Voice Chat isn't working with my current microphone

  • There is a post similar to this and I have gone there to try to fix my issue, but I think it should be brought up here as my issue is a bit different as it is only my VC that is broken, I can hear everyone else. I purchased SoT on Steam a few years back and had no issues with my mic. At the time I was using my Corsair Void headset microphone. About a year or so ago I picked up an Elgato Wave 3 mic and I switched all of my outputs to the Elgato Wave 3, however, I cannot seem to get it to work in SoT, every other game works fine and I even switched everything back to the mic on my headset for SoT with it also not working. I've changed mic options in windows, I've allowed it in the Xbox console, and I've updated drivers nothing has worked. The only thing I haven't done and I don't know why it would affect my mic is uninstall and reinstall my game.

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  • UPDATE: So as a final resort I uninstalled and reinstalled my SoT games on Steam and my microphone still doesn't work with SoT. I have exhausted all my options and I have no clue what is wrong. If maybe the developers could look into this or if anyone has some sort of option I haven't tried yet please let me know. Thank you.

  • My friend bren always fixes my guys audio issues especially pc wise. If u need help I can have him message you

  • @bezarre-gaming I know my friend had an issue for a while, and it had something to do with firewall not being activated on his computer.

    As a microsoft title, your permissions and connectivity might be
    affected if you don't have all the programs active that it expects.

    Not much else advice for you, sounds like you confirmed the settings and permissions for SoT specifically already.

  • @calicorsaircat Sorry for the lateness of getting back to this. I will check my firewall again, just to make sure.

  • Hello, to my experience, SoT has troubles to use default input device and uses usually some input device, which is undesired - in my case it was bluetooth handsfree headphones, while also using bluetooth stereo headphones - you can't have mic + stereo over bluetooth. But that was my issue ... I fixed it by disabling all input hardware in windows, keeping only the one I wanted to use. So if you have multiple input devices (could be even some virtual ones), disable them a keep just the Elgato Wave 3 (not Steam Streaming Microphone).
    I repeat - SoT does not respect your default input device and uses whatever .. usually something undesired. In my case, I disable headphones with microphone twice (Airpods, Bose QuietComfort), Microphone - Steam Streaming Microphone, Stereo Mix, Aux Steam Streaming Speakers (for some reason also registered as input device) and left ENABLED only my Superlux E205U enabled. You don't need to remove the devices, just make sure they are disabled (you can re-enable them again when you need them).

  • 99% of the time, this is the solution to your mic not working with Sea of Thieves, specifically:

    • Right-click the sound (speaker) icon on your system tray in Windows
    • Go to Sounds
    • Under the "Recording" tab find your microphone and right-click
    • From the pop up menu select "Set as default device" and "Set as default communication device"
    • While here, disable any input devices you are not using.

    If you get a big Windows update (typically one that changes the version number), double check these settings as it can often reset them.

    In-game be sure to enable the chat indicator and check the push to talk setting.

    Also be sure to check your Microphone permissions in Windows Privacy settings. When you first start the game, even after a reinstall, it will prompt you for permissions but it can be very easy to just click past this without paying attention.

  • This is old, and you've probably already figured it out but in case someone else has the same issue: Go to xbox.com, sign into your account there. Click your privacy settings and under the 'Others Can:' section make sure the section 'Others can communicate with voice, text, or invites' is set to Everyone, otherwise only your XBox friends can communicate via voice. That was what fixed my issue.

  • @graymanstole Hi i have the same issue and nothing from the above helped me. Dose anybody have a fix fro that I’m use if a focusrite scarlet solo 2nd gen

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