Temporary items (WARNING LONG)

  • 6
  • @sailorkek

    While I think this game could really really benefit from crafting, thats just not what the developers want.

    They want a game in which every ship is pretty much equal, in size/speed/handling.

    That no two players have an advantage over each other.

  • like what Man O War Meche said I believe these temporary buffs would be cool PVE wise but it removes the balanced factor in PVP sea of thieves has which makes the PVP fair.

  • @man-o-war-meche Oh don't get me wrong I dont want SoT to be go around collecting items for an Op weapon.
    Im trying to go for more of a gimmicky thing.
    I just like the idea of being able to get a benefit for doing certain things in the server your on, so for example say your going for the rum runner accommodation, if you also sell X cloths or something your sloop gains its missing sail albeit a slightly smaller one.

    You see a lot of sloops complain that other pirates will destroy the cargo and whatnot. Although you CAN escape maybe even unscathed from pirates, giving the player that extra option to grind for a temporary benefit is the best way I can see to keep everyone happy.

    I think to me it would give the player abit more of an accomplished feeling, showing that your hard work wasn't just for a small amount of gold or for nothing should you find a well manned pirate ship.

  • @sailorkek

    Ahoy there. What your describing is what is Known as In Session Progression. Which is a system where by items ethier craft or bought, or otherwise obtained will benifit a player only for the current session there in. This is a subject i have alot of intrest in and have discussed alot on these forums. This has been a long time Topic of conversation with strong opinions on both.

    I myself have advocated for such things. Particularly I want to expand on what we have now as there are some items in the game that already benfits player by granting them extra utility, Such as CCBs and Gpb.

    You have some good idea's there some of which have been mentioned before. Crafting has also been ask for many times as the devs wish to regaurd this game as more of a sandbox style game.

    The main argument agiasnt this is the preservation of a skill based system. Most player like the fact thats it's a very even playing feild and they can jump in when ever. So since the sessions are persistant some worry that a crew playing for 3 hours will have too great of an advantage over a crew that just loged in.

    I feel however this would not be a problem if the effects were tied to loot as the loot can be stolen. Making a more difficult crew worth fighting as there loot from farming could become yours if you out pirate them.

    I'm glad to see this topic bought up agian and this post may be a good canidate for the Community idea's Master List

  • @enf0rcer Thanks. I'm trying not to think of items that would benefit players against other players but more for the environment side.

    And whilst I wouldn't care for a stats based system because of the advantage side affect, something similar would make sense.
    I'm not so sure that a fresh pirate would know how to dig a chest quite like a level 10 pirate legend.
    But it would be unfair it that legend could swing swords faster and reload quicker.

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