Captaincy is coming!

  • @realstyli sagte in Captaincy is coming!:


    Yeah, I saw that. But it's hard to tell if that's anything more than an easter egg at this stage. I'm glad we got the pocket version but would love a proper crab pet, as well as a proper rat pet. Excited to see the fox, but it will probably be a special dog skin... still, I've already decided to call him Tunic.

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    Upvote just because I see Tunic, awesome game!

  • @galactic-geek said in Captaincy is coming!:

    Forget that! Crabby to stern!

    He looks pretty happy to me...

  • I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that selling loot to a Sovereign means you get the gold but no faction rep, maybe Sovereign will be its own faction and thus thats the only rep you get from selling to them?

    Reapers have a one-stop shop for everything after all... the only point of contention I see there though is multiple Sovereign locations vs the single Reapers Hideout.

    Which makes me wonder, had Golden Sands been ruined, would it have become a secondary Reapers Hideout? Hmmmm...

  • @bieltan sagte in Captaincy is coming!:

    Which makes me wonder, had Golden Sands been ruined, would it have become a secondary Reapers Hideout? Hmmmm...

    We won't find it out...ever...
    I guess, it wouldn't have become a 2nd reaper-hideout...more like a new fort or something like that...
    And the NPC's would've open a new outpost, probably at Umbra's place, I'd guess...
    But as I said...we will never know...too sad

  • @schwammlgott said in Captaincy is coming!:

    @bieltan sagte in Captaincy is coming!:

    Which makes me wonder, had Golden Sands been ruined, would it have become a secondary Reapers Hideout? Hmmmm...

    We won't find it out...ever...
    I guess, it wouldn't have become a 2nd reaper-hideout...more like a new fort or something like that...
    And the NPC's would've open a new outpost, probably at Umbra's place, I'd guess...
    But as I said...we will never know...too sad

    Who's to say they wont get another shot at another Outpost? Or just straight up build one somewhere? If they are upping the ante I dont see Flamehearts lads just rolling over and doing nothing...

  • @bieltan sagte in Captaincy is coming!:

    @schwammlgott said in Captaincy is coming!:

    @bieltan sagte in Captaincy is coming!:

    Which makes me wonder, had Golden Sands been ruined, would it have become a secondary Reapers Hideout? Hmmmm...

    We won't find it out...ever...
    I guess, it wouldn't have become a 2nd reaper-hideout...more like a new fort or something like that...
    And the NPC's would've open a new outpost, probably at Umbra's place, I'd guess...
    But as I said...we will never know...too sad

    Who's to say they wont get another shot at another Outpost? Or just straight up build one somewhere? If they are upping the ante I dont see Flamehearts lads just rolling over and doing nothing...

    I don’t think we get the same story thing, just on another outpost...would be pretty lame

  • @foxywiththemoxy said in Captaincy is coming!:

    @realstyli said in Captaincy is coming!:

    Via Spammals...

    As hosted on the Xbox Media Asset Library for the showcase, here's one of the promo images for Season Seven.

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    That's an interesting looking pet sleeping under the table.... hmmm

    I'm sorry but is that a fox!? Honest to god if we get a Fox themed ship set, weapons, clothing, etc. I would die and go to heaven because that would fit me so well, heck I even already got the perfect ship name already!

    I can see why it's a good fit. 😅

    What would you call your ship? 🤔

    Oh, and don't die - that won't be necessary. By all means, go to heaven - just not yet, and certainly not for this. 😉

  • @galactic-geek said in Captaincy is coming!:

    @foxywiththemoxy said in Captaincy is coming!:

    @realstyli said in Captaincy is coming!:

    Via Spammals...

    As hosted on the Xbox Media Asset Library for the showcase, here's one of the promo images for Season Seven.

    alt text

    That's an interesting looking pet sleeping under the table.... hmmm

    I'm sorry but is that a fox!? Honest to god if we get a Fox themed ship set, weapons, clothing, etc. I would die and go to heaven because that would fit me so well, heck I even already got the perfect ship name already!

    I can see why it's a good fit. 😅

    What would you call your ship? 🤔

    Oh, and don't die - that won't be necessary. By all means, go to heaven - just not yet, and certainly not for this. 😉

    Mine would be "The Laughing Fox".

  • no one talking about how expensive a ship is going to be?
    it says 'buy a ship' somewhere in the announcement.

  • @coyote4711 said in Captaincy is coming!:

    no one talking about how expensive a ship is going to be?
    it says 'buy a ship' somewhere in the announcement.

    That's because we simply don't yet know.

    I imagine that it will be a pretty penny, though... 🪙

  • I just want to know if we can name all the ships or just the Galleon? I love this update and I am super excited. It will be fun if we can also name sloops!

  • @dr-orchamedes it should be on the back of the tent structure on a sloop when the update comes.

