueverability or when sailing directly against the wind, for example. If it's the weakest overall (which I personally disagree with), then describe why. Otherwise your claim lacks context and/or supporting evidence.

    Well the sloop of course has a maneuverability and durability advantage but there are other reasons why I think its the weakest, such as:

    • It has only 1 mast so it can be immobilized very easily, at which point a few blunderbombs or a double boarding can get it sunk very swiftly.

    2 pirates can raise it very quickly. If they're trying to blunderbomb you off of the ropes, its blast radius typically won't reach to the other side, so that means 1 pirate can finish raising the mast, provided they're on the far side from the bombs.

    As for double boarding, I would be honored if they tried that, as it means they consider me a real threat, having devoted a minimum of half their manpower to do it.

    • It only allows for 2 crew members. If the sloop and the bigger enemy ship are on simillar levels of skill

    I have personally never liked this argument because any seasoned pirate worth their salt knows that in reality, no such thing actually exists. Every crew is drastically different in terms of skill due to SO many factors.

    the 3v2 player advantage makes a big difference. For example, on a brig or gally you can have 2 people reliably guarding the ladders, while on a sloop you'd need the whole crew to stop managing the ship to do so. On the other hand, when a sloop is in a tight spot, a brig or gally can usually spare 2 boarders easily while still being in control of their ship.

    I don’t think this is as true as you think it is. They can spare the crew, sure, but be in control? Not really. A few good cannon shots after half their crew leaves, and it becomes an easy sink as the remaining crew are quickly overwhelmed.

    Another good example scenario would be a gally just using ram strategy, sending 3 players on the sloop making it a 3v2 TDM while the 1 player on thr gally repairs their hull. Normally this results in an easy sink.

    First, a galleon ramming a sloop? Never going to happen against an experienced crew. Second, if it does, I think that has more to do with the lack of skill or awareness of from the sloop crew.

    • The sloop only has 1 cannon on each side. This is a huge disadvantage, when you are exchanging broadside with a sloop you only have to aim at the one cannon to keep it from firing theirs and it usually results in me hitting them in the face instantly killing them. On larger ships you can switch between cannons while dodging enemy projectiles.

    If a sloop is on another ship's broadside, then they're already making mistakes unless they have a plan in place - like a well-placed peaceball.

    • Considering the size of the sloop's hull its's also easy to damage the repairing player with blunderbombs, or just sending the pirate flying off the ship even with regular cannonballs.

    As long as the sloop remains moving, bombs won't be very effective. As long as the pirate is interacting with something, they won't be sent overboard either, since they'll just be knocked off of whatever it was they were interacting with; it acts as kind of an anchor point in that way.

    • Even though the sloop has its maneuverability advantages, if the brig or gally's sails are fully raised, they can easily track the sloop with their broadside when the sloop is trying to circle around it. This normally results in the bigger ship having 1 repair person tanking while everyone else on the crew unloads their fury at the sloop's 1 highly vulnerable cannon and mast.

    And it makes the bigger ship an easier target for the sloop, especially at a distance, while the sloop remains a small and nimble target.

    You also neglect the amount of left-and-right swivel larger ships have with their cannons - compared to a sloop, it's not much. To get the same range side-to-side you would have to constantly switch cannons or devote more of your crew to your cannons.

    Of course, when you come across a less skilled brig or galleon you can easily sink them if you're experienced, but if each crew is around the same skill level and if the sloop doesnt have some great curseballs available, in my experience (I do a lot of PvP) the sloop will always sink in this scenario.

    Always? Now you're just making assumptions.

  • @wicked-sl4yer пишет в Rare fix this game:

    Maybe just maybe listen to players and take their consideration that the Ferry of the damn has no business being in this game, and put a respawn timer into play, so we don’t have to go through two stupid [mod edit] load screens, that always very in the amount of time spent loading.

