[Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion

  • @puggins7318 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    If I quit, if people like me quit, where does that leave people like you?

    In our PvPvE servers, having a blast without whiny people who can't read game descriptions.

  • @kazzy1917 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    I disagree with the concept of competition in nature itself.

    Huh. Funny that you'd buy a game with competition in it if it's such a moral quandary for you.

    As would PvE only servers. Hence the creation of this topic in the first place.

    This thread is about PvE and PvP playstyles, not about PvE servers.

    Rare wants to hear ALL sides of the topic, or we wouldn't be where we are right now.

    No they don't, they already said PvE servers won't come.

    The fact that people are still having the same complaints tells ya something, for sure.

    It tells me one thing for sure. People don't read game descriptions.

    Player doesn't like PvP

    Player buys game with PvP

    Player complains that game has PvP


    We should have a choice what sort of high seas adventure we want to go on.

    An important concept of the game is that you don't have that choice. You do not know what is waiting on the waves. At this point you just want to change the core ideals of the game.

    "The quintessential Sea of Thieves experience is known collectively as Adventure mode, where pirates can roam, discover, fight and loot in a shared pirate paradise!"

    "Perhaps that player ship on the horizon could help you out of a scrape? Or perhaps it's just the next threat you'll have to face..."

    "The Sea of Thieves is a world of wonders and dangers, offering luscious vistas and scenes of destruction – often on the same voyage. Pirates navigating this world must be prepared for unexpected events, momentous challenges… and potential riches!"

    "You may think the scale of this place means there's plenty of space for everyone, but you'll soon encounter other ships and crews as you undertake your voyages. It's up to you how you interact and what kind of crew you choose to be. Create allies or enemies, be benefactors or betrayers, exchange banter or broadsides – you make the call! Of course, what you can't know in advance is how other ships' crews will react upon seeing you..."

    It's not why I'm here, not why my friends are here.

    You're here cause you bought the wrong game. This game has PvP. You want a game without PvP.

  • @puggins7318 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    Offering up PvEers as content to be consumed by PvPers is unethical game design. They know it, too, which is why they keep player density low so it doesn't happen so often that the PvEers quit.

    Well... it's happened enough the past few days that me and my son are taking a break from the game. I would pay a monthly fee to play on a private or PvE server with progression.

    This is patently ridiculous.
    PVP in pvpve environment is in no way unethical, only a game mechanic. If you find yourself being on the loosing end of engagements, maybe try to learn form the mistakes you are making and do better next time.
    PVPVE games/gamemodes have been around forever and while they not everyones cup of tea and not everyone has the maturity to handle a pvpve world, they however are quite popular genre (see Rust, Ark, EVE, Day Z).
    Oh and the low player count comes from hardware and software limitations

  • @puggins7318 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @mferr11 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @puggins7318 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    Offering up PvEers as content to be consumed by PvPers is unethical game design.

    I don't think Rare has a gun to your head forcing you to play their game. If you don't like PvPvE games, don't play PvPvE games.

    If I quit, if people like me quit, where does that leave people like you?

    Happily sailing the seas with others who enjoy a wacky pvpve pirate adventure.

    What's the difference between me quitting and me getting a PvE server, except Rare getting less money?

    PVE servers with progression would damage the experience for the existing community (This has been covered again and again and again.......) and probably lead to a great many of them leaving.
    You are quitting because you are not the target audience, this is normal. I could write of list of games that I stopped playing, or never bought because I was not the target audience, this in no way means that any of those games should have to change for me.
    I will point out that since you are here, and you have played the game, Rare already has your money.. So thank you for supporting a game that I love
    Maybe do a little research (like reading the games steam page) or a quick YouTube search before purchasing a game next time and you will make better decisions.

  • @lady-aijou How about you add Skill Based Matchmaking like anyone else in the industry..

    Like match players who love to do pvp and are good at it with equall skill levels so they have a better competition, and players who are new and inexperienced with other players who are not good at pvp or still learning.

    it should not be a problem to implement if you track stats like killing other players, get killed by other players ,(Kill/Death/Sink a ship/Get sunk ratio)

    since most players i guess want to do normal Voyaging and exploring such a system should cater to the majority of players and only the top 10% players will have a hard time and start crying how unfair the game gets.. but judging from other games who do that this should not be the problem because the other 90% of players is where the money is! and thats more likely the player base who spend money on ship skins and emporium stuff.

    Since there is no PvE/PvP server to choose a skill based matchmaking system to protect the inexpirianced and not so skilled players is the best option to make it more even on the seas.

  • @alinubell Competitive pvp games have sbmm to deliver a consistent and balanced experience.

    SOT can never and will never have sbmm because it is a PVPVE sandbox game. The whole point of the game is that it will be dynamic, inconsistent, every adventure every session will be different depending not only on your actions, but the actions of others. Somedays you will have your butt handed to you by a vet, this is not a bad thing, only a learning experience, and every failure is a lesson that makes your eventual success that much sweeter.

    Also this had been covered so many times, but there is no clear way to measure skill in SOT, as ships sink when its's crew cannot or will not bail and repair. Also SBMM systems are notoriously easy to circumvent and often create as many problems as they solve. Don't misunderstand, SBMM has its place in gaming, but that place is far far far away from SOT.

  • @puggins7318 a dit dans [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion :

    @mferr11 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @puggins7318 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    Offering up PvEers as content to be consumed by PvPers is unethical game design.

    I don't think Rare has a gun to your head forcing you to play their game. If you don't like PvPvE games, don't play PvPvE games.

    If I quit, if people like me quit, where does that leave people like you?

    What's the difference between me quitting and me getting a PvE server, except Rare getting less money?

    Your posts suggest that you view this game as a mix between purely pve players and purely pvp players. Which simply isn't the case. Most of the player here are pvpve players. That doesn't mean that we are all the same tho : some will do pvp at the first occasion while doing pve the rest of the time, some will aim to do mostly pve and only pvp when attacked or betrayed. But we all partake in PvE and PvP and enjoy the fragile equilibrium between those 2 aspects. If I had to guess I would say that maybe 20% of my playtime so far revolves around pvp. That 20% is essential to my gaming experience as a pvpve player and I would hate to have it removed as much as I would hate to see this ratio going up to 80% pvp.

    You getting a PvE server instead of quitting the game would mean that everyone would get a PvE server to do their PvE activities too. Which would mean that most PvE activities will be happening on the PvE server. Which would mean that pvpve players will have to choose between a server with 0% pvp or one with 70/80/90% pvp. No more middle ground. No home for the pvpve players to whom the game is currently appealing to. What are they gonna do ? Some will adapt to the new paradigm, some will quit to play a proper pvpve game, some will quit to play a better pvp or pve game. Why would it be better for Rare to lose those players in order to keep you playing some more ?

  • @john-arkham

    You getting a PvE server instead of quitting the game would mean that everyone would get a PvE server to do their PvE activities too. Which would mean that most PvE activities will be happening on the PvE server. Which would mean that pvpve players will have to choose between a server with 0% pvp or one with 70/80/90% pvp. No more middle ground.

