I remember a time....

  • For those of you who find SOT difficult even unfair in 2022:
    I remember a time when everyone on the seas was a potential threat. When the world was new and people were playing just because it was a new experience. Harassment was real and rampant because little timmy and all of his friends from school would jump on SOT and go sink ships together and there were a lot of little timmies in the early days.
    These days we find ourselves in a much better place in SOT. Anyone still playing is playing because they love some aspect of SOT.
    Seldom do we find a roving band of chads just out to cause solo sloopers misery. Most pirates you encounter, however you encounter them these days are here because they love to be here.
    As contentious as some of my posts may seem to be, it's because I have genuine concern for the structural integrity of the game. BUt, for new pirates and new legends there were more chaotic and less interesting times on the Sea Of Thieves.
    The interesting part is that the core of the debates remain the same among players. PvP vs PvE etc.
    I feel that either one of two things is the reason this conversation still remains and each of these examples come from the players.
    Either people are trying to convey that (issue) needs attention and needs balancing and things need to change.
    Or people saying (issue) needs attention are little babies and need to get used to it.
    The cool thing is there are a lot less hot headed personalities around these days.
    But the fact that the playerbase is split between two group is very much a reality.
    PvP and PvE. Well, that's the chad way to break it down because you cant make a "Chad" point without "Chad" logic.
    While there are some Boohoo you sunk me types around.
    For the most part Separating people who don't prefer PvP into "PvE" is kind of inaccurate.
    It's inaccurate in the sense that the very mechanics of PvP in SOT wouldn't exist without people who want to dig up treasure and fight skeletons, without those guys around SOT would just be Arena and despite what PvPirates may say....no one wants that to be all there is.
    I can say that on average the most reapers I have ever seen on the map at once is like 2.
    Considering there are only 5 crews at any given time on a server I can say that the demographic is about half and half.
    People here for the games content/lore/treasure maps etc and people here for combat.
    That's all great because some people think PvP is more fun than the prior.
    Where I take issue is how belittling it has become to think the game itself is fun.
    It was designed this way and some people really love the monotony of finding treasure and fighting mobs. It's not a glitch, Rare made the game this way.
    Then those players have to defend themselves, and, honestly, if more people that like PvE went out and PvPed (like my crew) they would be better in a fight and have a better time. Alone I suck, but with my crew we're formidable.
    The reason I always have so much to say about the PvE side of things is simple, there is more to say. Getting voyages, plotting courses, scanning for hostiles, locating the treasure on the maps, loading it and doing that 7 or 8 more times before trying to get to an outpost all while hoping someone doesn't roll up on you...requires a lot more time an investment than "throw up the reaper, find people, sink people, profit, watch out for other reapers.
    So it's a little bit unfair when PvP dudes get bent when PvE dudes aren't ecstatic to die and lose everything. Because it's kind of a sliding scale....If your mad you got sunk your just a PvE'er who needs to stop crying but if you run from conflict you are somehow still wrong for "running" when In reality you are looking for an option that results in rewards because you know the alternative is standing and fighting someone who is flying a reaper because fighting is all they do, they are probably going to be better than you at PvP.
    There is nothing wrong with that, but it seems that "Admitting" that is a problem.
    Well the other side of that is Reapers want PvP!
    We'll just take the "I jumped on to grief" players (that very much exist) out of the equation.
    If at most 2 reapers ON AVERAGE are on the server at any one time and if every other crew is flying an emissary of some sort then that means 3 crews are focused on building that Em and reapers are focused on them.
    If there is only one other reaper on the map then that is ONE REAL PvP encounter on that server and then what for those guys?
    Well, they go after the GH and OOS and the MERCH and even the "Im just fishing please just leave me alone"s.
    I mean who else are they going to fight, it is VERY MUCH A PART OF THE GAME.
    But, that last sentence is something PvP guys needs to f-ng remember....it's PART of the game. The other part of the game is the 80 percent PvPers dont touch, not as an insult, just the way it is.
    For every conflict there is a winner and a loser and there is no rule that says the loser has to be happy about it. It's easier to be the winner.
    But for someone like me it's easy to see where things go from "part of the game" to "ok this is OP" and I would love to know I could address those things on the forum without sending out the warcry to every keyboard caveman itching for an insult war....welcome to the internet, I just want this game, my favorite game, to be the best it can and it wont get there by catering to one aspect and we definitely wont get there pretending that isn't exactly whats happening.
    I think the point I'm trying to make is that SOT has come a long way in building this game into being what is supposed to be, but it isn't there yet and there was a time when is was pure chaos.
    But, I also feel that in a big way if there is anything that holds SOT back it's, well, it's the community.
    In the same way the community is the reason it keeps moving forward.
    It's hard to strike the right chord between preferred playstyles and making everyone happy especially in SOT.
    And I could touch more on certain things and ramble on and on...
    But, I'll just close with "Not everything that Rare should or will do to cater to either side is going to seem like a good idea and there is always going to be someone who doesn't like it."
    I personally think the reaper em system needs an overhaul for a lot of reasons (ESP needs to go) and I dont think the current sandbox is what PvPirates are wanting to feel like Rare is listening to them. If you take away Reapers being able to see EVERY emissary map wide then there will be lots of uproar but in terms of balancing it needs to be throttled because it's a little too "Favorite child"-esque.
    We've come a long way. I've always been one who leans on the fence even though I don't sound like it, it's a big sandbox and all the kids want to play here. It just sucks when it seems like the tough kids side of the playground gets the fancy new equipment, but at the same time the tough kids keep asking for monkey bars and you wont give it to them. The quiet kids want a new swingset but you just keep pointing at how nice the tough kid side of the playground looks with the fancy new jungle gym, oh wait you took away the jungle gym.....