    Exactly. The Ferry is probably ruining PvP the most. I don't understand how devs came to conclusion that forcing players through loading screens in the middle of a fight where every second matters is a good idea. Just slap a damn black screen when I'm dead and let me stay on my ship instead of torturing me with extreme loading times.

  • @rustyaldrich said in Rare fix this game:

    @wicked-sl4yer пишет в Rare fix this game:

    Maybe just maybe listen to players and take their consideration that the Ferry of the damn has no business being in this game, and put a respawn timer into play, so we don’t have to go through two stupid [mod edit] load screens, that always very in the amount of time spent loading.

    Exactly. The Ferry is probably ruining PvP the most. I don't understand how devs came to conclusion that forcing players through loading screens in the middle of a fight where every second matters is a good idea. Just slap a damn black screen when I'm dead and let me stay on my ship instead of torturing me with extreme loading times.

    They did something similar Arena - and I hated it.

  • @galactic-geek
    Literally anything other than two loading screens that sometimes glitch out and turn into infinite black screen even on top PCs will be better.

  • @galactic-geek said in Rare fix this game:

    They did something similar Arena - and I hated it.

    I would SO MUCH prefer the Arena style death/respawn sequence to be in Adventure as it pertains to PvP. I never remember experiencing the insane black screens in Arena.

    The only real benefit to visiting the ferry as it pertains to PvP is changing your weapon loadout.

    Maybe they could allow for 2 options upon death...

    Option 1: Don't "release" and follow the former Arena process
    Option 2: "Release" to the ferry and follow the current process

  • @galactic-geek said in Rare fix this game:

    @alienmagi said in Rare fix this game:

    @galactic-geek said in Rare fix this game:

    @alienmagi said in Rare fix this game:

    Personally I (and my crewmates) encounter consistently long black load screens all the time recently, from 1 to 2 minutes on certain servers and 1 or 2 seconds on others. I should add that I play on a beast of a rig, SSD, 32gb of ram, rtx 3070 and an i7-10700. The load screens should never take more than 5 seconds so there is definitely an issue that isn't just about old hardware.

    Apart from that, all of your other concerns can be remedied by getting better at the game. I should add that sloop is the weakest ship on the sea and playing solo is the hardest way to play the game. I recommend starting on a larger ship, there are nice "looking for crew" channels on discord that can help you form a reliable team.

    I will admit, even I encountered a random 2+ minute black screen for the 1st time ever just last week. 😅

    Clarify what makes the sloop weak - it's not weak when it comes to durability or manueverability or when sailing directly against the wind, for example. If it's the weakest overall (which I personally disagree with), then describe why. Otherwise your claim lacks context and/or supporting evidence.

    Well the sloop of course has a maneuverability and durability advantage but there are other reasons why I think its the weakest, such as:

    • It has only 1 mast so it can be immobilized very easily, at which point a few blunderbombs or a double boarding can get it sunk very swiftly.

    2 pirates can raise it very quickly. If they're trying to blunderbomb you off of the ropes, its blast radius typically won't reach to the other side, so that means 1 pirate can finish raising the mast, provided they're on the far side from the bombs.

    As for double boarding, I would be honored if they tried that, as it means they consider me a real threat, having devoted a minimum of half their manpower to do it.

    • It only allows for 2 crew members. If the sloop and the bigger enemy ship are on simillar levels of skill

    I have personally never liked this argument because any seasoned pirate worth their salt knows that in reality, no such thing actually exists. Every crew is drastically different in terms of skill due to SO many factors.

    the 3v2 player advantage makes a big difference. For example, on a brig or gally you can have 2 people reliably guarding the ladders, while on a sloop you'd need the whole crew to stop managing the ship to do so. On the other hand, when a sloop is in a tight spot, a brig or gally can usually spare 2 boarders easily while still being in control of their ship.

    I don’t think this is as true as you think it is. They can spare the crew, sure, but be in control? Not really. A few good cannon shots after half their crew leaves, and it becomes an easy sink as the remaining crew are quickly overwhelmed.