    See I disagree with this, but not because of our disagreement on player mentality, I disagree because of the known fact that Custom Servers (let alone PVE servers) would not be Free. They will cost (though that cost is currently unknown) IRL $$$.

    Let me be clear, if these servers were FREE, and I have said this before, then I would 100% agree with the other side of the debate and shift my opinion and perspective. A point that, IMHO, that gets lost in this PVE server debate is none of it is coming as a Free update that "everyone" will just instant access too. Its coming at a cost. That cost will inherently be a limiting factor, regardless of the overall function as a gimped Custom Server, or a Proper Private Server.

    My counterpoint has been (regardless of the PVE v PVP playstyle debate or the select issue I have with PVP), that the population of players who dont pay for those servers will still be large enough to keep a balance. The idea that servers will become nothing but Carnage with no PVE payout to me is false because the standard Adventure mode would always be the free option. Now as an add-on to this, I have stated that from my perspective, it also stands to reason that should a high enough ratio of players Pay for these servers, it stands to reason to prove that such a demand was high, regardless of the perceived outcry against it. (and that's not even me being snide, that me just pointing out Causation and Correlation)

    To be fair, again, if they were free an openly available then that would be one thing. I would even agree that it would cause an imbalance and even support the idea that it would cause an unfair disparity towards the standard mode. What I have also acknowledged is that these are hypothetical circumstances. Sure I can use math and statistic to pose a theoretical standpoint of where those number would be (and I have in the PVE server Mega thread), but those are just hypothetical numbers without the benefit of RARE's definitive statistics. Only time will tell to see if they would play out as predicted once such a function was an acting force.

    The only thing I will point out in your statement that is subjective not fact, is the "Enjoyment" of the fragile equilibrium between PVE and PVP in the PVEVP world". I dont mean to be overtly critical of it, but to say that everyone enjoys the balance (regardless of there preference for PVE or PVP) is a facile and subjective viewpoint. If it was enjoyed by everyone, I optimistically think we would all not be here today debating the subject. Honest to goodness hats off to you for enjoying the current balance (such as it is), and you will get no condemnation from me, I assure you. However, while I will agree and concede that we are all PVEVP players, that playstyle preference does point out a key aspect of the debate that given the opportunity, you would prefer to shift to one side. I dont just mean for PVE or for PVP, it goes both way, but that preference is sort of what dictates the current balance or imbalance as some might say. (The irony is I do support this idea, and giving players more control over that choice, but clearly that is part of the disagreement, so I digress the point for now)

    If we are all PvEvP players, then ideally the balance of content (and players) would be 50/50 between both PVE and PVP. However, because of playstyle preference, that balance shifts (even if unintended). I would make the guess that the balance is currently about 70/30, with PVE taking the higher ratio, though I acknowledge a bias. Perhaps some view it the other way, or with greater imbalance than just 70/30 or perhaps some do view it as a closer ratio, and those are fair viewpoints. However the Scale keeps tipping regardless as time goes on, and eventually that scale might give way (in what direction not even I could say). Again I dont disagree with your assessment, I am simply more (from my view at least) more optimistic about how that balance can be achieved. Fingers crossed if nothing else.

  • @jadedragon00 a dit dans [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion :


    You getting a PvE server instead of quitting the game would mean that everyone would get a PvE server to do their PvE activities too. Which would mean that most PvE activities will be happening on the PvE server. Which would mean that pvpve players will have to choose between a server with 0% pvp or one with 70/80/90% pvp. No more middle ground.

    See I disagree with this, but not because of our disagreement on player mentality, I disagree because of the known fact that Custom Servers (let alone PVE servers) would not be Free. They will cost (though that cost is currently unknown) IRL $$$.

    Let me be clear, if these servers were FREE, and I have said this before, then I would 100% agree with the other side of the debate and shift my opinion and perspective. A point that, IMHO, that gets lost in this PVE server debate is none of it is coming as a Free update that "everyone" will just instant access too. Its coming at a cost. That cost will inherently be a limiting factor, regardless of the overall function as a gimped Custom Server, or a Proper Private Server.

    To be honest, if what is advocated is private servers costing enough money to deter most of the player base to get it I would be fine with it. I would certainly don't think that it paint a good picture of Rare but ultimately, if it doesn't upset the balance too much, why should I care.
    That being said, I don't think that the majority of player asking for PvE only servers are advocating for things they wouldn't have personally access to. Chances are that most of them would be quite disgusted by a PvE mode that they cannot afford. And if most of them can afford it, that doesn't make a huge difference regarding the impact of those server on the playerbase of the pvpve server comparing to a free pve mode.

    My counterpoint has been (regardless of the PVE v PVP playstyle debate or the select issue I have with PVP), that the population of players who dont pay for those servers will still be large enough to keep a balance. The idea that servers will become nothing but Carnage with no PVE payout to me is false because the standard Adventure mode would always be the free option. Now as an add-on to this, I have stated that from my perspective, it also stands to reason that should a high enough ratio of players Pay for these servers, it stands to reason to prove that such a demand was high, regardless of the perceived outcry against it. (and that's not even me being snide, that me just pointing out Causation and Correlation)

    Well I guess you and most other people here are not actually discussing the same things : most players ask for PvE server that they can freely have access to. So it's not so dereasonnable that most people here address the implication of such server instead of the implications of a server priced high enough to prevent most of the playerbase to join in.

    The only thing I will point out in your statement that is subjective not fact, is the "Enjoyment" of the fragile equilibrium between PVE and PVP in the PVEVP world". I dont mean to be overtly critical of it, but to say that everyone enjoys the balance (regardless of there preference for PVE or PVP) is a facile and subjective viewpoint. If it was enjoyed by everyone, I optimistically think we would all not be here today debating the subject. Honest to goodness hats off to you for enjoying the current balance (such as it is), and you will get no condemnation from me, I assure you. However, while I will agree and concede that we are all PVEVP players, that playstyle preference does point out a key aspect of the debate that given the opportunity, you would prefer to shift to one side.

    I'm a pvpve player, that's the genre I love the most at least. I would not be playing SoT if it was PvE only, nor would I play it if it was 80% + pvp. I enjoy this game where I will have maybe 2 or 3 hostile encounters in a 5h session. It keeps things fresh for me. I would probably not enjoy it if I had to fight every 20 minutes. It would get old very fast (in this game atleast since a lot of the pve takes more than 15 minutes to do, travel time included). That is indeed subjective.
    I will dispute however that given the opportunity I would prefer to shift to one side. I would simply opt out and try to find another game suiting my playstyle. Who knows, maybe something will try to take the place that SoT would have left (pvpve game light).

    If we are all PvEvP players, then ideally the balance of content (and players) would be 50/50 between both PVE and PVP.

    Pvpve doesn't mean 50% pve / 50% pvp tho. That's just one possible balance. Rust for instance (I bring it since we both play or played that game) has many type of servers with different meta regarding this. There are all pvpve server nonetheless. When I played Rust the most was before the additions of the pve content like the oil plant etc so it was more pvp focused than SoT (to be clear on my experience with the game).

