What is it with people killing newbies?

  • I just downloaded the game today as a way to get through self-isolation and spent half an hour going back and forth on the ferry of the undead. Seriously, that’s one way to make new players regret getting the game.
    Then joined a crew, explained I new to the game and instantly got told I was stupid for not repairing the ship enough before they got to the ship.

    Like is this the majority of players or did I just get super unlucky?

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  • Its entirely RNG based on what kind of pirates you meet, but its about 70% hostile.

  • Unless you stream. Then they are nice for their 5 seconds of fame.

  • @fearshewolf welcome to the Seas!
    There are many online communities that will help you learn the ropes. There are many in the looking for crew area of the forum such as Rogue Legends.

    Good luck out there on the seas and enjoy the voyage!


  • Sorry to hear that.
    But pleeeeaasssse! dont let those small moments ruin your time on the sea. Not all pirates are bad-ish. Some are like Jack Sparrow, we do what we want without care and enjoy the moment.

  • Yeah, LFG and make it known you are new. I'm happy to assist if you see me on. I rarely jump in with a goal in mind so doing whatever is fine with me.

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