Crossplay on xbox

  • @j3llyb1sh said in Crossplay on xbox:

    @sweltering-nick lol you just commented on a friends post about how you've never even played arena before and you feel like you have the right to comment about these things. The reason why PC people love Xbox is because you know we don't stand a chance against you and it makes you feel like you're actually good at the game but really it's because we can't play the same, even if we have a mouse and keyboard. You'll argue like you do on every other thread with this topic but we all know the truth.

    You think knowledge of Arena is some uncommon and rare thing exclusive to those who play Arena a lot? ._.

    I watch MixePlx playing Arena sometimes during his stream... This is where my knowledge comes from.

    And your villainized fantasy of PC players is not based on fact or reality in any way, and is therefore incredibly uninteresting to me. : /

  • @j3llyb1sh said in Crossplay on xbox:

    @sweltering-nick lol you just commented on a friends post about how you've never even played arena before and you feel like you have the right to comment about these things. The reason why PC people love Xbox is because you know we don't stand a chance against you and it makes you feel like you're actually good at the game but really it's because we can't play the same, even if we have a mouse and keyboard. You'll argue like you do on every other thread with this topic but we all know the truth.

    Then how come some of us console players like Crossplay? The future of gaming is coming together, not being split apart.

  • @blazedrake100 said in Crossplay on xbox:

    @j3llyb1sh said in Crossplay on xbox:

    @sweltering-nick lol you just commented on a friends post about how you've never even played arena before and you feel like you have the right to comment about these things. The reason why PC people love Xbox is because you know we don't stand a chance against you and it makes you feel like you're actually good at the game but really it's because we can't play the same, even if we have a mouse and keyboard. You'll argue like you do on every other thread with this topic but we all know the truth.

    Then how come some of us console players like Crossplay? The future of gaming is coming together, not being split apart.

    What's even more crazy is those of us console players who like crossplay, would use it, but also understand why it should be optional. I like sailing with my PC friends, I'll keep doing so when the option finally comes to adventure as promised, but support it addition fully.

  • PC players have become the quintessential boogeyman of this game. Mysterious, frightening, everyone claims they saw one out of the corner of their eye, but it usually ends up being a skelly ship...
    But they say that they're out there. Terrorizing poor xbox players to this day...

    Pssh. As an xbox player who uses a controller, I have yet to find a moment where anyone has bested me and the only answer is "pc player" It's usually "Oh, I should have pulled my sword out instead of reloading" or "oh, he got me pinned against a wall with the sword, so I was toast"
    Not once have I died and went "dude that's not fair, he had better load times and faster frames and KJHDFUIASK-"
    It feels like these days, my chances of finding the shrouded ghost are better than coming across a boogeyman PC player with these supposed advantages. Keep the crossplay. Like others have said, I bought a crossplay game, and I'm content with playing it in crossplay. Ecks Dee.

  • @heavyreaper102

    I have yet to find a moment where anyone has bested me

    Wow! You must be a pro gamer. Can you sign my bum?

  • @heavyreaper102

    Crossplay opt out =/= Removing crossplay

  • @belyaevfox said in Crossplay on xbox:


    Crossplay opt out =/= Removing crossplay

    All of this, I don't understand why this is such a difficult thing for so many.

  • @chonky-lemon said in Crossplay on xbox:


    I have yet to find a moment where anyone has bested me

    Wow! You must be a pro gamer. Can you sign my bum?

    Don't take words out of context. I never said that I have never been bested. Let me correct you and post my words in their entirety.

    I have yet to find a moment where anyone has bested me and the only answer is "pc player"

    AKA, I have lost plenty of fights, but not once has it been anything other than me making a mistake or them just simply having more skill.
    I get that you're both anxious to instigate something, but at least be smart about it.

  • @heavyreaper102

    Ill just leave this here.

    I have yet to find a moment where anyone has bested me

    Don't take words out of context. I never said that I have never been bested.


    Moving the goalposts is an informal logical fallacy in which previously agreed upon standards for deciding an argument are arbitrarily changed once they have been met. This is usually done by the "losing" side of an argument in a desperate bid to save face. If the goalposts are moved far enough, then the standards can eventually evolve[1] into something that cannot be met no matter what (or anything will meet said standard if the losing side is trying to meet the standard using this tactic). Usually such a tactic is spotted quickly.

    AKA, I have lost plenty of fights, but not once has it been anything other than me making a mistake or them just simply having more skill.

  • @chonky-lemon said in Crossplay on xbox:


    Ill just leave this here.

    I have yet to find a moment where anyone has bested me

    Don't take words out of context. I never said that I have never been bested.