    However, because of playstyle preference, that balance shifts (even if unintended). I would make the guess that the balance is currently about 70/30, with PVE taking the higher ratio, though I acknowledge a bias.

    I would say that this is my guess aswell !

    Perhaps some view it the other way, or with greater imbalance than just 70/30 or perhaps some do view it as a closer ratio, and those are fair viewpoints. However the Scale keeps tipping regardless as time goes on, and eventually that scale might give way (in what direction not even I could say).

    Definitely. I would even say that it also depends on your proficiency at the genre. If you're careless or appears to be an easy prey, you will encounter more pvp than if you know what to do to mitigate it. I can believe that for some newcomers to the genre, they will be attacked and sunk way more often than me. The same way I was raided pretty much every night when I first started to play Rust. Eventually I got better and that happend less often and/or was less damaging.
    You're right that the scale might give way. I would go so far as saying that the meta is shifting all the time. That may be the biggest challenge for a pvpve game design team ! Some of the additions in SoT where implemented to encourage pvp for instance in order to increase its occurence (The emissary system).

    Again I dont disagree with your assessment, I am simply more (from my view at least) more optimistic about how that balance can be achieved. Fingers crossed if nothing else.

    I would be more optimistic if they chose to gatekeep the PvE servers to a low minority of the player base. But that is not what most people here are arguing for (or against). ^^

  • @jadedragon00

    Custom servers are created to be a creative mode. One where players are not going to be limited to the progression they made, they can fill in and create any type of experience that they want and anything you do there will be limited to that environment. So, if paying for it is not an issue, if cosmetics do not matter and all that jazz. If simply the motivation is to set sail, chill without the treat of PvP. Simply pay for this creative mode, setup the rules you want and create your own version of the game, be it a PvE paradise, a capture the skull PvP only island brawl, a ship on ship racing track, an escort the president PvP mini game or anything else that you can think of.

    Your argument it is going to be paid for, means that the less restrictive option that they are creating should be suitable for your PvE server needs. The custom servers are in development and might need some tweaks, but yeah your pirate will not gain any reputation, wealth or commendations in such a mode. Once you return your pirate will not have made any progress.

    Yet most people are not satisfied by this, they are not wanting to pay for it, set it up themselves and not see their main pirate make any progress... they are comparing it to Arena, a free mode. They want a click on the menu screen to move their pirate from one to the other without restrictions or boundaries.

  • @cotu42 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    Euhm... if anyone wants to think I am an offering while I am doing PvE, feel free to drop by and we will see who ends up in the offering pit.

    Like I always say to an enemy ship... "Do you seek friendly interaction or DEATH!?!?"

  • @puggins7318 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @mferr11 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @puggins7318 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    Offering up PvEers as content to be consumed by PvPers is unethical game design.

    I don't think Rare has a gun to your head forcing you to play their game. If you don't like PvPvE games, don't play PvPvE games.

    If I quit, if people like me quit, where does that leave people like you?

    What's the difference between me quitting and me getting a PvE server, except Rare getting less money?

    Honestly after reading your posts you need to quit. This game is not for you and I feel you take your son being virtually killed too seriously.

    I dont mean this to be rude. I tried playing online games with PvP in them with my husband but he cant deal with PvP either so we stick to games where its just the two of us.

    I would much rather you quit than Rare to set up a PvE server, dont need the balance messed up over someone who buys a game with PvP in it and then decides "this is unethical!"

    Now if Rare somewhere down the line does rent-able progression locked server I am cool with that and I would rent one myself but I dont think that will be anytime soon the game is still young so may I suggest the Lego series games for you and your son? Actually I play those with my husband and we have fun on it.

  • @puggins7318

    I play with my son and he gives as good as he gets against most everyone, more in fact on average.. He's PL and level 42 sea dog with most of the sea dog gear and he's 12 tomorrow. In fact the most heard comms I seem to get from him usually when he's off ship is "Right, anchors down and they're all dead.." We'll only attack reapers or sometimes emissaries unless we're attacked first.

    Stick at it both, it's probably the most fun we've had together. He just has this idea that he is the captain but he's so wrong... We'll sail with you if you want and share what we know, just DM me.

    My 8 year old son also joins sometimes when he can drag his backside off fortnite..

  • @Puggins7318 I gotta agree with @combatxkitty Normally I would try to at least defend your position but even I must concede your passions are a bit more than what even I consider a normal reaction from even those on my side of the debate. (dont get me wrong I still advocate for the PVE server debate but I am not doing it from the position of "Protect the Children" - No offence of course)

    I will acknowledge I am not a parent, so I dont have the ability to empathize on that level, so I wont make a judgment call on that point, however, (and I will establish I am NOT a fan of calling on this perspective) but the game IS technically rated T for teens. To be fair I did not see you mention your childs age, but if your supervising your sons gaming time, I am under the impression they are under the double digits.

    Full acknowledgement, I am aware that mine and indeed anyones comment will come across more negative than I am intending (though some people might be more snide on purpose, but I cannot control them), but I dont really have a better way of phrasing it. Honestly the Lego games are a great suggestion by Kitty, I for one still pop in Indiana Jones and the OG Star Wars one. Most advice I could give is hold out for RARE to make the game more accessible for your child, or at least go into the settings and mute everyone. Outside of that, keep him out of COD until his there voice no longer squeaks.

  • @john-arkham Fair enough I will acknowledge that players on average would not advocate for something they would not have access too, but on that note I would point out not everyone is aware the Servers will cost anything - some do, but I think we can agree not everyone reads the detailed posts and forums, just the cliff notes lol

    As to the price, I agree it would be a little strange if they were to charge an exuberant amount but I think as far as it being no different (in terms of population) to a free version, I would point out that not everyone would be able to pay on a consistent basis. Some people might only pay for it for 1 month, a couple month, perhaps a 1 time year investment, some might do an off and on thing, so the population would fluxuate, sort of an eb and flow between the two, keeping the scale in a relative balance.

    Think of it like this; I play Star Wars the Old republic (a F2P MMORPG), as a Free player, I have certain limitations, one of which is Credits (the currency). I can only have about 2Mill on my player before I cannot hold anymore. However any more Credits I earn dont just disappear, they go into an escro until I re-subscribe. Upon Re-subbing all those credits in escro get added back to my account. If my sub lapses, then any spare credits that go above the cap are back in escro.

    Relating this to Sea of thieves, I know one topic that has been brough up is seperating progress on the Adventure Servers vs a Potential PVE server. Now I am not a fan of suggestion that once your subscription or payment lapses your progress is wiped out, BUT I am ok with the idea that, If I pay for a Rented server, that any progress I make be locked to that server. If my payments to the server laps, my access to that pirate gets locked, until I buy again. Dont get me wrong, I still am more a fan of retained progression across both, since its a cosmetics only progression system but I digress the point. I know many (so far) on here disagree with that and its just going in circles at that point..

    In many ways this would actually solve the separate issue of allowing players to have more than one pirate. Not as heavily asked for, but certainly something players have wanted. (closest we got was the pirate potion, which ended up being a 2$ MXT but still) Its something to consider or think about it nothing else.