    Another good example scenario would be a gally just using ram strategy, sending 3 players on the sloop making it a 3v2 TDM while the 1 player on thr gally repairs their hull. Normally this results in an easy sink.

    First, a galleon ramming a sloop? Never going to happen against an experienced crew. Second, if it does, I think that has more to do with the lack of skill or awareness of from the sloop crew.

    • The sloop only has 1 cannon on each side. This is a huge disadvantage, when you are exchanging broadside with a sloop you only have to aim at the one cannon to keep it from firing theirs and it usually results in me hitting them in the face instantly killing them. On larger ships you can switch between cannons while dodging enemy projectiles.

    If a sloop is on another ship's broadside, then they're already making mistakes unless they have a plan in place - like a well-placed peaceball.

    • Considering the size of the sloop's hull its's also easy to damage the repairing player with blunderbombs, or just sending the pirate flying off the ship even with regular cannonballs.

    As long as the sloop remains moving, bombs won't be very effective. As long as the pirate is interacting with something, they won't be sent overboard either, since they'll just be knocked off of whatever it was they were interacting with; it acts as kind of an anchor point in that way.

    • Even though the sloop has its maneuverability advantages, if the brig or gally's sails are fully raised, they can easily track the sloop with their broadside when the sloop is trying to circle around it. This normally results in the bigger ship having 1 repair person tanking while everyone else on the crew unloads their fury at the sloop's 1 highly vulnerable cannon and mast.

    And it makes the bigger ship an easier target for the sloop, especially at a distance, while the sloop remains a small and nimble target.

    You also neglect the amount of left-and-right swivel larger ships have with their cannons - compared to a sloop, it's not much. To get the same range side-to-side you would have to constantly switch cannons or devote more of your crew to your cannons.

    Of course, when you come across a less skilled brig or galleon you can easily sink them if you're experienced, but if each crew is around the same skill level and if the sloop doesnt have some great curseballs available, in my experience (I do a lot of PvP) the sloop will always sink in this scenario.

    Always? Now you're just making assumptions.

    I dont think we are in disagreement here. Yes the sloop will win easily if they are better. I think you may be underestimating my experience, I have just over. 1.5k hours in the game, I did tons of PvP in both arena and adventure (got good boy ship set) . My argument for the sloop being the weakest ship only applies if we assume that both crews are on a simillar skill level. I have never in all my playtime lost to a sloop as a gally when I am with my other pvp enthusiastic veteran crewmates, no matter if the sloop is LSD/TSD and if they have curseballs (Im sure I just jinxed myself).

    It's okay if you disagree, I just wanted to show my point of view.

  • @alienmagi said in Rare fix this game:

    @galactic-geek said in Rare fix this game:

    @alienmagi said in Rare fix this game:

    @galactic-geek said in Rare fix this game:

    @alienmagi said in Rare fix this game:

    Personally I (and my crewmates) encounter consistently long black load screens all the time recently, from 1 to 2 minutes on certain servers and 1 or 2 seconds on others. I should add that I play on a beast of a rig, SSD, 32gb of ram, rtx 3070 and an i7-10700. The load screens should never take more than 5 seconds so there is definitely an issue that isn't just about old hardware.

    Apart from that, all of your other concerns can be remedied by getting better at the game. I should add that sloop is the weakest ship on the sea and playing solo is the hardest way to play the game. I recommend starting on a larger ship, there are nice "looking for crew" channels on discord that can help you form a reliable team.

    I will admit, even I encountered a random 2+ minute black screen for the 1st time ever just last week. 😅

    Clarify what makes the sloop weak - it's not weak when it comes to durability or manueverability or when sailing directly against the wind, for example. If it's the weakest overall (which I personally disagree with), then describe why. Otherwise your claim lacks context and/or supporting evidence.

    Well the sloop of course has a maneuverability and durability advantage but there are other reasons why I think its the weakest, such as:

    • It has only 1 mast so it can be immobilized very easily, at which point a few blunderbombs or a double boarding can get it sunk very swiftly.

