Optional Crossplay MUST Happen for Arena

  • @knifelife Wanted to add, I do use a controller on my laptop when I travel, makes it easier to play without a desktop.

  • @zormis I would like optional input device matchmaking like Fortnite.

    The default servers would be how they are now with everyone.
    Then there would be Controller only and M&K only for those who wish to play with others on the same input device.

    I think it would be a travesty if there was any kind of platform separation.

    I hope that clarifies my point a bit better :)

  • @knifelife trolling? do I need to write an essay to get my point across? let the game be.

  • @marsmayflower If it’s on topic then yes, you have a right to your option and feedback just like everyone else here.

    And like my points and many others you can write an essay but it doesn’t mean everyone has to agree with them. That’s why it’s a public forum, we can share and debate ideas. Agree and disagree.

  • @knifelife the topic is about cross play. my feedback has been "let it be" in all posts.

  • @marsmayflower I don’t think I need to explain the forum rules you have been around long enough.

    If you have an opinion share it if not don’t. If you don’t want to see a thread ignore it. It’s pretty simple to be honest.

    At behest of contradicting myself and detailing the thread I’ll leave this conversation here. Have a good one :)

  • @knifelife who says I want to ignore these threads? on the contrary, I feel obliged to give me feedback. thanks.

  • @marsmayflower
    Let it be or flogging a dead horse replies are not feedback, they are blatent attempts at baiting.
    Try adding something new to the topic, or maybe even try saying nothing at all & let the grown ups have a proper civilized discusion!

  • They may end up separating pc and xbox players for arena...but it won't be at launch that's for sure. It will only happen after a huge outcry from the community...but only after the arena drops. Splitting players up isn't up to Rare...its Microsofts decision.

  • @amancebacabras it is simply the choice not to want to spend more than 1000E in a computer and stay punished in a room or in a sitting corner sitting on a chair ... Ergonomics is not at all the same, when you work on a computer all day, in the evening you forget!
    The tolerance is complicated for you, may be that in 2019 it is time that you can assimilate the comments of other players and respond constructively ...

  • @sort-out-clay something new? nothing more can be said that hasn't been said already in the other hundred threads on this topic.

  • @marsmayflower said in Optional Crossplay MUST Happen for Arena:

    @sort-out-clay something new? nothing more can be said that hasn't been said already in the other hundred threads on this topic.

    Huh wierd... true and its almost like we already know the facts on the issue, know the correct route to take that every other crossplay game ever has taken to great success for crossplay and level playing grounds, and that hundreds of threads only exist because trolls have somehow tricked rare with their nonsense about how its the victims fault for playing on xbox and that just making controllers obsolete fixes the problem.

    Its not like anyone has expected this change to happen in a day, [mod edit]

    You cleary dont care about “giving me feedback” and just complain about the issue and undermine facts with biased semantics that just make it harder for rare to grasp the truth and make a decision, even though it shouldnt be hard.

  • @a-cranky-eskimo okay?

  • @marsmayflower yeah and then when you are cornered you try something like that... Lol... the one word response acting above the whole issue. Why are you here then?

  • @a-cranky-eskimo cornered?

  • @lapinnoux say the same person that insulted me in another post... wow.

    In your topic, you're pretty closeminded if you think that one must play in a pc with a setup like an office. Dunno for you, but I'm pretty comfortable with mine, so let me understand: your argument pro finish crossplay is that you cant be comfortable with a mouse and a keyboard? Is that?

  • @hynieth said in Optional Crossplay MUST Happen for Arena:

    @prodigy-burns said in Optional Crossplay MUST Happen for Arena:

    @sshteeve Well given the fact there are practically no games exclusive to Xbox and the fact Sea of Thieves is one of the least demanding games out there - as far as modern Triple A goes - there's a very simple solution for you and others who want mouse and keyboard that does not have to effect the rest us on console, get a PC. Seriously I just don't find any rationale to owning a console, xbox in particular, if you don't like playing with controller.

    A console should come with the promise of all players being on a level playing field. If MS starts adding keyboard and mouse support in every game without having the option for players to opt out they might as well discontinue the console altogether. I don't know why you bring up the adaptive controller as those players are quite obviously hindered and should most definitely have the option to opt out more so than even normal controller users. Remember what I'm suggesting is an OPTION.