    Well I guess you and most other people here are not actually discussing the same things

    I will concede, as a personal gripe on for myself, that its a bit frustrating to see players that align more with the PVE mindset, automatically assume I am on there side. It makes my own personal advocation a tad tricker (and in fairness anyone's advocations regardless of PVE or PVP) because One person will say one thing, and 5 more will cherry pick it and assume thats what I or another person meant and claim thats what they want. (Again not just for PVE but for PVP as well). It sort of derails the debate regardless of what that debate is. Its even happened in this thread where I have felt compelled to express that My position on a PVE subject is not the same as what another person was suggesting it be. I mean its one thing to debate someone with an opposite position or opinion, but its almost more frustrating to debate someone with the same (sort of) opinion.

    If I had a dollar for every PVP suggestion or even PVE suggestion that was so far right field for even what this game is even capable of, I might not need to ever care about spending money for a while. I mean just yesterday I saw a PVP suggestion that this game should the ability to add a mechanic that would auto repair your ship so you dont have to have players repairing it in a fight. . . like, what? About a week ago, I saw someone suggest a PVE mechanic for Loot to make it so all chest would need a key to open. . .i mean, we already have chests that need keys or open but if EVERY chest needed a key (even if visually it would be cool) it would break A) the Lore of the Gold hoarders that has been established, and B) make gold hoarders more drawn out than is even fun.

  • What they should do is place people by accommodations and achievements. When I get sunk I go look at the people's stats. Sadly most haven't accomplished anything the game had to offer. Even when you look at the percentages of people completed accomplishments, its quite sad. I personally suck at pvp and will admit it. I don't mind someone who has put the time into doing the work and has at least 50 percent of the accommodations done. But some idiot who just gets on to sink everyone and be a fool is a waste of what the game has to offer. The game is great even being sunk by other players. But when you watch them sail off and never grab the loot after sinking a player, it kind of makes the game a waste of time. And when people sail up and sink a ship docked at an island then sail away, its kind of cowardly. Maybe this game should be named sea of cowards. Thieves steal, cowards destroy for self proclaimed manlyhood.........

  • @psychotic-newby Im not gonna comment on the later half of your statement, but I think your idea of "matchmaking" by achievements and commendations, while not inherently flawed logic, fails to take on thing into account; YOU dont have to be the one to complete the commendation to complete it.

    Think about it, How many crews have you been in where 1 or more members will sort of just hover around the ship and not actually DO the work? Your at an island solving a Riddle or Fighting skeletons, and even if your struggling a modest bit, they are just fishing on the boat or emote afking on the Bow of the ship. To be fair, not everyone who is not participating in a task is just being 'carried' so to speak, gathering supplies, food, and yes even watching the ship is something that is good for the crew, but I think we all have encountered those players who actively try to avoid doing any work. Yet when you do complete whatever task your doing, they still reap the rewards. They will still get gold, still get a tick on there commendations and so on.

    Taking that even further, some commendations are pure RNG based and not even an indicator of skill. Take the "Hunter of the Shrouded Ghost" commendation. Sure killing a Megalodon takes its own modicum of skill, but the appearance of this Megalodon is not skill based, its RNG based. Theoretically, the first Megalodon a new player could encounter could be the Shrouded Ghost. Obviously this is not an indication of "Skill" or "Experience", just luck. In that same vein, a player could literally do no work in killing the beast. They could stand below deck, while the rest of the crew fights and repairs against it, and that player would still get credit for its defeat.

    In summary, matching people by "Achievements and Commendations", while not inherently a bad concept (as its technically viable in other games and frameworks), in SoT, where progress is horizontal, it makes it less an indicator of inherent player skill, and unviable.

  • To @mferr11, @Scarecrow1771, and all the other salty PvPers:

    You👏don't👏get👏to👏dictate👏how👏others👏spend👏their👏spare👏time, and👏wether👏they👏spend👏it👏with👏you👏.

    It's completely irrelevant what you want from the game.
    It's completely irrelevant if the game has "KILLTASTIC KILL KILL" written on the box.

    If others don't want to play with you, and people like you, that's their choice.
    You're not entitled to be entertained by others.

    People, by paying money to buy the game, are very much entitled to play the game how they like. Including you.

    If you find enough people that want to do PvP, PvPvE,
    great! You're playing the game as you want, completely within the realm of what you're entitled to.

    Obviously theres a big part of the community that doesn't want to engage in PvP all the time, and as much as you are entitled to shape the experience to your liking,
    they are too.

    If Rare forcing people to play with you, while luring them with content that's actually fun for them, is the only way for you to have fun. And the game breaking once they stop being forced, then, maybe, mayyybeee the game was broken all along.
    (Aside from that being complete statistical nonsense, because it's not like there would be only PvE, and each server doesn't hold that many people anyways, so there would still be plenty of PvP, and PvPvE going on.)

    Think of it. People like me would pay a monthly fee, to not have to interact with people like you.
    Let that sink in for a moment and maybe guide you in some self reflection.

  • @elseentirely said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    To @mferr11, @Scarecrow1771, and all the other salty PvPers:

    You👏don't👏get👏to👏dictate👏how👏others👏spend👏their👏spare👏time, and👏wether👏they👏spend👏it👏with👏you👏.

    Nobody is holding a gun to anyone's head, play whatever game you like. Free will and all that.

    It's completely irrelevant what you want from the game.
    It's completely irrelevant if the game has "KILLTASTIC KILL KILL" written on the box.

    It is entirely relevant. You don't get to buy a car then complain that it cant float and doesn't have sails and a rudder. SOT is a pvpve game, if you don't want to participate in some pvp with your pve, don't buy it.

    If others don't want to play with you, and people like you, that's their choice.

    And people can exercise that choice, If you don't enjoy a game and it's mechanics , don't play it. Is there some epidemic of people being forced to play SOT against their will that I don't know about?

    You're not entitled to be entertained by others.

    At the core of SOT is player interaction, players, and your encounters with them are a huge part of the content, by buying and playing the game you are voluntarily taking part in a shared world where your interactions with other crews are a corner stone of what makes SOT entertaining.
    Again....you are not forced to participate.

    People, by paying money to buy the game, are very much entitled to play the game how they like. Including you.

    They are entitled to play the game however they like (within TOS and the games mechanics), they are not entitled to demand an entire overhaul of the game and its mechanics that would drive away the existing playerbase.

    If you find enough people that want to do PvP, PvPvE,
    great! You're playing the game as you want, completely within the realm of what you're entitled to.

    Agreed, Sot is a PVPVE sandbox, I sail around and engage with pvp and pve, I may be able to influence how much of each I interact with to some degree, but I never have full control, that would defeat the purpose of a pvpve sandbox, where every session is a mystery.

    Obviously theres a big part of the community that doesn't want to engage in PvP all the time, and as much as you are entitled to shape the experience to your liking,
    they are too.

    They can already shape the experience to their liking, with only 5 ships on a large map, 7 outposts to turn in their loot at, not to mention how easy it is to spot other ships and run away, it is possible to spend entire sessions without having to interact with other crews.

    If Rare forcing people to play with you, while luring them with content that's actually fun for them, is the only way for you to have fun. And the game breaking once they stop being forced, then, maybe, mayyybeee the game was broken all along.