    Moving the goalposts is an informal logical fallacy in which previously agreed upon standards for deciding an argument are arbitrarily changed once they have been met. This is usually done by the "losing" side of an argument in a desperate bid to save face. If the goalposts are moved far enough, then the standards can eventually evolve[1] into something that cannot be met no matter what (or anything will meet said standard if the losing side is trying to meet the standard using this tactic). Usually such a tactic is spotted quickly.

    AKA, I have lost plenty of fights, but not once has it been anything other than me making a mistake or them just simply having more skill.

    How am I moving goalposts? you took half of my sentence and tried to make it look like something else, and I simply corrected you.
    I'll just leave THIS here:

    Cherry picking, suppressing evidence, or the fallacy of incomplete evidence is the act of pointing to individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position while ignoring a significant portion of related cases or data that may contradict that position.

  • @heavyreaper102

    I wasnt cherry picking tho. I literally just quoted you.

  • @chonky-lemon said in Crossplay on xbox:


    I wasnt cherry picking tho. I literally just quoted you.

    No. You didn't.

    I have yet to find a moment where anyone has bested me, and the only answer is "pc player"

    THIS is the full sentence. What you're trying to pass off as my full sentence is just the "nobody has bested me" part, and using it to fuel your juvenile "oh you must be so pro" quips.

  • @heavyreaper102

    Hey! You're kinda derailing the thread with your semantics argument! Please keep that stuff in the DMs! :)

  • @belyaevfox said in Crossplay on xbox:


    Hey! You're kinda derailing the thread with your semantics argument! Please keep that stuff in the DMs! :)

    1. I'm in discussion with Mr. Lemon, not you. No offense.
    2. Weren't you literally trying to hijack threads an hour ago?

    If he wants to make a fallacy and misrepresent my words, I'm going to call it out. Don't try and silence me just because I'm making sense, Ecks Dee.

  • @heavyreaper102

    1. I'm in discussion with Mr. Lemon, not you. No offense.

    You're on a public forum. That's why I'm telling you to keep it in the DMs.

    1. Weren't you literally trying to hijack threads an hour ago?

    I wasn't hijacking anything. I was actually trying to provide a suggestion. It's sad that mods feel otherwise.

    It's also very strange that you don't respond to the fallacy you made. Namely your thinking that crossplay opt-out is the same as removal of crossplay.

  • @heavyreaper102

    THIS is the full sentence.

    You just edited that in. Lol!

  • @chonky-lemon said in Crossplay on xbox:


    THIS is the full sentence.

    You just edited that in. Lol!

    Pssh. As an xbox player who uses a controller, I have yet to find a moment where anyone has bested me and the only answer is "pc player" It's usually "Oh, I should have pulled my sword out instead of reloading" or "oh, he got me pinned against a wall with the sword, so I was toast"

    Not once have I died and went "dude that's not fair, he had better load times and faster frames and KJHDFUIASK-"

    No actually, I didn't. It's okay for you to think so though.
    It's also okay to just admit you made a mistake.

    @belyaevfox said in Crossplay on xbox:

    It's also very strange that you don't respond to the fallacy you made. Namely your thinking that crossplay opt-out is the same as removal of crossplay.

    Very well. I'll accept that and rephrase my words.
    "I say keep mandatory crossplay in. We all bought a crossplay game, and anyone who makes such a big deal over it either didn't pay attention to what they bought, or should learn to work their way around whatever problems they feel crossplay brings."

  • @heavyreaper102

    Very well. I'll accept that and rephrase my words.
    "I say keep mandatory crossplay in. We all bought a crossplay game, and anyone who makes such a big deal over it either didn't pay attention to what they bought, or should learn to work their way around whatever problems they feel crossplay brings."

    When people bought the game, they were not aware of it's glaring problems. Now they demand an option to maybe help with those problems. I don't understand why you are opposed to options.

  • @heavyreaper102

    No actually, I didn't.

    Proof it.

  • @belyaevfox said in Crossplay on xbox:


    Very well. I'll accept that and rephrase my words.
    "I say keep mandatory crossplay in. We all bought a crossplay game, and anyone who makes such a big deal over it either didn't pay attention to what they bought, or should learn to work their way around whatever problems they feel crossplay brings."

    When people bought the game, they were not aware of it's glaring problems. Now they demand an option to maybe help with those problems. I don't understand why you are opposed to options.

    I believe it to be an overstated, exaggerated problem that you want an option for. I believe that the option will just end up doing harm rather than good, because it will force both communities, the PC and the Xbox, into their own little bubbles. Most Xbox players will stay with other xbox players, and that takes away a lot of opportunities to meet some awesome people (heck, one of my good friends on this game plays on PC).
    I think that the whole "PC has too many advantages" thing is exaggerated, and my evidence comes from me, an xbox controller player.

