New Shanties ...

  • Could you guys bring in additional Shanties to the game? You could even put them alongside the pets where they are optional and help you generate additional revenue. I know everyone on my crew wants more shanty options, and we've all agreed that we would pay for them.

  • 3
  • If new shanties only become available via microtransactions like with pets, I worry about how that would work. Would you not be able to play it at all if you don't buy it, effectively splitting the crew by song choice? Or would someone who didn't purchase it be able to join in with a friend who did, in which case, why would a lot of people buy it to begin with?

    Just my thoughts on the matter.

  • As far as shanties go, I would be willing to buy some. (Drunken Sailor pls) If one player doesn't have the song tho, they should be able to join in like with the meg summoning song from Hungering Deep. I think you can do that with the PL song to open the hideout, but I could be wrong.

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