If Alliances aren't disabled for this event, then it is pointless.

  • Alliance server for the win!

  • 25
  • Yeah I agree, and it's not at all descriptive of the details on how this works. Is the value they're tracking cumulative over multiple emissary flags? Or just one single flag? If it's just one flag, it's going to be impossible to compete with someone in a server alliance. All they'd need to do is run thieves haven a ton and give all the loot to one crew, or do fort of the damned a ton. I wish there was more detailed description of how it works.

  • @sapphicseas
    All I can find is this:

    "The captain who earns the most Emissary Value during the qualifying period will then be added to the Xbox Hall of Fame."

    I assume this just means it will track like the current emissary leader board tracks. So whoever is the top Athena's Fortune emissary for those 3 days wins. As it stands now, this is only an event for the players that cheese the game by running alliance servers.

    It seems strange to me that Rare would want to promote that type of play.

  • @little-squash How do you view the leaderboards?

  • @sapphicseas
    It's under your profile. If you click on your user pic, then select Overview, then Leaderboards is all the way at the bottom.

    Here's a direct link:

  • It has some outdated information as well
    "This challenge is only open to Pirate Legends, so if you're not there yet, aim for rank 50 with all three Trading Companies!"

  • @little-squash said in If Alliances aren't disabled for this event, then it is pointless.:

    Alliance server for the win!

    Disabling alliances wouldn't do anything for these set up PvE servers. Don't need to be in an alliance to donate your Athena items to the people in charge of these.

  • @lem0n-curry said in If Alliances aren't disabled for this event, then it is pointless.:

    @little-squash said in If Alliances aren't disabled for this event, then it is pointless.:

    Alliance server for the win!

    Disabling alliances wouldn't do anything for these set up PvE servers. Don't need to be in an alliance to donate your Athena items to the people in charge of these.

    I guess that's true. Reminds me of the first Pirate Legend.

    I guess the issue is more that these server takeovers are so easy for groups to exploit that it makes competitions like this pointless for anyone else.

  • You ever watch the ledgers? no mere mortal ever stood a chance

  • The only people in the running for this are alliance server farms where they all hand over their athena loot to one ship on turn in, and of course the streamers and other folks who can grind for at least 8-10 hours a day sessions every single day.

  • @wolfmanbush said in If Alliances aren't disabled for this event, then it is pointless.:

    You ever watch the ledgers? no mere mortal ever stood a chance

    Oh I know. But it didn't really matter for the in game rewards. You just have to make it into the top tier, which is easy enough. Then you get the same rewards as the server takeover farmers at the very top.

    I guess that's what this competition is for...
    Who is the best server takeover farmer?

  • As always in the internet this is no event for normal people, it's for people who exploit systems ingame (alliance servers) or RL (no job, sleep etc.)

    Just forget about events/stuff like that 😂

  • I agree. Because of the pve servers people make its a horrible idea. I will be sinking every athena boat I can see for my reaper commendations

  • You know if there would be PvE servers with speperated leaderboards alliance servers wouldn't be such a big thing. Not that i'm with those people just saying. You'd have two leaderboards and whatever but honestly i dunnow i think alliance servers a trackable and could just be recognized by an "algorhytm" wich divides the amount of emissary value on how much alliances you have or whatever. Just an idea.

  • Whoever wins this spends far too much time on video games!

    Hall of fame or shame?

  • I know I won't win, so time to destroy Athena boats as a reaper 😈

  • This is why as a life long gamer I never ever take stuff like this serious, events, leader boards, who cares? Ive played racing games where the person on top of the board finished the race in like 0.8 seconds lol.

    So games can have their little events and leader boards and I will just continue not to pay attention and enjoy the game.

  • @combatxkitty said in If Alliances aren't disabled for this event, then it is pointless.:

    This is why as a life long gamer I never ever take stuff like this serious, events, leader boards, who cares? Ive played racing games where the person on top of the board finished the race in like 0.8 seconds lol.

    So games can have their little events and leader boards and I will just continue not to pay attention and enjoy the game.

    when I was addicted to diablo 2 back in the day it was the same with the ladder reset

    agree with you

  • so we can all agree this event will be rigged

    and whoever ends up in the hall of fame doesn't really deserve to be in there in the first place

    all in all who cares its just some event im just going to play the game and have fun like i always do

  • I suspect this was not Rare's idea and most likely is Microsoft's idea. I can't imagine Rare wouldn't have considered alliance servers giving certain people an unfair advantage over everyone else.

  • I dunnow why microsoft would even care tbh, so i think its on Rares side but whatever come rocketleague there u can win with only skill ;DDDDDDDD

  • #notmylegendarycaptain will be trending when they announce the winner

  • As I read this I just realized I'm watching "TheSynicall" do this exact very thing hahahahahahahahahahha

    The contest should be called contest for the No life achievement.

    You are not a legend because you won this with no threat and if you get into the hall of fame you have a straight up ******** next to your name if you were in a alliance server.

  • There’s only one winner

  • @little-squash I think in all honesty this is an accurate representation of a legendary captain. Pirate legend means nothing and those who are proud of it at those who are most needed to be hunted by others.

    That said, now that ships sunk is tracked they should have that as the criteria

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