    SOT is a pvpve game, that there is no pve mode or passive mode is a deliberate game design choice, and has been a huge part of its continued success. If a someone wants to play SOT and never have to ever deal with pvp, then they have bought the wrong game, It really is that simple.

    (Aside from that being complete statistical nonsense, because it's not like there would be only PvE, and each server doesn't hold that many people anyways, so there would still be plenty of PvP, and PvPvE going on.)

    Speaking of nonsense....

    Think of it. People like me would pay a monthly fee, to not have to interact with people like you.
    Let that sink in for a moment and maybe guide you in some self reflection.

    Im good, although you might want to think about the level of entitlement of a person that buys a game they they don't enjoy and don't understand, and then demands it to be changed for them, regardless of the already established community that loves the game, or the vision of the development team.

  • @elseentirely said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    To @mferr11, @Scarecrow1771, and all the other salty PvPers:

    You👏don't👏get👏to👏dictate👏how👏others👏spend👏their👏spare👏time, and👏wether👏they👏spend👏it👏with👏you👏.

    It's completely irrelevant what you want from the game.
    It's completely irrelevant if the game has "KILLTASTIC KILL KILL" written on the box.

    If others don't want to play with you, and people like you, that's their choice.
    You're not entitled to be entertained by others.

    People, by paying money to buy the game, are very much entitled to play the game how they like. Including you.

    If you find enough people that want to do PvP, PvPvE,
    great! You're playing the game as you want, completely within the realm of what you're entitled to.

    Obviously theres a big part of the community that doesn't want to engage in PvP all the time, and as much as you are entitled to shape the experience to your liking,
    they are too.

    If Rare forcing people to play with you, while luring them with content that's actually fun for them, is the only way for you to have fun. And the game breaking once they stop being forced, then, maybe, mayyybeee the game was broken all along.
    (Aside from that being complete statistical nonsense, because it's not like there would be only PvE, and each server doesn't hold that many people anyways, so there would still be plenty of PvP, and PvPvE going on.)

    Think of it. People like me would pay a monthly fee, to not have to interact with people like you.
    Let that sink in for a moment and maybe guide you in some self reflection.

    so where is this big part of the community? I can only see castaways new to the forum and game

  • @elseentirely said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    To @mferr11, @Scarecrow1771, and all the other salty PvPers:

    Cheers for the assumption that I'm a salty PvPer. I spend more time doing PvE than PvP, but it's okay, we all make mistakes in the heat of passion, Jimbo.

    You👏don't👏get👏to👏dictate👏how👏others👏spend👏their👏spare👏time, and👏wether👏they👏spend👏it👏with👏you👏.

    Go off buddy. The clapping emojis actually make me 150% more likely to believe your argument.

    It's completely irrelevant what you want from the game.

    What I want? Like, me, the individual? Sure I guess, it doesn't matter what I want, I'm just a customer. Ultimately it's up to Rare.

    It's completely irrelevant if the game has "KILLTASTIC KILL KILL" written on the box.

    Aaaaaaaand you've lost me. Pretty sure the game description, genre, and gameplay is very important. Play games you like, not ones you don't like.

    If others don't want to play with you, and people like you, that's their choice.

    You're 100% right. If they don't want to play with me, and people like me, they can not play the game.

    You're not entitled to be entertained by others.

    Yep. But the devs did make the game, and they made a game that focuses on player interaction, soooo...

    People, by paying money to buy the game, are very much entitled to play the game how they like. Including you.

    So people that pay for a game can play how they like? I guess every cheater is justified since "they payed money for the game".

    If you find enough people that want to do PvP, PvPvE,
    great! You're playing the game as you want, completely within the realm of what you're entitled to.

    Thought I wasn't entitled to be entertained by other players.

    Obviously theres a big part of the community that doesn't want to engage in PvP all the time, and as much as you are entitled to shape the experience to your liking,
    they are too.

    The game already functions like this. You can shape your experience to pretty much anything you want. Want to only hunt down ships? Game lets you. Want to only do PvE and avoid every other ship? Game lets you. Want to only do world events? Game lets you. You may need to put in some effort (oh god the horror!), but the game lets you do whatever you want.

    What you're asking for is complete control over every session. The game is staunchly against this. Here are some quotes, though I doubt they'll matter to you as apparently the game's name doesn't matter.

    "The quintessential Sea of Thieves experience is known collectively as Adventure mode, where pirates can roam, discover, fight and loot in a shared pirate paradise!"

    "Perhaps that player ship on the horizon could help you out of a scrape? Or perhaps it's just the next threat you'll have to face..."

    "The Sea of Thieves is a world of wonders and dangers, offering luscious vistas and scenes of destruction – often on the same voyage. Pirates navigating this world must be prepared for unexpected events, momentous challenges… and potential riches!"

    "You may think the scale of this place means there's plenty of space for everyone, but you'll soon encounter other ships and crews as you undertake your voyages. It's up to you how you interact and what kind of crew you choose to be. Create allies or enemies, be benefactors or betrayers, exchange banter or broadsides – you make the call! Of course, what you can't know in advance is how other ships' crews will react upon seeing you..."

    If Rare forcing people to play with you,


    while luring them with content that's actually fun for them,

    Luring them in? Like, with advertising? The thing literally every company does to promote their product? Damn, how dare they!

    is the only way for you to have fun.

    It's not. It's just one of the many aspects of the game that I find fun.

    And the game breaking once they stop being forced, then, maybe, mayyybeee the game was broken all along.

    It's been growing strong for 3 years. Don't think the game has been broken this whole time.

    Think of it. People like me would pay a monthly fee, to not have to interact with people like you.

    Soon you'll be able to with private servers. You can pay for one (not sure if it's going to monthly/one time for a set amount of time, that information hasn't been released yet), but with no risk comes no reward. Have fun!

    Let that sink in for a moment and maybe guide you in some self reflection.

    All right, I'll let that sink in, as long as you too do some reflection.

    You talk a lot about entitlement, yet you come here demanding changes that deviate from the developers vision and intentions. You say it doesn't matter what the game is advertised as, described as, or presented as, if it isn't what you want the devs need to change it. Entitled much?

    You seem to take a lot of enjoyment in dividing the community into purely PvP and purely PvE. A lot of talk about us and them. "people like you" when referring to, what you assume is a salty toxic PvPer. I do appreciate the assumption up front, lets us know a lot about you. Because I disagree with your argument I'm just a "salty PvPer". Nice.

  • I only pop in to see when custom servers are coming but I have to say this thread is just people entrenched in their position - on both sides of the pvp pve argument. You could delete 75 pages and not lose any discussion value at all.

    I was one of those people who came to the forum to have a big moan about getting sunk and everything getting robbed, getting scammed, someone nicking my Tall Tale item, people tucking, spawn camping and being called a F****** N***** C*** B****.