    Is it a level playing field tho? Isn't there a more powerfull version of the X-box one with faster loading times? Isn't there a better controller? What if I have a Madcats controller you usually only give to friends with a horrible deadzone? Or as @Sshteeve put it the adaptive controller?
    What about people who use a Xim?

    Level playing field? It's like going to formula 1 and saying whelp you all need to drive in the same car with the same specs.

    There are many racing series that do just that, as a way to level the playing field and highlight driver skill over team budget.

  • @omofo-1 dijo en Optional Crossplay MUST Happen for Arena:

    There are many racing series that do just that, as a way to level the playing field and highlight driver skill over team budget.

    In a little offtopic, and following your analogy, tell that to Jenson Button when he did the perfect lap for the pole in suzuka in, if I remember correctly, 2011, and Vettel just owned him with a trash lap going to the grass an exiting of the circuit in nearly every turn because his absurdly superior car, getting the pole in the process. OC there are better pcs than an xbox, just like the majority of them are worst and there are differences between consoles and, more importantly, internet conections.

    The problem here is that people are not asking for an eventual crossplay in some type of "ranked" progression just like the arena could be, but in the free adventure mode they buyed as crossplay because they refuse to admit that, maybe, the players that killed them are better and thats all. And when they get the kb&m support in sigh, they say that the pcs are better thanconsoles and is not a solution because is not the same playing field yet.

  • @amancebacabras Once again you have not understood anything, it is not enough to arrive in a topic and read the last post ^^
    Please start at the beginning so as not to say nonsense
    Openness will prove that some people want to play with a PC and others with XBOX, but that's not the subject!

  • @amancebacabras

    tell him what, that he should race in a spec car series?

  • Ahoy everyone!
    I'm just dropping by to say that I've recently left the game until this is addressed.
    I used to play on Xbox, meaning I've been paying for Gold and Game Pass. Crossplay is a cool feature but not when forced down your throat.
    This issue has also changed my view on Rare's proverbial transparency.

  • @seleria I totally agree!

    I am a player for the crossplateform because it is the future of video games! but when paying for a service it is not totally wrong that choosing could be honored! An exchange !
    And if this option comes out, I'm almost sure that many XBOX players (including me ^^) will continue to play with PC players, it would just be a luxury to be able to choose :)

  • @seleria sagte in Optional Crossplay MUST Happen for Arena:

    Ahoy everyone!
    I'm just dropping by to say that I've recently left the game until this is addressed.
    I used to play on Xbox, meaning I've been paying for Gold and Game Pass. Crossplay is a cool feature but not when forced down your throat.
    This issue has also changed my view on Rare's proverbial transparency.

    You made the right decision. Boycott is all that's left for us now because our complaints fall on deaf ears. If you can/want then you can also speak to your friends about it to make sure that they also lay down the game until the issues are addressed.

  • I'll talk about it in yellow vests!

  • @a-cranky-eskimo Your post has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.

    Derogatory Language

    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

    Thank you.

  • Honestly I don't want this to be optional. It would deprive a lot of people who play with each other on different platforms. Now I do feel its Rare's responsibility to level the playing field accordingly. The game was launched with cross play in mind so those who bought it or are renting it thru game pass knew what it was. I says it on the description in the store if you scroll down. I feel the devs need to sit down and seriously look at the balancing then decide the appropriate course. But the fact that over and over in the last few months(i am sure even further back)during the streams people have been asking honest questions about the balancing and nothing has been answered.

  • @iceman-0007 You are right about it was advertised as crossplay, I don’t think anyone can refute that.
    Although the common consensus for other crossplay titles is you usually have a choice. But never the less it was still advertised as crossplay so I can’t argue that.

    And in an ideal world I would love for us all to be able to play the game and everyone feel like they have the same chance as everyone else. That was another way they advertised the game, that there would be no vertical progression and everyone will be on an even playing field and skill would be the only thing which determines the diffrence players. Unfortunately in my eyes that’s the part they failed to deliver on.

    I’m still hoping and well I would like to say optimistic that they will finally address our concerns, but I just don’t know anymore. I don’t want to constantly hate on them for it which I feel like I have been in recent weeks but they must know it’s a community concern and to me that tells me they deliberately choose to ignore it. Why? I don’t know.. but they are doing themselves no favours in my eyes by taking that approach.

