Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions)

  • @natiredgals said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @marsmayflower said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @natiredgals said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @marsmayflower said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @sircaptainobvio why not just be a better player?

    Why not just be a better person?

    I’m quite happy with my situation. You are not. Who needs to change?

    I mean, you can be happy and be wrong at the same time, lol.

    In your opinion, you mean. Or did someone make you the emperor of the internet?

  • @marsmayflower

    Lol. Don't be silly there's no such thing as the emperor of the internet. Which of course has nothing to do with the fact that you could maybe still be better.

  • @natiredgals said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):


    Lol. Don't be silly there's no such thing as the emperor of the internet. Which of course has nothing to do with the fact that you could maybe still be better.

    You have no idea how I am. I’m a very respectful and hospitable pirate so much so that it annoys my black hearted brethren in my crew. I’m the kind of guy that lets random people join at the end just to get rewards.

    Do you know what kind of people I like to sink most? The pretentious kind that think everyone else is supposed to get out of their way and let them do what they want to do. So you may want to avoid MarsMayflower.

  • @marsmayflower

    You call it pretension I call it not putting my jollies in front of respecting the work of the devs and others enjoyment.

    Don't confuse doing pvp differently than you as an inability to do it lol. I'd say that if you're gonna come at us you best be sure to be doing it while we're engaged with something else and your hold is empty of loot, like most faux scourges of the sea do... except with 24 people on a server max the odds of it make your threat pretty laughable.

  • @natiredgals good sir, you do not speak for any dev

  • @natiredgals said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @marsmayflower said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @killer-rick964 said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @marsmayflower if your robbing someone for 0 profit your not a pirate at least not a very good one. That's what I call pathetic. Bring on an actual thief who knows when my ship is full instead of attacking me empty and sinking my fish

    Experience is profit

    oh yea the wicked useful experience of attacking players busy doing pve... I'm sure its very valuable experience for a real dread pirate roberts like yourself.

    This argument assumes every ship on the sea is a PvE player that has 0 loot and wont fight back, ever. That is WILDLY unrealistic.

    Here's the thing, it's a profit for the players who are willing to learn how to become better players. For the attacked, they get to practice defending their ship from attackers... For the attackers, they get practice in attacking other ships... and also get to learn how to best spot what ships have treasure before engaging in a fight as well, which isn't always easy to know...

    The only treasure that is visible from a distance, are order of souls skulls... chests dont emit any effects that can be seen through the hull of a ship... So what's the best way of checking that before starting a fight? Well, you gotta approach and check manually, obviously... Which people like YOU wont always be okay with, and take as "aggressive" behaviour, and start attacking... At which point, the attacker assumes you have treasure, since you were protective of your ship, and starts sinking you anyway... But doing this carries the risk of the attackers ship sinking, because the defenders attack first.

    Some people try to outsmart this whole situation, and skips straight to sinking everyone on sight... that is perfectly fine... It is their own choice if they want to take countermeasures like that, it's totally fair play.

    These are just social dynamics that you have to come to terms with... The game was designed around uncertain dynamics like this, paranoia, fear, excitement, betrayal, adrenaline rushes, bla bla bla.

    The treasure isn't yours until you're cashed it in... And if you arent willing to learn to defend your treasure... Then clearly, you don't deserve it. xD

    Pirate's Lyfe and all that!

  • @marsmayflower said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @natiredgals good sir, you do not speak for any dev

    Well then, I guess its a good thing I never claimed to, or need to in order to respect the work they put into the tall tales enough to allow others to enjoy them without feeling the need to take a dump on their experience BecAuSE PIrAtE GAEM!!!!1111!!!

  • @sweltering-nick said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @natiredgals said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @marsmayflower said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @killer-rick964 said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @marsmayflower if your robbing someone for 0 profit your not a pirate at least not a very good one. That's what I call pathetic. Bring on an actual thief who knows when my ship is full instead of attacking me empty and sinking my fish

    Experience is profit

    oh yea the wicked useful experience of attacking players busy doing pve... I'm sure its very valuable experience for a real dread pirate roberts like yourself.

    This argument assumes every ship on the sea is a PvE player that has 0 loot and wont fight back, ever. That is WILDLY unrealistic.

    Here's the thing, it's a profit for the players who are willing to learn how to become better players. For the attacked, they get to practice defending their ship from attackers... For the attackers, they get practice in attacking other ships... and also get to learn how to best spot what ships have treasure before engaging in a fight as well, which isn't always easy to know...

    The only treasure that is visible from a distance, are order of souls skulls... chests dont emit any effects that can be seen through the hull of a ship... So what's the best way of checking that before starting a fight? Well, you gotta approach and check manually, obviously... Which people like YOU wont always be okay with, and take as "aggressive" behaviour, and start attacking... At which point, the attacker assumes you have treasure, since you were protective of your ship, and starts sinking you anyway... But doing this carries the risk of the attackers ship sinking, because the defenders attack first.