    Obviously there resulted a pile-on from people who enjoy things the way they are. I like to think I'm a sensible fella so I hung around to try and figure out why things were the way they were. In between the obvious "You brought the wrong game" and "Go play something else" and "I want easy progression" and "Leave me alone to get to legend in peace" I got an understanding of how the game was intended to be (whether I think that is how the game actually is or not). I've figured out that the kind of thing I want exists with the private custom server and I am looking to see when that's launched.

    Progression will happen somewhere even if it isn't in game on a custom server because players have a tenacity to get things the way they want (look at the alliance servers). Also think of DayZ, there are hundreds of discord servers where virtual money is traded on the Discord server for in-game items and people progress on the discord server and have no progression in-game really, so unless Rare restrict the custom servers to the point they only offer very specific things(remove all of the cosmetics is a good bet at something they'll do, purely to stop the scenario I've described with DayZ) then Rare have some very tough decisions to make.

    Strangling the custom servers makes it harder to sell monthy subs so if people have to pay it's got to be attractive. That attraction for many will be;-

    • Sail around doing what you like with no threat of PvP unless you want a server ban.
    • Complete Tall Tales in complete isolation and peace - even if you can't unlock anything.
    • Join a Discord and figure out a way of keeping track of in-game theoretical gold.
    • Events such as drunken foot races with a drunken chest, ship races, boosted Events so EVERYONE on the server has to be involved to succeed.
    • Singing shanties IRL via voice comms. (plz no TikTok)
    • Sniper competitions.
    • Sailing races with season-long multi leg races.
    • in-game festive events set up by Server Admin.
      -Hanging around in a Tavern like a chat room.
    • and of course, people just doing their thing being "left alone."
    • Depending upon the controls given to the server admin, things like new factions, or shoals of Megs, Man'o'War ships or fleet engagements with Skeletons and so on.
    • REALLY adventurous and optimistic would be the ability to Mod and Code your own Tall Tales, - although I admit it would immediately get modded to add gold.

    Even without any means of keeping track of gold or having anything other than basic/starter cosmetics, a lot of what I've listed would be something many players would really really enjoy. Whether it's a PvPvE game, or whether one person thinks it should or shouldn't happen, if custom servers offer at least some of what I've listed then Rare will make a wedge of money.

    And ultimately that's what they're about.

    So err, any news on custom servers I've missed?

  • @theargonaut144 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    I only pop in to see when custom servers are coming but I have to say this thread is just people entrenched in their position - on both sides of the pvp pve argument. You could delete 75 pages and not lose any discussion value at all.

    I was one of those people who came to the forum to have a big moan about getting sunk and everything getting robbed, getting scammed, someone nicking my Tall Tale item, people tucking, spawn camping and being called a F****** N***** C*** B****.

    Obviously there resulted a pile-on from people who enjoy things the way they are. I like to think I'm a sensible fella so I hung around to try and figure out why things were the way they were. In between the obvious "You brought the wrong game" and "Go play something else" and "I want easy progression" and "Leave me alone to get to legend in peace" I got an understanding of how the game was intended to be (whether I think that is how the game actually is or not). I've figured out that the kind of thing I want exists with the private custom server and I am looking to see when that's launched.

    Progression will happen somewhere even if it isn't in game on a custom server because players have a tenacity to get things the way they want (look at the alliance servers). Also think of DayZ, there are hundreds of discord servers where virtual money is traded on the Discord server for in-game items and people progress on the discord server and have no progression in-game really, so unless Rare restrict the custom servers to the point they only offer very specific things(remove all of the cosmetics is a good bet at something they'll do, purely to stop the scenario I've described with DayZ) then Rare have some very tough decisions to make.

    Strangling the custom servers makes it harder to sell monthy subs so if people have to pay it's got to be attractive. That attraction for many will be;-

    • Sail around doing what you like with no threat of PvP unless you want a server ban.
    • Complete Tall Tales in complete isolation and peace - even if you can't unlock anything.
    • Join a Discord and figure out a way of keeping track of in-game theoretical gold.
    • Events such as drunken foot races with a drunken chest, ship races, boosted Events so EVERYONE on the server has to be involved to succeed.
    • Singing shanties IRL via voice comms. (plz no TikTok)
    • Sniper competitions.
    • Sailing races with season-long multi leg races.
    • in-game festive events set up by Server Admin.
      -Hanging around in a Tavern like a chat room.
    • and of course, people just doing their thing being "left alone."
    • Depending upon the controls given to the server admin, things like new factions, or shoals of Megs, Man'o'War ships or fleet engagements with Skeletons and so on.
    • REALLY adventurous and optimistic would be the ability to Mod and Code your own Tall Tales, - although I admit it would immediately get modded to add gold.

    Even without any means of keeping track of gold or having anything other than basic/starter cosmetics, a lot of what I've listed would be something many players would really really enjoy. Whether it's a PvPvE game, or whether one person thinks it should or shouldn't happen, if custom servers offer at least some of what I've listed then Rare will make a wedge of money.

    And ultimately that's what they're about.

    So err, any news on custom servers I've missed?

    still in early alpha afaik

  • @theargonaut144 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    • Sail around doing what you like with no threat of PvP unless you want a server ban.

    Who is banning people? The owner will buy/rent the server, and then they can choose who is allowed on by giving out a code to join.

    • Complete Tall Tales in complete isolation and peace - even if you can't unlock anything.


    • Events such as drunken foot races with a drunken chest, ship races, boosted Events so EVERYONE on the server has to be involved to succeed.

    You'll be able to do these events if you organise it, but there won't be official support for it (not at release anyway). How would Rare make it so you could create your own events? Also boosted events? Like stronger forts and fleets? You're not a God in your server, you just choose who is allowed in.

    • Singing shanties IRL via voice comms. (plz no TikTok)


    • Sniper competitions.


    • Sailing races with season-long multi leg races.

    Season long? Seasons go for 3 months? And how is this race being set up? Again, no official support for this, you'll have to organise it.

    • in-game festive events set up by Server Admin.

    The admin does not have the ability to decorate the map with festive props. They can't run their own events.

    -Hanging around in a Tavern like a chat room.


    -and of course, people just doing their thing being "left alone."


    -Depending upon the controls given to the server admin, things like new factions, or shoals of Megs, Man'o'War ships or fleet engagements with Skeletons and so on.

    I think you're way over estimating what the admin will be able to do. I mean, come on. Custom trading companies? PvE spawning? Custom ships?

    So err, any news on custom servers I've missed?

    I think you heard the phrase "custom servers" and immediately jumped to modding/fan content/total control/mini developer. It's not that. It's normal adventure minus the rewards and the owner chooses who can sail on that server.

  • @mferr11

    The server owner will obviously ban people who turn up and PvP everyone (if it's a PvE style custom server). It's going to happen but will result in a server ban.

    I know there'll be no support for keeping track of multi leg races or possibly no real way of spawning things for events. But you can arrange things like a halloween thing you do together.

    Multi leg race would be a sailing race held every Wednesday (example) with winner getting 5 points, second 3 points and so on. End of season someone is champion, arranged via a Discord or whatever. I think the whole premise of Custom Servers was to enable more fan content.

    I might have overestimated what can be done (we don't know yet - you might be able to simply spawn a meg when you like as owner) but even without the ability to spawn anything or change anything there's a huge amount of things can be set up. The inventiveness of players is often surprising, and the tenacity of people to get things just how they like is almost boundless.