  • @chonky-lemon said in Crossplay on xbox:


    No actually, I didn't.

    Proof it.

    What kind of opt out, desperate attempt at an argument is this?
    I'm not sure if you want me to go into the website script and pull that data out, or what. I'm lost for words at what you mean by "prove it."
    Here's a rebuttal, prove that I did edit it. Not my fault that you decided to rush your insults without fully reading what was posted, and now you've been called out for it. Just admit that you messed up man, it would look better in the long run.

  • @heavyreaper102

    I believe it to be an overstated, exaggerated problem that you want an option for. I believe that the option will just end up doing harm rather than good, because it will force both communities, the PC and the Xbox, into their own little bubbles.

    So an option forces communities apart? If it is indeed the case that both communities will split after the addition of opt-out it's on their OWN behalf.

    Most Xbox players will stay with other xbox players, and that takes away a lot of opportunities to meet some awesome people (heck, one of my good friends on this game plays on PC).

    Thats your speculation. Have you thought about those xbox players just stopping to play the game altogether?

    I think that the whole "PC has too many advantages" thing is exaggerated, and my evidence comes from me, an xbox controller player.

    I have played on both platforms and the xbox version suffers from shocking shortcomings performance-wise.

  • @heavyreaper102

    What kind of opt out, desperate attempt at an argument is this?

    Its not, Im just messing with you. But its getting stale therefore Ill stop.


    Not my fault that you decided to rush your insults

    I made a joke post calling you a pro gamer, hardly an insult. And you jumped on it and I decided to mess with you. That simple.

  • @belyaevfox said in Crossplay on xbox:


    I believe it to be an overstated, exaggerated problem that you want an option for. I believe that the option will just end up doing harm rather than good, because it will force both communities, the PC and the Xbox, into their own little bubbles.

    So an option forces communities apart? If it is indeed the case that both communities will split after the addition of opt-out it's on their OWN behalf.

    Most Xbox players will stay with other xbox players, and that takes away a lot of opportunities to meet some awesome people (heck, one of my good friends on this game plays on PC).

    Thats your speculation. Have you thought about those xbox players just stopping to play the game altogether?

    I think that the whole "PC has too many advantages" thing is exaggerated, and my evidence comes from me, an xbox controller player.

    I have played on both platforms and the xbox version suffers from shocking shortcomings performance-wise.

    The problem, my friend, is that this all is in speculation. Your argument of "its just an option, and it can only be good" is just as much hypothesis as my argument of "it will encourage segregation and be bad."
    Until crossplay gets added to adventure, nobody knows what's gonna happen. So calling something out as my speculation doesn't really hold weight in the context of this discussion.
    Also, you're correct. An option isn't a force, and a split of the communities would be of their own discretion. I'm stating that I believe the xbox community will bubble itself from PC, of their own initiative. The only reason they haven't is because of no opt-out yet, and I think that's a good thing.

  • @blazedrake100

    Then how come some of us console players like Crossplay? The future of gaming is coming together, not being split apart.

    Yes crossplay is a nice feature. I used to play different games with a friend on PC together via crossplay. I love the feature, I wish more games would have crossplay.

    However they also should have the option to opt-out. It makes perfect sense to implement a feature but have the option to turn it off if you dont want to.

  • @chonky-lemon said in Crossplay on xbox:


    What kind of opt out, desperate attempt at an argument is this?

    Its not, Im just messing with you. But its getting stale therefore Ill stop.


    Not my fault that you decided to rush your insults

    I made a joke post calling you a pro gamer, hardly an insult. And you jumped on it and I decided to mess with you. That simple.

    Mm. "it's just a prank bro."
    If you say it is. And you're right, hardly an insult, but it was the attempted fallacy that made me "jump on it."
    In any case, you said you're done, so I'll leave it at that.

  • @heavyreaper102

    I believe the xbox community will bubble itself from PC, of their own initiative.

    Ever asked yourself why?

  • @heavyreaper102

    The problem, my friend, is that this all is in speculation. Your argument of "its just an option, and it can only be good" is just as much hypothesis as my argument of "it will encourage segregation and be bad."

    I am not your friend. Nothing I stated is a hypothesis. You should read up on what that even means. I am calling your flawed argumentation into question and now your backing out saying "we just don't know!".

    Until crossplay gets added to adventure, nobody knows what's gonna happen. So calling something out as my speculation doesn't really hold weight in the context of this discussion.