    2 pirates can raise it very quickly. If they're trying to blunderbomb you off of the ropes, its blast radius typically won't reach to the other side, so that means 1 pirate can finish raising the mast, provided they're on the far side from the bombs.

    As for double boarding, I would be honored if they tried that, as it means they consider me a real threat, having devoted a minimum of half their manpower to do it.

    • It only allows for 2 crew members. If the sloop and the bigger enemy ship are on simillar levels of skill

    I have personally never liked this argument because any seasoned pirate worth their salt knows that in reality, no such thing actually exists. Every crew is drastically different in terms of skill due to SO many factors.

    the 3v2 player advantage makes a big difference. For example, on a brig or gally you can have 2 people reliably guarding the ladders, while on a sloop you'd need the whole crew to stop managing the ship to do so. On the other hand, when a sloop is in a tight spot, a brig or gally can usually spare 2 boarders easily while still being in control of their ship.

    I don’t think this is as true as you think it is. They can spare the crew, sure, but be in control? Not really. A few good cannon shots after half their crew leaves, and it becomes an easy sink as the remaining crew are quickly overwhelmed.

    Another good example scenario would be a gally just using ram strategy, sending 3 players on the sloop making it a 3v2 TDM while the 1 player on thr gally repairs their hull. Normally this results in an easy sink.

    First, a galleon ramming a sloop? Never going to happen against an experienced crew. Second, if it does, I think that has more to do with the lack of skill or awareness of from the sloop crew.

    • The sloop only has 1 cannon on each side. This is a huge disadvantage, when you are exchanging broadside with a sloop you only have to aim at the one cannon to keep it from firing theirs and it usually results in me hitting them in the face instantly killing them. On larger ships you can switch between cannons while dodging enemy projectiles.

    If a sloop is on another ship's broadside, then they're already making mistakes unless they have a plan in place - like a well-placed peaceball.

    • Considering the size of the sloop's hull its's also easy to damage the repairing player with blunderbombs, or just sending the pirate flying off the ship even with regular cannonballs.

    As long as the sloop remains moving, bombs won't be very effective. As long as the pirate is interacting with something, they won't be sent overboard either, since they'll just be knocked off of whatever it was they were interacting with; it acts as kind of an anchor point in that way.

    • Even though the sloop has its maneuverability advantages, if the brig or gally's sails are fully raised, they can easily track the sloop with their broadside when the sloop is trying to circle around it. This normally results in the bigger ship having 1 repair person tanking while everyone else on the crew unloads their fury at the sloop's 1 highly vulnerable cannon and mast.

    And it makes the bigger ship an easier target for the sloop, especially at a distance, while the sloop remains a small and nimble target.

    You also neglect the amount of left-and-right swivel larger ships have with their cannons - compared to a sloop, it's not much. To get the same range side-to-side you would have to constantly switch cannons or devote more of your crew to your cannons.

    Of course, when you come across a less skilled brig or galleon you can easily sink them if you're experienced, but if each crew is around the same skill level and if the sloop doesnt have some great curseballs available, in my experience (I do a lot of PvP) the sloop will always sink in this scenario.

    Always? Now you're just making assumptions.

    I dont think we are in disagreement here. Yes the sloop will win easily if they are better. I think you may be underestimating my experience, I have just over. 1.5k hours in the game, I did tons of PvP in both arena and adventure (got good boy ship set) . My argument for the sloop being the weakest ship only applies if we assume that both crews are on a simillar skill level. I have never in all my playtime lost to a sloop as a gally when I am with my other pvp enthusiastic veteran crewmates, no matter if the sloop is LSD/TSD and if they have curseballs (Im sure I just jinxed myself).

    It's okay if disagree, I just wanted to show my point of view.

    Fair, I suppose. I too have the Good Boy set (not sure about hours though), but I have had galleons sink to sloops - then again, I don't have a dedicated crew like you seem to have.

xbox onefeedback
14 out of 16