    Some people try to outsmart this whole situation, and skips straight to sinking everyone on sight... that is perfectly fine... It is their own choice if they want to take countermeasures like that, it's totally fair play.

    These are just social dynamics that you have to come to terms with... The game was designed around uncertain dynamics like this, paranoia, fear, excitement, betrayal, adrenaline rushes, bla bla bla.

    The treasure isn't yours until you're cashed it in... And if you arent willing to learn to defend your treasure... Then clearly, you don't deserve it. xD

    Pirate's Lyfe and all that!

    No it doesn't.
    Your entire post here is a moved goalpost. You were talking about experience, now you're talking about loot. try to focus your mind a bit.
    Also you're gonna need to better than "its a pirate game" to keep me interested.

  • @natiredgals said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @sweltering-nick said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @natiredgals said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @marsmayflower said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @killer-rick964 said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @marsmayflower if your robbing someone for 0 profit your not a pirate at least not a very good one. That's what I call pathetic. Bring on an actual thief who knows when my ship is full instead of attacking me empty and sinking my fish

    Experience is profit

    oh yea the wicked useful experience of attacking players busy doing pve... I'm sure its very valuable experience for a real dread pirate roberts like yourself.

    This argument assumes every ship on the sea is a PvE player that has 0 loot and wont fight back, ever. That is WILDLY unrealistic.

    Here's the thing, it's a profit for the players who are willing to learn how to become better players. For the attacked, they get to practice defending their ship from attackers... For the attackers, they get practice in attacking other ships... and also get to learn how to best spot what ships have treasure before engaging in a fight as well, which isn't always easy to know...

    The only treasure that is visible from a distance, are order of souls skulls... chests dont emit any effects that can be seen through the hull of a ship... So what's the best way of checking that before starting a fight? Well, you gotta approach and check manually, obviously... Which people like YOU wont always be okay with, and take as "aggressive" behaviour, and start attacking... At which point, the attacker assumes you have treasure, since you were protective of your ship, and starts sinking you anyway... But doing this carries the risk of the attackers ship sinking, because the defenders attack first.

    Some people try to outsmart this whole situation, and skips straight to sinking everyone on sight... that is perfectly fine... It is their own choice if they want to take countermeasures like that, it's totally fair play.

    These are just social dynamics that you have to come to terms with... The game was designed around uncertain dynamics like this, paranoia, fear, excitement, betrayal, adrenaline rushes, bla bla bla.

    The treasure isn't yours until you're cashed it in... And if you arent willing to learn to defend your treasure... Then clearly, you don't deserve it. xD

    Pirate's Lyfe and all that!

    No it doesn't.
    Your entire post here is a moved goalpost. You were talking about experience, now you're talking about loot. try to focus your mind a bit.
    Also you're gonna need to better than "its a pirate game" to keep me interested.

    Treasure is the center of gameplay... It is what motivates pirates to attack, because they want the treasure... Part of this games design, fyi.

    There's no "moved goalposts" you are simply failing to see the connection between those things, because for some reason, you have already made your mind up about what motivates aggressive pirates... Thing is, their "unknown" motives, are already standardized by the base-design of the game... You might not have any treasure, but they cannot know that for sure, even if you tell them, they will think you are lying about it.

    Also, if i have to speak your opinions back to you, for you to be interested in what i have to say, then i don't want you to be interested in what i have to say...

    I am not your yes-man. o_.

  • lol you insist on telling me things I know while talking out both sides of your backside. treasure is important to gameplay? really? gee thanks. rofl.

    What does that have to do with items that have no treasure value? we're not talking about just every voyage here, the topic is Tall Tales.

    Please just stop your flailing, say anything, constantly shifting goal post to justify attacks on players clearly doing tall tales. You're not as cute as you think you are with this stuff, and you dont have to repeat my opinion to have a better argument than "hurr durr its a pirate game"

  • @natiredgals said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    lol you insist on telling me things I know while talking out both sides of your backside. treasure is important to gameplay? really? gee thanks. rofl.

    What does that have to do with items that have no treasure value? we're not talking about just every voyage here, the topic is Tall Tales.

    Please just stop your flailing, say anything, constantly shifting goal post to justify attacks on players clearly doing tall tales. You're not as cute as you think you are with this stuff, and you dont have to repeat my opinion to have a better argument than "hurr durr its a pirate game"

    Okay, do you have any cognitive understanding of how information works?

    1. How can they know if the item is worthless, if they don't try to steal it and cash it in somewhere? They have to test it at some point to know this information... And even if you ingame tell them it isnt worth anything to them, that could be a lie to keep your item from getting stolen, basically, you could be bluffing!
    2. How can they know if you don't have actual cashable treasure onboard as well? Just cause you're on a tall tale, that doesn't automatically make your ship treasure-less.
    3. Even if you offer to let them inspect your ship, they are paranoid, and scared of doing that because you might have a gunpowder barrel ready for them somehow. :P

    This is why pirates can attack you as much as they want, and it would always, no exceptions, be fair game.