    Refusing to address an issue on pretty much anything will inevitably backfire.
    To me it says they are more happy letting there community tear into each other, get banned and fracture rather then coming out and saying how we could go forward.

    They are definitely not the transparent, community engaged developers they once where and it is truly a shame. Because I hate to say it but before everyone purchased the game they where completely different. I just hope there attitude doesn’t change again when it comes time to sell us there MTXs. This is the one concern I truly want to be wrong about.

  • @knifelife They've done a lot to minimize the impact compared to traditional shooters by not having headshot multipliers, having limited ammo capacity and having longer reload times. Could they do more? Probably.

    If the biggest issue is turn speed and sensitivity, they need to double down on providing advanced configuration options so that you can fine tune your stick control. I don't think a flat sensitivity setting is going to work well with a thumbstick. You should be able to turn quickly at full deflection but still have slower more accurate control with lighter touches. There should be at least 3 zones of sensitivity (light - for small movements, medium - for slight left/right turning, full - to pull quicker turns) for the thumbstick IMO.

    Also, everything should be remappable. If you want to move your movement keys to A,B,X,Y or the d-pad you should be able to do that. This goes for both platforms - some actions are hardcoded to specific keys still.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Optional Crossplay MUST Happen for Arena:

    Also, everything should be remappable. If you want to move your movement keys to A,B,X,Y or the d-pad you should be able to do that. This goes for both platforms - some actions are hardcoded to specific keys still.

    100% agree. This would be very useful just as an accessibility option for people who might need options due to disabilities or whatever.

    I'm not really going to contribute to the main discussion. I've made my feelings about crossplay known and I don't want to start arguments. You are all entitled to your views and suggestions whether I personally agree with them or not.

    Which ever side of this you are on, we can all agree that it has become an emotive issue and a frequent source of disharmony on the forum. That alone suggests that it is a topic that Rare should tackle head-on and make some sort of official statement about their view on crossplay and game balance across platforms.

  • @d3adst1ck Finally a discussion haha! I would be up for that for sure. My only concern with things like that was if you was to try and make mouse and joystick on par I fear it would ruin the experience for PC players and I wouldn’t want someone else’s experience to be ruined at the behest off mine.

    But I don’t think your suggesting that so at this point I would be willing to try anything aha :)

  • @knifelife said in Optional Crossplay MUST Happen for Arena:

    @d3adst1ck Finally a discussion haha! I would be up for that for sure. My only concern with things like that was if you was to try and make mouse and joystick on par I fear it would ruin the experience for PC players and I wouldn’t want someone else’s experience to be ruined at the behest off mine.

    But I don’t think your suggesting that so at this point I would be willing to try anything aha :)

    This is very true because inevitably no matter how good of a spot they get joystick controls, or balance mechanics by doing things like slowing sensitivity (which pc can just get around anyways) there is always a point that mouse and pc controls will be nerfed a ton, and then this issue will still exist it will just be a bunch of new people making posts about their mousepads and how they shouldnt be restricted just to make it fair.

    These people at either end of this issue are in great enough number that no matter how they balance the crossplay servers, there is still a large percentage of players on either end who (well less on pc because of the advantages) will only ever see this issue as fixed if we have the option to choose.

    Im one of those people but im also someone who would still play on crossplay servers if my crewmates were pc that day.

    Nobody is so adamant about this issue because of the reasons people toss around, (needing ti get good, not having experience with this issue in game, etc) just like im sure most of you dont want to keep it this way just to preserve an advantage like i say sometimes.

    Fact is something needs to be done and im glad people finally can agree on that. Easiest and smartest way to please everyone is opt out, most people wont, then you have some xbox servers and a bunch of crossplay servers, and if pc players really want to then give them pc only servers if they opt out.

    Based on a lot of the concerns having pc only servers seems like something pc players dont want due to regions and player pop and matchmaking, so i think just having crossplay and xbox servers (and then eventual input differentiation when m and kb support comes to xbox fully) is the best compromise that dosnt require rare to do the impossible and balance the input devices

  • @d3adst1ck yes, they really need to implement aim acceleration. I usually turn that off on xbox but this is the one game that would really benefit from it.

  • I agree, they addressed the infamous barrels 2.0. One would only think they could address the issue at hand.

  • No... Next!

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