Event duration still has 14 days but shores of plenty mission unavailable

  • Is the shores mission going to come back or able to get in another way within the 14 days it indicates it is active?

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  • That's currently unknown as the official event hub page doesn't mention anything that the voyages becomes unavailable once another one becomes active.

    The Sea of Thieves wiki page doesn't mention anything regarding this topic.

    RareThief's guide seems to be inaccurate at the moment:

    Festival of Fishing Voyage
    As with many previous events, you’ll want to talk to Larinna. Each week, Larinna will offer a new voyage, which will help you complete that week’s Challenge. Once Larinna offers a voyage, she will continue to offer that voyage throughout the remainder of the Event.

    So during the first week, you’ll only be able to purchase the first voyage. During the second week of the event, you’ll be able to buy the first and second voyage. Finally, during third week, you’ll have access to all three voyages.

    After the Festival of Fishing’s third week, this event will end, and Larinna will no longer offer those voyages.

    I've submitted a support ticket regarding this issue so maybe we'll get an update sooner or later.

  • @daddy-helmut ok thanks. In the very least it is confusing. Hopefully it gets worked out. :)

  • @orbitallninja

    My ticket was marked as solved but the agent only told me that they can't restore discarded voyages (which they technically did with Gilded voyages recently but idc).

    Reopened the ticket just now to get an answer if it is intended that we can't get this voyage anymore or if it will return.

    Edit: Reopened the ticket again because the agent wasn't understanding the issue (just pointing me to the event page which I've mentioned doesn't provide any information regarding the issue).

    Let's wait and see if agent #3 can give an answer.

  • It is deceptive for the event to still advertise that there are days remaining to complete the individual goal when you cannot buy the voyage anywhere!

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  • I can’t help but feel that this was perhaps an oversight on their part (let’s face it, it happens from time to time); in which case unless they push a hotfix patch I’m doubtful the old voyages will come back at all.

    Thankfully you don’t have to complete them to get the fishing rods, meaning you’d only miss out on the title for finishing all of the challenges.

  • I second on that, at any place the said the event was timed for a Week, now I have week 2 full, and week one missing just this, is a really bad way of doing things since everything else is open at the event.
    Just give us this voyage back please.

  • @daddy-helmut ha detto in Event duration still has 14 days but shores of plenty mission unavailable:

    That's currently unknown as the official event hub page doesn't mention anything that the voyages becomes unavailable once another one becomes active.

    The Sea of Thieves wiki page doesn't mention anything regarding this topic.

    RareThief's guide seems to be inaccurate at the moment:

    Festival of Fishing Voyage
    As with many previous events, you’ll want to talk to Larinna. Each week, Larinna will offer a new voyage, which will help you complete that week’s Challenge. Once Larinna offers a voyage, she will continue to offer that voyage throughout the remainder of the Event.

    So during the first week, you’ll only be able to purchase the first voyage. During the second week of the event, you’ll be able to buy the first and second voyage. Finally, during third week, you’ll have access to all three voyages.

    After the Festival of Fishing’s third week, this event will end, and Larinna will no longer offer those voyages.

    I've submitted a support ticket regarding this issue so maybe we'll get an update sooner or later.

    Submitted the same ticket, the reply was: The 'Shores of plenty' voyage for the Festival of Fish was only available for week 1.

  • @narcixai said in Event duration still has 14 days but shores of plenty mission unavailable:

    @daddy-helmut ha detto in Event duration still has 14 days but shores of plenty mission unavailable:

    That's currently unknown as the official event hub page doesn't mention anything that the voyages becomes unavailable once another one becomes active.

    The Sea of Thieves wiki page doesn't mention anything regarding this topic.

    RareThief's guide seems to be inaccurate at the moment:

    Festival of Fishing Voyage
    As with many previous events, you’ll want to talk to Larinna. Each week, Larinna will offer a new voyage, which will help you complete that week’s Challenge. Once Larinna offers a voyage, she will continue to offer that voyage throughout the remainder of the Event.

    So during the first week, you’ll only be able to purchase the first voyage. During the second week of the event, you’ll be able to buy the first and second voyage. Finally, during third week, you’ll have access to all three voyages.

    After the Festival of Fishing’s third week, this event will end, and Larinna will no longer offer those voyages.

    I've submitted a support ticket regarding this issue so maybe we'll get an update sooner or later.

    Submitted the same ticket, the reply was: The 'Shores of plenty' voyage for the Festival of Fish was only available for week 1.

    Got the same reply today after the ticket was open for like 5 days:

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