  • @joshy3101 Ok thank you!

  • @theargonaut144 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:


    The server owner will obviously ban people who turn up and PvP everyone (if it's a PvE style custom server). It's going to happen but will result in a server ban.

    Not exactly, from what we have seen when SOT partners have used the custom servers, they work off an invite code that is generated when the "owner" opens the server, and and I believe server is closed when the owner leaves. No idea if some kind of "kick" option is gong to be included.

    I know there'll be no support for keeping track of multi leg races or possibly no real way of spawning things for events. But you can arrange things like a halloween thing you do together.

    Multi leg race would be a sailing race held every Wednesday (example) with winner getting 5 points, second 3 points and so on. End of season someone is champion, arranged via a Discord or whatever. I think the whole premise of Custom Servers was to enable more fan content.

    I might have overestimated what can be done (we don't know yet - you might be able to simply spawn a meg when you like as owner) but even without the ability to spawn anything or change anything there's a huge amount of things can be set up. The inventiveness of players is often surprising, and the tenacity of people to get things just how they like is almost boundless.

    These kind of creative events are the reason custom servers are coming. Its going to be cool to see what the more creative pirates come up with.

  • @elseentirely

    Btw. love that you call us all salty PvPers... while reality is most of us actively PvE quite a bit. I for one grinded myself up to Athena 10 in the first year through voyages, most of it by myself... but I am a salty PvP maniac! How lovely that you can judge people while really not understanding what a PvEvP play style is about. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

    It's completely irrelevant if the game has "KILLTASTIC KILL KILL" written on the box.

    Btw. it is totally relevant that you understand the product that you bought... it is like complaining a car sinks, because you were seeking to buy a boat and drove into a lake after buying a brand new car. Maybe buy something that suits your wishes instead of complaining something advertised as providing a different experience isn't working out for you?

    It's completely irrelevant what you want from the game.

    Yet isn't your argument that you want the game to adjust because of it would be relevant what you want from the game? This is what we call being a hypocrite. If it is irrelevant what we want, then the same applies to you and by result nothing needs to change.

    People, by paying money to buy the game, are very much entitled to play the game how they like. Including you.

    Yes, you are allowed to play how ever you like. The game developers provided all the tools to play as you want in this open world PvEvP game. A shared world where you will meet people that play as they want and where motivations will differ. You will sometimes lose, you will sometimes win and you will never know who you will be meeting out on the seas.

    You're playing the game as you want, completely within the realm of what you're entitled to.

    Yet we aren't entitled to any type of realm. Sometimes we enter a world that is to aggressive to our taste or not aggressive enough. The thing is nobody actually knows what realm they will enter when they set sail, how many players want to battle and how many will actively avoid it and this is why people server hop - both from the PvE and the PvP end, they are trying to find a realm that suits them better and you have those that stick around and take the effort and actions to shape the realm to their own liking.

    Obviously theres a big part of the community that doesn't want to engage in PvP all the time, and as much as you are entitled to shape the experience to your liking, they are too.

    Yes, you can shape the experience to your liking... just you know actually shape it by making the choices and using the tools to do so. Yet you are not asking to shape it yourself, you want the developers to do it instead... if you do not want to fight, hide, avoid, flee, run, talk... there are other options than sword, gun and cannons.

    Think of it. People like me would pay a monthly fee, to not have to interact with people like you.

    Let that sink in for a moment and maybe guide you in some self reflection

    Great news... custom servers are on their way, you can pay and set sail in your own little realm and not invite anyone else upon them. They are currently in Alpha and should be hitting the main population sometime this year.

  • Sigh. . . the thread had just gotten a tad calmer (Even with a few disagreements, it was calming down) Then one person had to come in and take the extremist side, and shout instead of talk. Instead of a debate, nothing more than cherrypicked arguments have clearly ensued with the conversation literally back where it began.

    And so the Wheels on the Bus go Round, and Round, and Round. . . . . .

    I need a cup of coffee.

  • @elseentirely said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    To @mferr11, @Scarecrow1771, and all the other salty PvPers:

    You👏don't👏get👏to👏dictate👏how👏others👏spend👏their👏spare👏time, and👏wether👏they👏spend👏it👏with👏you👏.

    It's completely irrelevant what you want from the game.
    It's completely irrelevant if the game has "KILLTASTIC KILL KILL" written on the box.

    If others don't want to play with you, and people like you, that's their choice.
    You're not entitled to be entertained by others.

    People, by paying money to buy the game, are very much entitled to play the game how they like. Including you.

    If you find enough people that want to do PvP, PvPvE,
    great! You're playing the game as you want, completely within the realm of what you're entitled to.

    Obviously theres a big part of the community that doesn't want to engage in PvP all the time, and as much as you are entitled to shape the experience to your liking,
    they are too.

    If Rare forcing people to play with you, while luring them with content that's actually fun for them, is the only way for you to have fun. And the game breaking once they stop being forced, then, maybe, mayyybeee the game was broken all along.
    (Aside from that being complete statistical nonsense, because it's not like there would be only PvE, and each server doesn't hold that many people anyways, so there would still be plenty of PvP, and PvPvE going on.)

    Think of it. People like me would pay a monthly fee, to not have to interact with people like you.
    Let that sink in for a moment and maybe guide you in some self reflection.

    Oh look another castaway account who has come to this thread and only this thread for their first forum post to insult people who do not want PvE servers.. Who told you about this thread?

  • @combatxkitty said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @elseentirely said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    To @mferr11, @Scarecrow1771, and all the other salty PvPers:

    You👏don't👏get👏to👏dictate👏how👏others👏spend👏their👏spare👏time, and👏wether👏they👏spend👏it👏with👏you👏.

    It's completely irrelevant what you want from the game.
    It's completely irrelevant if the game has "KILLTASTIC KILL KILL" written on the box.

    If others don't want to play with you, and people like you, that's their choice.
    You're not entitled to be entertained by others.

    People, by paying money to buy the game, are very much entitled to play the game how they like. Including you.

    If you find enough people that want to do PvP, PvPvE,
    great! You're playing the game as you want, completely within the realm of what you're entitled to.

    Obviously theres a big part of the community that doesn't want to engage in PvP all the time, and as much as you are entitled to shape the experience to your liking,
    they are too.

    If Rare forcing people to play with you, while luring them with content that's actually fun for them, is the only way for you to have fun. And the game breaking once they stop being forced, then, maybe, mayyybeee the game was broken all along.
    (Aside from that being complete statistical nonsense, because it's not like there would be only PvE, and each server doesn't hold that many people anyways, so there would still be plenty of PvP, and PvPvE going on.)

    Think of it. People like me would pay a monthly fee, to not have to interact with people like you.
    Let that sink in for a moment and maybe guide you in some self reflection.

