New ideas for fireworks!!

  • Fireworks update >>>>>>>>>>> anything

    So as everyone knows this firework update is way to awesome. So me and my friends were thinking about some firework show and all. So we had an idea about "Fireworks Place"

    "Fireworks PLace"
    A place only for fireworks and for fun / enjoyment

    Ideas -
    1)Create one space / isle with lights and all and merchant post where we can buy the FW Crates
    and add few benches with " Take a seat" option (like an open auditorium) .

    1. Add "four head cannon" , so we can add multiple rockets at the same time and then BOOM !

    2. Recipe board ? Like people will add notes about Rockets, like "Use X +Y" together for good effects.
      [Optional - else it will be a Firework simulator ]

    3. Circuit board - all around the isle you will find multiple cannons [facing sky only] and then u
      can add multiple rockets and then on one click it goes BOOM !
      [Optional - else it will be a Firework simulator + Server Load ]

    Cannons should be FW Cannons only else it will be like a mini fort ! TwT

    But thanks a lot for FW Update - finally i can use those gold coins + worth it

  • 3
  • You can't propose anything to take away player freedom.

    Player freedom is the prime directive of SOT's.

    Unfortunately and fortunately even if that means Blumder Busting you in the face as you set off your fore works.

    It sucks.....but it works lol

  • @glannigan what are u talking about ?

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