PVP Issue

  • @jeteagle101 said in PVP Issue:

    @targasbr I understand the basics of the game I've been playing it since it came out overall it's still the same just throughout the years it took me a long time just to reach the title I wanted

    So you possibly understood the part that speaks: “The joy of SoT is not knowing what another player's intentions are, or how good they are. It's the thrill of 'Do I fight or do I run?' as you see sails heading towards you. Something at the heart of SoT would have to change for us to move away from this as a concept.” Right?

  • @jeteagle101 sagte in PVP Issue:

    @a10dr4651 if you sink a ship at an outpost because of the fact that you don't trust players how do you know as far as anybody would know there are good players who won't even attack you or steal your loot or they're trying to tell you we're friendly we don't mean you no harm we just want to have a fun time on sea of thieves

    You don’t know, but better don't risk it

  • @schwammlgott I actually interact with a lot of players on PVP most of them are just trying to make it through the game and at the end of the day make it through with no issues and some of them do want to work more as a team then work against cuz the only benefit I see alliance is the fact he get partial treasure and partial XP for reputation

  • @pithyrumble Just out of interest, because I never have before, I just switched on 'xbox preferred' servers.

    Spawned at Galleon's Grave, saw a Sloop at Dagger Tooth, sailed over and they'd quit. Turned and saw a Brig had spawned behind me at Galleon's Grave, so went back, fired a chainshot and couple of cannonballs, they scuttled and shouted the letters kys.

    On an Xbox server, which I had been on for probably five minutes if that. In the EU, in the middle of the day when most people are working, so you'd expect it to be quiet.

    Quicker toxicity than I've found in crossplay for months. Maybe it is more common on Xbox than people are pretending. After all, I just experienced it for myself.

  • @targasbr I would fight but only for defense I don't attack random people unless I have a reason and that's usually never because I have nothing against player just trying to level up their reputation or earn money in their embassy so they can unlock cosmetics for their ships or outfits

  • @jeteagle101 sagte in PVP Issue:

    @schwammlgott every game has its pros and cons and some games has its issues with other people that don't know how or what to do but just to do a field test to see what kind of results you would get from prospective then later on be debated on game development it would all just really depends

    So, making a field test in hope it works and possible wasting recources on something, OR staying as it is, because it's successful

    Also, if tested and then denied, the outcry from people like you would be massive, worse than it already is...no, better don’t risk that and keep on the ongoing success

  • @jeteagle101 sagte in PVP Issue:

    @schwammlgott I actually interact with a lot of players on PVP most of them are just trying to make it through the game and at the end of the day make it through with no issues and some of them do want to work more as a team then work against cuz the only benefit I see alliance is the fact he get partial treasure and partial XP for reputation

    So, with PvE servers or private servers or solo servers or whatever these interactions wouldn't be a thing, because no other ship is there

  • @jeteagle101 said in PVP Issue:

    @targasbr I would fight but only for defense I don't attack random people unless I have a reason and that's usually never because I have nothing against player just trying to level up their reputation or earn money in their embassy so they can unlock cosmetics for their ships or outfits

    First of all, you don't need a reason to attack another ship, the basis of the game is just that.
    And you didn't answer my question...
    You understand that the basis of the game is precisely a PvPvE game where the interaction between players can be anything, from an attack without any reason to an alliance where everyone can earn money (and can be betrayed too), right?

  • @schwammlgott there could be a possible possibility that if it was tested and was granted not only it would be successful but increase more sales and popularity to the game itself which there for be the number one top game in the top 20 or even higher than where it's at

  • @targasbr I'm aware of the games intentions and how they are played through players decision I just don't like the idea of it

  • @jeteagle101 said in PVP Issue:

    @targasbr I'm aware of the games intentions and how they are played through players decision I just don't like the idea of it

    Then possibly Sea of ​​Thieves is not the game for you.
    There are good games in this theme where you can farm in peace. Assassin's Creed Black Flag, Salt, Salt 2 (which if I'm not mistaken will be released soon and is very similar to SoT in many aspects), and my favorite, King of Seas. Have you tried any of them?

  • @jeteagle101 sagte in PVP Issue:

    @schwammlgott there could be a possible possibility that if it was tested and was granted not only it would be successful but increase more sales and popularity to the game itself which there for be the number one top game in the top 20 or even higher than where it's at

    And you think nobody at Rare thought about this? I'm pretty sure they did, but as it would be against theyr vision of the game and split the community they decided to leave it as it is...still there are people like you, who can't accept a decision made

  • @targasbr as I mentioned earlier in my post some people would say that this game is not made for everybody I believe it is everybody should at least have a chance to get where they want and unlock what they want to get

  • @jeteagle101 sagte in PVP Issue:

    @targasbr as I mentioned earlier in my post some people would say that this game is not made for everybody I believe it is everybody should at least have a chance to get where they want and unlock what they want to get

    Em...everybody has the chance to get where they want and unlock what they want...(except the time limited stuff)

  • @jeteagle101 said in PVP Issue:

    @targasbr as I mentioned earlier in my post some people would say that this game is not made for everybody I believe it is everybody should at least have a chance to get where they want and unlock what they want to get

    Absolutely! Everyone can go wherever they want and get whatever they want, but the truth is, if you're not willing to play chess and lose without wanting to change the rules, just play checkers.

  • @schwammlgott it's not that we don't accept their decision it's what we can't deal with constant attacks at Outpost for newly players or returning players and the fact that a player just doesn't want to do a voyage and put it in the work to earn loot but to stake out at outpost and wait for a random player to come and steal all the loot they found constantly spawn kill them, hack, or glitch that nobody knows how to deal with

  • I think you are looking at this game in the wrong way if losing abit of loot from the LoV quest and getting upset over it. It's an hours work tops. The loot in this game isn't about collecting it, the loot is there to serve as an incentive towards PvP encounters. That's the basic principle of this game.

    I'll make this clear, PvP'ing isn't toxic, sinking other ships isn't toxic and stealing peoples loot isn't toxic. Insults, spawn camping as a method of griefing and harassment is toxic.

    People can fight whoever they want, just like you don't owe anyone a fight. If you lose your loot, that is on you for not assessing the situation well enough. You are always at risk in this game, situational awareness is one of the greatest skill sets ti have in this game. Use it.

  • @a10dr4651 like every player I try to defend myself and protect my load as best I can but players always do find a way spawn camping hacking or even a glitch it does not help the situation any better even if I report it it doesn't do anything nothing gets fixed

  • @mintharp184509 said in PVP Issue:

    Alliance servers exist because Rare refuses to acknowledge the players who don’t want to PvP but still enjoy the PvE gameplay.

    Join one.

    They don't refuse to acknowledge it at all actually, most updates we see nowadays are focused on the PvE aspects of the game. The last especially combat-focused update I remember is blunderbombs and chainshots, otherwise, it's been PvE content that happens to also be stealable loot.

    I think a lot of people don't understand that not every game is for them, and that sometimes you can't have one without the other. You can enjoy the PvE content as much as you want, but as soon as you hit Set Sail, you sign up for the pirates life, your fault if you didn't learn to read, but hey that's certainly in the "pirate" spirit in a way...

  • Ahoy!

    We have given our thoughts on the topic of PvPvE and discussed it in an official Podcast here.

    There is also a thread for Custom servers here.

    Sea of Thieves will always be a shared-world adventure game, with elements of both PvP and PvE but Joe did speak about Custom Servers about a year ago. These servers will not offer Gold or progression IF they become available to the public. Private Servers are still being tested with our Partners.

    Dropping anchor on this now.


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