    Yes it does. Your argument stands on your assumptions about what is going to happen. I am calling you out for it.

    Also, you're correct. An option isn't a force, and a split of the communities would be of their own discretion. I'm stating that I believe the xbox community will bubble itself from PC, of their own initiative. The only reason they haven't is because of no opt-out yet, and I think that's a good thing.

    So let them. Why hurt a huge part of the community and ruin the game for them? You really beg for the game to die out.

  • @chonky-lemon said in Crossplay on xbox:


    I believe the xbox community will bubble itself from PC, of their own initiative.

    Ever asked yourself why?

    I couldn't even begin to imagine. I've stated that I use an xbox with a controller, and I haven't ever seen any sort of hardware advantage when I went against somebody, so no, I don't really understand why xbox players need opt out so badly.

  • @heavyreaper102 I find it entertaining when anti-crossplay activists gang up on other console players when they disagree about crossplay.

    More power to ya.

  • @belyaevfox said in Crossplay on xbox:

    I am not your friend.

    Shame. I thought we had a connection here.

    Yes it does. Your argument stands on your assumptions about what is going to happen. I am calling you out for it.

    Issue is, your argument also stands on assumptions. You know as little about what crossplay will do to adventure as I do, and I'm calling us BOTH out on that. It's not a backpedal, I'm just reminding you that logically we're both on the same playing field in terms of foreknowledge. Therefore, calling me out for assumptions is hypocritical.

    So let them. Why hurt a huge part of the community and ruin the game for them? You really beg for the game to die out.

    Mm, some clever wording used there, I'll give you that. Also a lot of insinuations.

    1. You insinuate that no crossplay is harmful. Yet to be proven, other than to soft pirate's feelings.
    2. You insinuate that xbox players, as some sort of majority, have higher priority than PC. Everyone should be equally considered on matters like this, yet I doubt you care to see it from a PC player's eyes.
    3. You insinuate that the current state of the game is "ruining it" for a lot of players. Those players either are playing the wrong game, or are taking a minute situation far too seriously.
    4. You insinuate that I want the game to die. Ouch, man. My feels :(

    I may be wrong about all these insinuations, but they're what I personally picked up from just those two sentences.

  • @enticed-malice said in Crossplay on xbox:

    @heavyreaper102 I find it entertaining when anti-crossplay activists gang up on other console players when they disagree about crossplay.

    More power to ya.

    And yet I'm still standing, lol. crossplay people don't like when us xbox players speak up. They're supposed to be speaking for ALL of us, you see.

  • @heavyreaper102

    Issue is, your argument also stands on assumptions. You know as little about what crossplay will do to adventure as I do, and I'm calling us BOTH out on that. It's not a backpedal, I'm just reminding you that logically we're both on the same playing field in terms of foreknowledge. Therefore, calling me out for assumptions is hypocritical.

    What assumptions am I making?

    1. You insinuate that no crossplay is harmful. Yet to be proven, other than to soft pirate's feelings.

    People complaining about it is not enough for you?

    1. You insinuate that xbox players, as some sort of majority, have higher priority than PC. Everyone should be equally considered on matters like this, yet I doubt you care to see it from a PC player's eyes.

    From what people always claim xbox players make up the majority of the game. I could be wrong here.

    1. You insinuate that the current state of the game is "ruining it" for a lot of players. Those players either are playing the wrong game, or are taking a minute situation far too seriously.

    So you do want them to stop playing.

  • @enticed-malice


    I personally find it funny to see the same 7 people in every crossplay thread arguing against crossplay and upvoting each other. Its like "hey I know this guy! Haha! Oh look the other guy is here as well! hehe!"


    I haven't ever seen any sort of hardware advantage when I went against somebody,

    No offense but did you try playing the game? Judging from your achievments, the last time you played SoT is a while back, and from your Xbox stats you only redeemed 124 chests, 99 skulls and 145 merchant cargo. You only have sailed 755km. Thats not a lot of time to face enough PC players to make up your mind about "I haven't ever seen any sort of hardware advantage".

    Maybe play the game for more than just a few hours, git gud then youll learn the difference between losing a fair fight against another Xbox player or getting destroyed by a PC player and feeling like the game "cheated" you.

    Yesterday I got my FoTD loot stolen by a gally, after some banter we decided to 1v1.
    They were 3 Xbox players and 1 PC.
    I won against 2 of the Xbox players 5 times. Never lost even once.
    The other Xbox player we both were pretty even.
    And against the PC player I only won once out of 5 tries or so, there was almost nothing I could do. Double gunning, bunny hopping,... you name it.

    So yes there definitely is a hardware advantage on PC.

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