  • @fishyjoesalt said in Captaincy is coming!:

    Always designing their game for the lowest common denominations eh, here's your wheelbarrow you lollygaggers

    meh... moving loot isn't a part of the game that anyone enjoys to my knowledge. it's not even a fun grind that gives you dopamine, it's just an unnecessary chore. anything to reduce the annoying parts of the game in a fair way should be encouraged.

  • @dr-orchamedes I'm sure we're going to be able to name the other ships. A bug in the game has shown glimpses of nameplates on a sloop, like this example:

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  • @coyote4711
    I honestly hope it's a decent gold sink. locking meaningful game features (that don't give advantages) behind gold would make gold more fun to grind for me. maybe that's just because I've bought all the cosmetics I want already.

  • @maidenofarkham that is awesome thank you!

  • @pithyrumble said in Captaincy is coming!:

    I hate the sovereigns concept for selling.

    Crybaby selling. And for full value too. Lame.

    Everything else seems okay.

    Agreed, so now if i get sunk and want to try to get my loot back they can just rush to outpost and sell without me even getting a chance ti sail back?

    Also i am insider but its not worth it all all.

    Please dont leave the forum you usually have great input.

  • @captncarmichael said in Captaincy is coming!:

    I honestly hope it's a decent gold sink. locking meaningful game features (that don't give advantages) behind gold would make gold more fun to grind for me.

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  • I'm going to have a bit of a hot take here, but I don't think the Sovereigns are going to be a super big deal, honestly. In the grand scheme of things, it's really not going to save that much time, compared to selling to individual trading companies. Will it be an ease of access thing? Sure, I'd agree with that, but again, I don't think it's going to be this game-breaking thing like people think.

    As it is right now, the only outposts (minus GS for the time being) that take a bit more time to sell on, are Daggertooth, and Ancient Spire, respectively. Daggertooth, the trading companies are very spread out, and with big hauls takes forever to sell on, so most people avoid selling there, unless it's a dead server (or at least my crew does). Pretty much everything there is a decent bit of walking. Ancient Spire isn't all that bad, but it made the list because of having to climb the ladders, or take the long away around to get to the Athena's Fortune turn-in.

    Let's look at it this way; currently players will often do treasure drop-offs, when being chased. As it is, if a ship is chasing another ship with treasure, and the fleeing ship goes to drop off a high-value treasure, the chasers have to cannon over to the outpost, guess what type of treasure is being sold and where, and actually make it in time to whichever trading company turn-in spot, before the sellers get there.

    With the Sovereign building, it's one location on each outpost, and the locale itself is a tent-like structure, with limited-to no visibility of the inside, from the outside. This means that tuck plays will 1000% be made on these, and I would actually argue that turning in here would be a bit more difficult in many scenarios.

    Turning in with the Sovereigns not only eliminates the need for the chasers to deduce where the fleeing crew is selling, but, also provides better potential opportunities for yoinks. I can see people tucking in the tent itself, or up in the crows nest-like structure at the top. This is all not even mentioning keg plays, either. The tent itself looks quite able to hide numerous gunpowder kegs with ease, and an unsuspecting crew would be none the wiser.

    Yes, it's basically a reaper turn-in on all outposts, but you are trading an ease of selling for an ease of counterplay.

    TLDR; it's harder to make outpost steal plays now, because people have to deduce where you're selling. With the Sovereigns, it's easy to figure out where someone is selling, and you can coordinate an attack better.

  • @valor-omega said in Captaincy is coming!:

    Let's look at it this way; currently players will often do treasure drop-offs, when being chased. As it is, if a ship is chasing another ship with treasure, and the fleeing ship goes to drop off a high-value treasure, the chasers have to cannon over to the outpost, guess what type of treasure is being sold and where, and actually make it in time to whichever trading company turn-in spot, before the sellers get there.

    If they're doing drop-offs, with the Sovereigns they now have two different locations (Sovereign tent + Company rep) to sell any piece of loot instead of one. This doubles the coverage you have to make, which makes it harder not easier.

    Tuck plays are "easier" in that they will probably pull their ship up to the Sovereign dock, but if you're tucking on an outpost you're waiting for the ship to stop anyways. It's the same thing unless you can manage to hold off until they've got all their loot on the elevator.

  • @d3adst1ck You're not wrong that they'll have two different locations, but I sincerely doubt people are going to take the extra time to sell at each individual turn-in zone, in addition to the sovereigns. That would be a huge waste of time, imho.

    Let's think of it this way; if the Sovereigns are available to all players, most if not all players will gravitate towards selling there, as opposed to anywhere else. If they're only available as Captains, that still makes it pretty simple to set up a potential counter attack, especially if we are able to tell who's a captain, and who's not.

    Either way, I am not convinced that Sovereigns are this bad feature, that people are making it out to be. Time will tell for certain, but I think people are getting more worried than they need to be.

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