Arena coconut bug

  • Hi pirates,

    Well I keep running into this bug, and last time it happened weeks ago to my buddy he actually couldn't kill or get killed so some salty pirates reported him and he got banned, so yeah that was an unfair ban but hopefully these reports help get this bug fixed, what sucks is that if you stay in the match you risk getting reported or banned, if you leave the match you get penalized so what the heck ? :P

    Here we sunk and died near the fort on the edge of the arena map and as soon as I spawned in the fort I black screened back to the ship naked, couldn't pull weapons or shoot cannons, at least I was able to die so I ended up boarding a ship and got killed.

    Moment glitch happened:

    Moment I boarded a ship and got killed which (this time) fixed the glitch:

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