  • omg lol...
    you just asked me how they could know tall tale items are worthless?

    dude, careful with that reach you're gonna dislocate a shoulder or something.

    i mean, you constructed this whole fantasy including a powder keg attack you'd launch on someone on your own ship? what? lol

    Sorry stretch armstrong. you've failed. Also its not "why" players can attack other players. the reason they can is because they are allowed by the devs. And I like it that way. Remember tho, that doing something just because you can is what children do.

  • @sweltering-nick @MarsMayflower Do you know the idiom about playing chess with pigeons?

    No matter how good of a player you might be, in the end, the pigeon will knock pieces around, dump on the board and strut like it won anyways. You played a good game but I think at this point you should let @NatiRedGals fly away lol.

  • @bloodybil said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @sweltering-nick @MarsMayflower Do you know the idiom about playing chess with pigeons?

    No matter how good of a player you might be, in the end, the pigeon will knock pieces around, dump on the board and strut like it won anyways. You played a good game but I think at this point you should let @NatiRedGals fly away lol.

    Lol... No i haven't heard that idiom before... But that does perfectly explain how i'm feeling right now. xD

  • @bloodybil

    lol how good their games were is quite highly debatable. Neither amounted to much more than ITZ A PIERAT GAEM!!!!ONEONE!!111!!!!

    The only difference is one is brief and to the "git gud" point and the other seems to think that more words typed = winning rofl.

  • @natiredgals Sorry bud, all out of bread crumbs.

  • @bloodybil said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @natiredgals Sorry bud, all out of bread crumbs.

    My man, this reply IS crumbs.

  • @natiredgals be more pirate

  • @marsmayflower said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @natiredgals be more pirate

    lol, we're not pirates, I mean you know that right? We're just people, playing a game, with other people. Be a better person.

  • Ahoy @marsmayflower ,

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  • But Samwise told me to be more pirate?

  • @marsmayflower

    That's OK but no need to spam it on the forums.


  • @thattapestry918 thank you! I'm glad to see some people who understand the problem!

  • Many people did not understand this post. We do not bother to be a one mission and be attacked, as I have been defeated by Kraken a few times. The problem is the toxicity in the behavior of some players who do this not for the gold they can steal but for the simple pleasure of disrupting their journey.
    I think a server with no gold gain would be great, because if you want to do missions like Tall Tales, I would not be worried at all times to have my ship sunk while reading the book of missions.
    I and many casual gamers do not have time due to work and responsibilities to stay all day and the playing days to get a Pro Player level. We simply want to have fun on the weekends fishing on our boat, chasing Megalodon and kraken, even if it does not bring me any progress in the game.
    I remember that Minecraft already has this service (a private server paid)

  • In GTA Online one could argue that most of the point now adays is to kill other people just for the fun of it - just like many people say about SoT. I think the basic online aspects of these games are very similar in that matter. However, in GTA Online there are private sessions for doing all the story stuff, including heists and such. Would this not be possible in SoT as well? Private/invite only lobbies for doing the story and quest stuff, but with VERY limited ways to make money and reputation, but still having the normal Adventure servers for when you want to earn RP to become Pirate Legend or make money to buy new cosmetics and such? Purely story in one mode, purely PvP in Arena mode, and Pirate Legend grind plus the casual PvP experience in Adventure mode.

  • @tony-clifton-jr I'll put it simply so someone like you can understand.

    This just happened to me and I only have a short amount of time to play, most of my friends aren't able to play so I thought i'd do a chapter. I kill briggsby who takes forever to kill (as you'd know if you'd done it) and then at the last second im taken out by a crew of 2.

    OP has a point. The game design is nowhere close to fair when it takes you THAT long to do it. The worst part? I respawn on the other side of the map where I can't even hunt them down to get it back.

    The game is not fun nor fair when it comes to tall tales. especially since you have no way to battle for 10 mins and watch your boat at the same time.

    it's not toxicity until I tell them and they just don't care. this then also spawns me to be toxic as I follow the compass to try and get it back, I destroy 2 other casual ships on my own just because **** these people.

    it needs to be patched so it respawns. I cant be ar*** to do it all over again for the same thing to happen. Also, if your claim is to play with more people, does that mean people just can't play alone? Wasteman.

  • @sweltering-nick so we surely make the item retrievable? stored on your person like food is so they cant take it? respawns on your ship? is not allowed to be picked up by anyone not in your party? all very simple options that a dev couldn't come up with.

    The problem that hits me the most is why Dev's didn't come up with this. Simplemindedness? Or did they want this to happen? The only scenario I could believe is that they wanted krakens etc to make you lose it. Fine but why not then make my compass lead back to a newly spawned boss?

    It's just trash.

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