So We Gonna Ignore that They Lied to Us About the Scars in the Trailer?

  • The Trailer for this season showed these scars, but these aren't the ones we get. In fact, these scars aren't anywhere in the game! And no these aren't random pirate generator scars.

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  • @theprogramer64

    Season 6 has not finished yet. 😉

  • @fred-fisheye When content was coming later in the video they said so, they didn't say jack about these scars! IT'S THE FROSTBITE LANTERN ALL OVER AGAIN. Y'all said, "It'll come later in the season," with that too!

  • @theprogramer64 sagte in So We Gonna Ignore that They Lied to Us About the Scars in the Trailer?:

    @fred-fisheye When content was coming later in the video they said so, they didn't say jack about these scars! IT'S THE FROSTBITE LANTERN ALL OVER AGAIN. Y'all said, "It'll come later in the season," with that too!

    Maybe you are right, and the scars won‘t be coming this season. They did tease cosmetics which never found their way onto the seas a couple of times. And I can understand why you are upset, cause those scars look really nice.

    But, to be fair, the trailer didn’t say that these are the seasonal scars. So technically speaking it’s not lying. Although we could expect them to show off season 6 cosmetics in a season 6 trailer of course.

    There’s a big Athena Update ahead and we know they already gave us some scars during smaller events. So all we can do is being hopeful …

  • @theprogramer64

    How have they lied tho? O.o

    "Pirate Legends can even bag Belle's Hat and the Mysterious Cutlass"

    They don't mention the scars which, as the PL Set and the ship behind, are not tied to the Seasonal Pass nor this Update.

  • I'm really excited for season 6 release of that peg-leg with the gold chain and those purple pants.

  • It shows a pirate with those scars but where did they mention we'd get them? The voiceover on that shot only says PLs would be able to bag the cutlass and Belle's hat, as shown. You inferred we'd get those scars, they never said we would.

  • I wouldn’t say it’s a lie, they show unreleased cosmetics in trailers all the time. I will say it’s lame though for sure.

  • @ninja-naranja said in So We Gonna Ignore that They Lied to Us About the Scars in the Trailer?:

    I wouldn’t say it’s a lie, they show unreleased cosmetics in trailers all the time. I will say it’s lame though for sure.

    They're probably recording on an internal server that has a bunch of in development stuff enabled and when they create pirates for the teasers, they just equip a bunch of stuff that looks good. If you're on the video/marketing team you might not be aware that something minor like a scar isn't on the release schedule, and if no one catches it then it ends up in the video.

    Things like the mysterious building the background of the "It Had To Be You" video end up in there the same way, but I suspect that is done on purpose.

  • @d3adst1ck what I wouldn’t give to get access to that build. Think of all the unreleased cosmetics just WAITING to be added in the game 🤤

  • @d3adst1ck said in So We Gonna Ignore that They Lied to Us About the Scars in the Trailer?:

    @ninja-naranja said in So We Gonna Ignore that They Lied to Us About the Scars in the Trailer?:

    I wouldn’t say it’s a lie, they show unreleased cosmetics in trailers all the time. I will say it’s lame though for sure.

    They're probably recording on an internal server that has a bunch of in development stuff enabled and when they create pirates for the teasers, they just equip a bunch of stuff that looks good. If you're on the video/marketing team you might not be aware that something minor like a scar isn't on the release schedule, and if no one catches it then it ends up in the video.

    Things like the mysterious building the background of the "It Had To Be You" video end up in there the same way, but I suspect that is done on purpose.

    Finally some rationale.

  • @theprogramer64 Those scars look like the ones we got shown in the Season One cosmetic track preview... they never appeared ingame and we instead got the Shroudbreaker Scar which is a strange branding iron mark in the shape of the Shroudbreaker...

    Head to 18 seconds in this video

  • @klutchxking518 Good catch! I wonder if it's a placeholder scar used in their internal builds every season before that season's scar is implemented.

  • I was really looking forward to that awesome scar in the trailer.

    Would be way better than the one we got at season lvl 100 which makes you look like Frankenstein's experient.

  • These scars were my favourite thing about Season 6, my main goal to get. I'm very dissapointed as you can imagine...

  • No offence, but this post literally aged like Milk.

    The scars is available for the people who played the game between 2 June 2022 until June 6 2022 for the celebration on Sea of Thieves second year on Steam.

    I got it and even myself confused how I got it, turns out it was given for PC players I believe. But they also told us here on twitter announcement:

    See ya!

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    A reminder that bumping old threads breaks the Forum rules.

    Dropping anchor now.

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