    Oh look another castaway account who has come to this thread and only this thread for their first forum post to insult people who do not want PvE servers.. Who told you about this thread?

    hmmm I don't wanna spread false information but did you consider that one person has multiple accounts? Only speculation, of course xD

  • @joshy3101 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @combatxkitty said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @elseentirely said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    To @mferr11, @Scarecrow1771, and all the other salty PvPers:

    You👏don't👏get👏to👏dictate👏how👏others👏spend👏their👏spare👏time, and👏wether👏they👏spend👏it👏with👏you👏.

    It's completely irrelevant what you want from the game.
    It's completely irrelevant if the game has "KILLTASTIC KILL KILL" written on the box.

    If others don't want to play with you, and people like you, that's their choice.
    You're not entitled to be entertained by others.

    People, by paying money to buy the game, are very much entitled to play the game how they like. Including you.

    If you find enough people that want to do PvP, PvPvE,
    great! You're playing the game as you want, completely within the realm of what you're entitled to.

    Obviously theres a big part of the community that doesn't want to engage in PvP all the time, and as much as you are entitled to shape the experience to your liking,
    they are too.

    If Rare forcing people to play with you, while luring them with content that's actually fun for them, is the only way for you to have fun. And the game breaking once they stop being forced, then, maybe, mayyybeee the game was broken all along.
    (Aside from that being complete statistical nonsense, because it's not like there would be only PvE, and each server doesn't hold that many people anyways, so there would still be plenty of PvP, and PvPvE going on.)

    Think of it. People like me would pay a monthly fee, to not have to interact with people like you.
    Let that sink in for a moment and maybe guide you in some self reflection.

    Oh look another castaway account who has come to this thread and only this thread for their first forum post to insult people who do not want PvE servers.. Who told you about this thread?

    hmmm I don't wanna spread false information but did you consider that one person has multiple accounts? Only speculation, of course xD

    Well whoever it is I reported their post. Lets see if mods do anything about it since the last post I reported here for insulting people who post here for simply enjoying PvPvE was never dealt with. Granted could been it was just missed since I get people have lives outside moderating these forums.

    I think one and done posts like this are rather unacceptable and do nothing to foster discussion. Clearly they are simply here to stir the pot.

  • @combatxkitty said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @joshy3101 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @combatxkitty said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @elseentirely said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    To @mferr11, @Scarecrow1771, and all the other salty PvPers:

    You👏don't👏get👏to👏dictate👏how👏others👏spend👏their👏spare👏time, and👏wether👏they👏spend👏it👏with👏you👏.

    It's completely irrelevant what you want from the game.
    It's completely irrelevant if the game has "KILLTASTIC KILL KILL" written on the box.

    If others don't want to play with you, and people like you, that's their choice.
    You're not entitled to be entertained by others.

    People, by paying money to buy the game, are very much entitled to play the game how they like. Including you.

    If you find enough people that want to do PvP, PvPvE,
    great! You're playing the game as you want, completely within the realm of what you're entitled to.

    Obviously theres a big part of the community that doesn't want to engage in PvP all the time, and as much as you are entitled to shape the experience to your liking,
    they are too.

    If Rare forcing people to play with you, while luring them with content that's actually fun for them, is the only way for you to have fun. And the game breaking once they stop being forced, then, maybe, mayyybeee the game was broken all along.
    (Aside from that being complete statistical nonsense, because it's not like there would be only PvE, and each server doesn't hold that many people anyways, so there would still be plenty of PvP, and PvPvE going on.)

    Think of it. People like me would pay a monthly fee, to not have to interact with people like you.
    Let that sink in for a moment and maybe guide you in some self reflection.

    Oh look another castaway account who has come to this thread and only this thread for their first forum post to insult people who do not want PvE servers.. Who told you about this thread?

    hmmm I don't wanna spread false information but did you consider that one person has multiple accounts? Only speculation, of course xD

    Well whoever it is I reported their post. Lets see if mods do anything about it since the last post I reported here for insulting people who post here for simply enjoying PvPvE was never dealt with. Granted could been it was just missed since I get people have lives outside moderating these forums.

    I think one and done posts like this are rather unacceptable and do nothing to foster discussion. Clearly they are simply here to stir the pot.

    As I previously stated, this debate is stuck

  • @elseentirely said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    To @mferr11, @Scarecrow1771, and all the other salty PvPers:

    You👏don't👏get👏to👏dictate👏how👏others👏spend👏their👏spare👏time, and👏wether👏they👏spend👏it👏with👏you👏.

    You don't get to dictate how others spend their spare time, and whether or not they want to complete the event or sink that enemy player ship for the loot...

    Just had a funny moment the other night where me and my friend sunk a brig at an event because we wanted to do the event and one of them cried out "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING!?!" - Well, we want what you want... Since this is a pirate game, we fight over the same thing we want and the spoils goes to the victor.

    In the end, we were the victors and got the flamethrower skull + chest of rage. Actually, funniest thing... Because of this brig coming back and chasing our sloop... We ended up getting a SECOND chest of rage because I was trying to harpoon a barrel for supplies while going by and got a chest of rage instead from the water... Imagine that?

    Seriously though, accept defeat and move on then get better at the game or completely quit. If the game isn't made for you, it isn't made for you... No reason to stress yourself over a game that doesn't target your demographic.

  • I don't see any reason not to have optional PvE servers. PvP is utterly unnecessary outside of a few commendations.

    There's no real incentive for PvP either. It's a mixed bag because you don't know what the loot reward is. It's just annoying to deal with.

    There's so many fun things in this game but players who want to do voyages and see content for the first time but more often than not you'll have to deal with someone who wants to sink your ship "because it's funny".

    I understand that PvP is fun at times. I even think it's fun when it's mutual. But when I'm just minding my own business it's a waste of both our times because it's time I have to spend sailing my ship as deep as I can into the Shroud.

    There's an element of sadism to the PvP community that's actually kind of disappointing. One time I was unloading loot and a brig was rushing towards me. I managed to get all my loot off and as I died I said "gg, enjoy the rest of your night". The enemy crew's response was to call me names and then unironically say "Quit being nice, this is Sea of Thieves". That stuck with me.

    There's a meme in the community where because we're "pirates" and the game is called "Sea of Thieves" there's carte blanche to be a jerk. Frankly it's a terrible attitude to have.

    I've played thousands of games and dealt with a lot of toxicity. Sea of Thieves was the first time I was unironically told I was in the wrong for "being nice". Like being nice is antithetical to the community.

    Even if Rare does nothing about separating PvP and PvE oriented players. They need to do something about this pervasive attitude that's so far been met with almost tacit endorsement.

    PvPers that are mad that we just don't want to play around you because we're not interested in PvP: Why does this bother you? Why are you PvPing?

    Is it for the loot? You generally won't know what a crew has on board unless you check up close. It's a mixed bag and honestly doing a world event is probably faster and more profitable.

    Is it because you like the naval combat? There's skeleton and ghost ships.

    Do you just like PvP? That's a totally valid reason! But Rare should give some kind of way to make it mututal.

    Where's the fun in chasing down players who literally just want to explore the game, solve puzzles, fight skeletons, and mind their own business?

    Where's the fun in chasing "pacifist" players into the Shroud or until they alt+f4? The loot is negligible more often than not. They're not providing any engagement or interaction. Why insist that they have to play with you?

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