Realistic Pirate Clothing (Request)

  • Hello Sea of Thieves team and players,

    I normally don't post anything on the forums but this is something I really want to share my thoughts on. Hopefully there's some of you that will agree with me!

    I've always been a big POTC fan and was extremely excited to get back into it when A Pirate's Life dropped. (Best time ever!) However... I'm a player that loves to experiment with cosmetics and make my pirate look like the best pirate I can be. With A Pirate's Life releasing I was expecting a bunch of POTC related cosmetics to be added in that style, especially mixing that style with that of Sea of Thieves would make for amazing realistic cosmetics.

    However, the only thing we got was complete sets which cannot be mixed and matched with other items. Which was a big let down for me.

    So without dragging this on for to long, I hereby want to make known to the Sea of Thieves team that some players that I know, including me, would love to have more realistic piratey cosmetics. So not the colorful glowing stuff (which is beautiful, but just not me, and not always very piratey).

    I hope you'll take this request into consideration!

    • Bartlemud
  • 50
  • I wholeheartedly agree with this pirate!! Please rare!! This has been an outcry for a few seasons now... STOP BEING LAZY!! atleast make this bright none pirate costume individual pieces, then maybe people can mix and match frig.

    You peeps clearly have creative minds can we use them for good and not fortnite... er sorry evil.

  • @fnaf-fanatic654 I also just found another thread where they're highlighting items that they've already made, that people want to wear, they just never added them into the game, such a shame... They look more piratey then the pink/blue glowy stuff that keeps coming out.

  • Here here!! Well put!! [Mod Edit]

  • @fleshemporim I don't own an account there, but you can share it. Thanks for the support! Let me know how it goes.

  • @Bartlemud will do, thanks. Hopefully I won't have to tell ya and the up votes speak for itself haha.

  • That would be nice.

  • In my eyes, the purpose of cosmetics is to allow the player creative freedom and self-expression... Costumes do the opposite of that.

    The tragedy is that the design space for some really cool curses are being devoured by Costumes! Imagine a Lodestar Curse with Sudd's Jacket, or the Creeping Cold Curse with The Frozen Horizon Set! So much potential creativity is stifled by the limitations of Costumes!

    I know the glowy stuff sells, the funny stuff sells... but please. We'd really appreciate some actual pirate outfits too. It feels like a lifetime since Daring Deceiver and Lucky Hand.

  • @bartlemud

    This was my favorite outfit when the game came out (the picture is taken from year 1)... it's too bad that it never got released. We don't have a lot of "authentic pirate" looks. All I would say is that the average pirate doesn't like to wear items that were easy to get, so while I'd always like an update to base cosmetics, the biggest impact will come from adding new sets that are tied to commendations.

  • @bartlemud Please refrain from asking for upvotes and allow the forums to naturally engage with your post. Brigading a post and asking for upvotes goes against the forum rules and your post has been edited.

    Any further asking for upvotes will result in this thread being locked.

  • I'm all for having new cosmetics that are "basic pirate" vibes if u know what I mean. I also agree with whoever said that new curses are being eaten up by costumes. this is especially true of the Krampus and Dark Warsmith costumes, both of which take away the skeleton curse, which is among the most requested features/cosmetics in the whole game.

  • @bartlemud I hope they take inspiration from Black Sails

  • @bartlemud I think you got something here. Lately all the costumes and their colors are loud as they can get. Seems fair to ask for some more subdued, tasteful costume pieces and colors to mix and match.

  • @meroviel I believe he was just letting someone know how fourms get attention. As @FNAF-Fanatic654's post clearly agreed with him but his post still only had one upvote and two agreeable messages at the time.

    As for editing my post that's just funny. Ppl all on the "edited/deleted" site that you removed share the same views and if I want to raise awareness that someone on this Rare/ SoT official site also thinks so. Why not show em?? When this is probably a better way to get rare to listen to it's community.

  • @meroviel Sorry! I only wanted to hopefully reach the team of Sea of Thieves. I did not know this was against forum policy. Will not happen again!

  • @dewehr that would be a dream come true, Black Sails is amazing.

  • @spoonfeedukillz Agreed.. daring deceiver and lucky hand look so nice. I like dressing stupid as much as the next guy, but sometimes I want to dress in those nice dull browns and so on.

  • Totally agree with this!
    I think the way the emporium sells Costumes could be reworked too. I see so many cool elements on costumes where I think they could be greatly combined with other parts but you only really get the full package and little to no optimization.

    Though I have a feeling that adding more costumes or parts would impact the game and take away capacity that could have been used for game mechanics instead (which have a much higher priority over cosmetics)

  • @fnaf-fanatic654 I think it's pretty rude to call the devs lazy when they have been prioritizing other things that are much more important. While I agree with OP about this topic, I would rather the devs work on game breaking things. Like ping spikes and hit reg.

  • @ohhsass Agreed they shouldn't be called lazy. However, I do understand the frustration when most of the rewarding part about this game is getting cosmetics and dressing up your pirate and ship, there should be more pirate-like options.

  • Could not agree more, actualy piratey cosmetics is what we need!

  • Rare should stop covering their new vanities with sequins and glowstick fluid…

  • @meroviel I wanted to add that I wasn't really brigading my post and asking for votes, I only noted to the person replying that if he wanted to get Rare's attention that he could upvote the thread. I did not know that wasn't allowed so again sorry.

  • @bartlemud Oh yeah I definitely agree with you. :)

  • Hey can we also get Barbossa’s hat as a separate cosmetic? I don’t want to sacrifice my individuality for a costume just to wear a hat.

  • Its just sad that all this artistic talent is being wasted on costumes and that the community's feedback is being dismissed.

    Just imagine how many more amazing clothing sets we would be getting if they finally stopped wasting time on costumes.

  • BUt EvErYoNe LiKeS CaPtAiN jOkEr CoSmEtIcs! Aside from the joke yes we do need more realist cosmetics, some classic POTC like items would really do well I agree and support

  • Exactly the same thing I asked for, it's frustrating not being able to recreate pirated costumes from other media due to lack of option.

    I remember that at the beginning there was no option for a tricorn hat, in a pirate game whose rewards are just cosmetics is a serious mistake.

  • And bring blackbeard's clothes (potc)


  • Does anyone here know what it'd usually take to get Rare's attention, do they ever comment with something on these or no?

  • i would honestly like to see captains coats be brought into the game with a nice air flow to it

  • @bartlemud I also agree. I would like to have these cosmetics.

  • UP, também quero roupas mais realistas

  • Maybe we can all share some pictures of stuff we'd like, surely with over 3K views and 38 upvotes we must have rares attention by now!

  • @bartlemud said in Realistic Pirate Clothing (Request):

    Maybe we can all share some pictures of stuff we'd like, surely with over 3K views and 38 upvotes we must have rares attention by now!

    40⬆️. 😉

32 out of 50