Mega update

  • I Heard about the "Mega update" will not be released on the 20 March... They release only a trailer? Is True??

  • 10
  • @sunbro95 написал в Mega update:

    I Heard about the "Mega update" will not be released on the 20 March... They release only a trailer? Is True??

    They didn't mention Trailer - But they will talk about this mega update somehow on 20 march its true.

  • yes I guess this mega update will come early summer not before. I am sad to see that the updates are long in coming

  • @dasourf it's better this way though. You Pioneers get a chance to try and shift all of the bugs out of the way.
    it used to be one step forwards and one step back with the wave of weekly updates we got for the first few months.

  • They need as much time as they can get to fix the bugs and add all this stuff for the mega update hope it is worth it!

  • it's true, but I like when the updates are regular, I'm a big impatient. one months to navigate with the grog quest becomes very long

  • @sunbro95 They will ANNOUNCE about the mega update in the 20 March.
    I guess that it would be a month after two months maximum but i hope that they wont wait with it, we have waited for too long for something new to blast our minds.

  • So... No more update in this game?! We need to wait the "Mega update?!" People get stucked...🤷🏼‍♂️

  • In the last dev update, Joe said that there will be smaller updates to the Mercenary Voyages/Bilge Rats between now and the Mega Update to give players something new in the interim.

  • At the end of the video it said April 30th was the release date.

6 out of 10