Arena is Broken

  • Not sure if this changed with an update, but it is almost impossible to get full crews and full games for Arena anymore. If you do get one you lose it right away because of a server/player switch. It is no longer fun when you constantly play with only three boats and two people per boat.

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  • My whole complaint about making an entire other mode.

    It's a gamble on what you'll get. Some boats are AFKing, players AFKing or not helping at all. Players shooting your own boat with the turn in ship cannons. Players getting to loot entire islands while everyone else just fights for no reason.

    25 minutes of time wasted unless you have a full crew.

    Then you have a pub stomping somewhat good time while you easily turn in 12 chests and go camp the chosen boat while my crew talks mess to them over the mic while killing them over and over.


    Arena isn't competitive or level yet.

    They said they are working on it and learning more from major events on what makes an exciting game.

    I'll wait.

  • I have to agree. Its literately faster for me on PC to keep leaving & rejoining pug groups looking for a full team in session then waiting black loading screens. Then it is to just wait it out & maybe get a full team from the lobby.

    Even then I sometimes leave those full groups when there is lack of people using microphones. Which happens far more then it should. Why? Because people without mics are far more likely to anchor their own team or just fish the entire round.

  • Yeah I agree with the criticisms posted in this thread. The biggest problems with arena are:

    1. Starting games without full crews

    2. No leaver penalty means 2-3 people will leave if their ship sinks, ruining the game for the remaining people on the crew and encouraging them to leave

    3. No system in place to prevent trolls and encourage teamwork. I almost always have at least one afk person on my team and I can do literally nothing about it.

    4. The loading times are insane on console. I can take a mermaid while I still see my ship and still get hit with a 45 second black screen. Why? I may as well have died, it takes that long to respawn. That is unacceptable in a time based PvP mode. The downtime between matches is brutal too. Loading screen after loading screen after loading screen only to be put into a match with 1 crew member is a frustrating experience.

    The core gameplay of arena is good. I think it’ll be great if they can sort out some of these issues.

  • @stoneyrivers said in Arena is Broken:

    Yeah I agree with the criticisms posted in this thread. The biggest problems with arena are:

    1. Starting games without full crews

    2. No leaver penalty means 2-3 people will leave if their ship sinks, ruining the game for the remaining people on the crew and encouraging them to leave

    3. No system in place to prevent trolls and encourage teamwork. I almost always have at least one afk person on my team and I can do literally nothing about it.

    4. The loading times are insane on console. I can take a mermaid while I still see my ship and still get hit with a 45 second black screen. Why? I may as well have died, it takes that long to respawn. That is unacceptable in a time based PvP mode. The downtime between matches is brutal too. Loading screen after loading screen after loading screen only to be put into a match with 1 crew member is a frustrating experience.

    The core gameplay of arena is good. I think it’ll be great if they can sort out some of these issues.

    AGREED! My biggest issue besides what you have mentioned is that Rare encourages a cowards play style in a mode that is suppose to be competitive. You only get a measly 5 pts for PvP kills and 25 pts for landing cannon hit on enemy ships. However, if you dig up your billionth plus chest then you get 100 pts and then if you turn in your bazillionth chest then you get 1000 pts! So I think this is a huge reason why this mode isn't as popular as it could be. For me I do enjoy the mode but since there's no incentive to PvP I have uninstalled the game for now. Looking forward to future updates tho!

  • Absolutely, I don't need the game to start if I'm the only person on my team...

  • As for other things.. like punishment for leavers - no, everyone has the right pursue happiness in their own way. Forcing people to do things against their will is called fascism.. be very wary of it.

  • @emperorkilgore my advice: use LFG od Discord to form a crew. I can't see why Arena should be broken.

  • @goedecke-michel I hear you, my crew isn't the real problem. What fun is me having a full crew when the other ships are empty or half filled. This wasn't an issue until a recent update.

  • @bumbumbac Really bro?

  • @emperorkilgore Got it.

  • @emperorkilgore said in Arena is Broken:

    @goedecke-michel I hear you, my crew isn't the real problem. What fun is me having a full crew when the other ships are empty or half filled. This wasn't an issue until a recent update.

    Most matches end with 2-3 ships max and the top ship is usually winning by a huge margin like 15k to 1k in points. I figure that the top ship is usually a LFG group almost always and maybe every now and then a random group of luckies.

  • Arena is unfair. The boarding mechanic is too much. Spawn campers reign havoc then if the crew thats being attacked are all console players they have virtually no chance to repel the attackers (especially key board and mouse attackers). I see the only way to solve this is to prevent boarding, make it harder to board or make fresh spawned players invincible for a short while. The ideal fix could be a timer being set for how long people can be on an enemy ship and that timer then resets after a few minutes

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