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  • @capn-mcquacken said in I remember a time....:

    I personally think the reaper em system needs an overhaul for a lot of reasons (ESP needs to go) and I dont think the current sandbox is what PvPirates are wanting to feel like Rare is listening to them. If you take away Reapers being able to see EVERY emissary map wide then there will be lots of uproar but in terms of balancing it needs to be throttled because it's a little too "Favorite child"-esque.
    We've come a long way. I've always been one who leans on the fence even though I don't sound like it, it's a big sandbox and all the kids want to play here. It just sucks when it seems like the tough kids side of the playground gets the fancy new equipment, but at the same time the tough kids keep asking for monkey bars and you wont give it to them. The quiet kids want a new swingset but you just keep pointing at how nice the tough kid side of the playground looks with the fancy new jungle gym, oh wait you took away the jungle gym.....

    The emissary system imo still to this date is the best thing they have ever done for the environment imo

    It's opt in higher risk/higher reward done right for pve,pvp, and pve/pvp play styles.

    It's nearly perfect design when it comes to longevity of appeal and balanced higher risk/higher reward gameplay imo.

    Non reapers should be able to sell reaper flags to the faction of their choice imo

    Portal hopping reaper while keeping grade 5 is a band-aid approach to an organic activity issue that emissary system takes the hit for but isn't the cause of. Hopping pvp has long been catered to which isn't the fault of the emissary system in general or reapers specifically. The portal hopping with a 5 part and popping out random on servers needs some balancing imo as that wasn't a part of the design and isn't balanced.

    Emissaries and reaper specifically was/is incredible for pve and pvp because pvers can use it for huge bonuses without a requirement to fight. Pvpers have something to hunt.

    Some have this focus on reapers as a negative thing that is catering to pvpers more than pvers but it's been a big part of pve success and activity for a long time. The emissary ledger and reward system is a very helpful component to the system as well.

  • @capn-mcquacken Amen. or uh, YARR

  • @capn-mcquacken

    I mostly sloop solo or as a pair these days, and we both love to pve to our hearts content. Never run from a fight if it comes my way. Often I'm thankful I've been sunk and don't have to spend 30 tedious minutes cashing in a boat full of items..That's why I love reapers. I enjoy playing the game for the game, and leave the tedious work up to you lot. After all, I don't need the coins anymore. I've too much!

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