The brig

  • The brig is a great system but it has one flaw the people inside still get rep and coins when selling a kick option would be a good idea but could be easily abuse able and most people troll to get locked in the brig and just afk and get free rep and money you could easily fix that. If someone is in the brig they should not be able to get coin and rep that would fix a form of afk farming and trolling it could be abused but there are more ups and downs

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  • They are still technically, part of the crew regardless in brig or not.
    Of course, like a kick option. Being sent to the brig and not getting anything can be harmful to those who like to join random crews and actually help but only be sent to the Brig at the last second before anything is turned in.

  • @burnbacon yes I do see where your coming from and I get it but everyone one who mentions open crew in this kind of scenario is right in a way but there are so many ways around this and joining a crew with out having to use the open crew system your can join the official sea of theives discord and join calls and do things through there. Same thing with LFG posts on Xbox and much more.

  • Agreed. Great idea

  • @faos-ernie said in The brig:

    The brig is a great system but it has one flaw the people inside still get rep and coins when selling a kick option would be a good idea but could be easily abuse able and most people troll to get locked in the brig and just afk and get free rep and money you could easily fix that. If someone is in the brig they should not be able to get coin and rep that would fix a form of afk farming and trolling it could be abused but there are more ups and downs

    Imagine me and you and my friend on a brig.

    We completed the limited xmas voyage you kindly donates. A few athenas and we even done a few forts. Tons of loot. A few hours worth.

    Before we cash in my other friend comes online.
    He needs athena rep and money.

    So we brig you and kick you and give all your peogress and loot to somebody who never done anything for it. We like you but i decide to show my loyalty to a real life friend over a friendly stranger i met an hour ago.

    This isnt just an open crew problem.
    Anywhere this could happen.

    Still think its a good idea?
    You wouldnt happen to be the friend id be inviting after we brigged our crewmate would you?

    System is fine as it because of this.
    Just invite your competent crewmate to a new session and leave the brigged player alone there by themself.

    The current system lets you protect what you earned. Sell up and move on if they arent your kind of calibre. Its just like server hopping except its to get rid of someone instead of finding a busy server.

  • @faos-ernie You didn't like the responses you were getting so you deleted the thread and started a new one?

    I will just restate what I said before:

    The kick option was considered and it was determined that the brig system was less problematic. "Wow, that fort took longer than I expected. I can't believe that galleon kept coming back. So, yeah, uh... our friend wants to join before we turn it. We are trying to help him level up. So we need to make room for him. Nothing personal." [YOU HAVE BEEN KICKED] This is a problem in other games that use a kick system. Players in Neverwinter called it 'loot booting' because players would let others help them with the raid, then boot members of the party to improve the loot split. No thanks. Once a greifing player exhausts their five fire bombs they have nothing else they can do to harm the crew. And their existence doesn't even impact the amount of gold you earn. The brig is the less problematic option. Denying someone in the brig loot is also prone to misuse by trolls trying to force you to quit so their friend can join.

  • @ghostpaw I made a new one because yours made sense

  • @faos-ernie said in The brig:

    @ghostpaw I made a new one because yours made sense

    I understand. Thanks for clarifying.

  • @daringclarky Did you read my post at all I was talking about was the brig not the kicking feature I clearly stated that the kicking feature would
    Be a good idea but would be easily abused by people read closer next time and while in the brig you don’t have to leave so the “Friend” still won’t get any

  • @faos-ernie said in The brig:

    @daringclarky Did you read my post at all I was talking about was the brig not the kicking feature I clearly stated that the kicking feature would
    Be a good idea but would be easily abused by people read closer next time and while in the brig you don’t have to leave so the “Friend” still won’t get any

    How can i read closer when all this forum is lately is a bunch of people whining and crying over petty issues.

    I gave points about why kicking isnt a good idea based on why you said you liked the idea. Was barely scratching the issue on brig itself.

    Read closer? Right back at you lol.
    Dont throw stones in glass houses, they tend to shatter.

    My response was accurate enough.
    Im not a lawyer so i have no need to dissect every word and nuance before i deliver a well thought out response.

    Adding to the twoddle you suggested of the brig itself...

    If the brig doesnt give loot you could troll someone and lock them up for no reason. Which would be terrible being on the receiving end of it. (It would happen too)

    To make matters worse they might stay in the brig waiting and pleading to be set free. Holding out for the moment you might let them get their share back. Much longer than someone who who can have the loot cashed in and for them and then be on their way. Afterall the punishment in itself is just being stuck there staring at a wall.

    At least with the current situation you sell up and then you can leave them or they leave you.

    Its simply unnecessary depriving them of something they potentially helped gain.

    Before you start insulting people's intelligence think before you speak.

  • @faos-ernie said in The brig:

    The brig is a great system but it has one flaw the people inside still get rep and coins when selling a kick option would be a good idea but could be easily abuse able and most people troll to get locked in the brig and just afk and get free rep and money you could easily fix that. If someone is in the brig they should not be able to get coin and rep that would fix a form of afk farming and trolling it could be abused but there are more ups and downs

    How does not getting gold/rep while in the brig prevent getting trolled? People will get locked in the brig to prevent them from getting gold and loot AS a troll.

    The brig system works fine as it is - it minimizes the impact of trollish players since they can't do anything to your loot or ship while locked up and it prevents innocent players from being denied their rewards for participating in a voyage.

  • @faos-ernie im literally gonna get a sticky note that i can copy and paste this response becasue so many people deal with it. If this idea is implemente a large amount of the community, mainly people who are asking for this and people who are asking for pve servers will be on the forums flooding it with posts saying " i was in a lobby and they said my friend will be hear, i worked for 10 hours then they just brigged me and i lost all of my gold."

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