Crossplay On/Off Option please

  • @pcmr4lyfeboi

    You are making a claim that I know to be false. The burden of proof is on you, not I. And it's kinda funny you won't post evidence of someone using an exploit that is the subject of your argument in this thread.

    I could post screen shots of the keybinding options on my version of the game but you'll probably still call foul.

  • How do you know that the person who just killed you is a pc player?

  • @m1sterpunch You seem to think that I need to prove something to you, that I need you to believe me, I really really dont. If you wont go look for yourself, then fine, don't believe me I don't care. If someone from Rare looks and sees it that matters way more than if you do.

    I'm not here to sway the pc gaming community here on this forum I'm just here to let Rare know they have a problem.

  • How about they both prove to each other? They look like children. If you have a point and you want someone else to understand, prove it! The world is not made up of assumptions, it's made of facts!

    There is a huge difference between wanting proves and being able to prove. If you can not prove, warn, argue based on what you believe, but stop asking for evidence of things that no one can prove.

  • @pcmr4lyfeboi From what I have seen from many streamers, they remove HUD due to stream sniping. What this does is removes the Radial Display, in turn making it look like they aren't bringing up a menu. They actually are, it just doesn't display on screen because of HUD off. So they actually have to memorize where those buttons are on their radial. Pretty impressive if I do say so myself.

  • @targasbr But I dont care if any of you understand. You dont want to understand.

  • @jaybaiiz Meh its not really any different than memorizing which radial is banana...

    And that actually makes sense. Still leaves the instant raiding of barrels/eating of bananas, and the other myriad advantages.

    We can strike "sleep easy" from the list... huzzah

  • Ahoy there, just posting a gentle reminder here that forum rules ask that all discussions be carried out in a respectful manner towards other community members.

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  • @pcmr4lyfeboi disse em Crossplay On/Off Option please:

    @targasbr But I dont care if any of you understand. You dont want to understand. lol

    This forum is designed to discuss and give feedback on the game. Disagree is perfectly normal, and several times here I came to a consensus with some other player.

    There is no problem in admitting to being wrong and changing your opinion. The problem is to think that you own the reason and give up showing your point.

    If you don't care if any of us understand, why wasting your time trying to explain? Go play SoT!

  • @targasbr I accept your admission that you're wrong. We are actually of a consensus that you're wrong. I'm glad you came to realize that there is no problem in admitting you're wrong and changing your opinion.

    How about you dont worry about my time and how I waste it, its mine :) why don't you go play SoT? No wait, dont answer that, I don't care.

  • @pcmr4lyfeboi I never said that I was wrong, just said that there is no problem admitting that it is wrong and change your mind. Usually who is wrong is who distorts what the other says because he has lost the argument.

    And actually I'm just not playing SoT now because I can't, unfortunately, even though I've already done all my work, I have more hours to stay here. But I'd like to be playing, but as long as I can't, I can help the community to get a better game. You should do the same.

  • @targasbr I accept your concession, I'm glad you've come to see the light, I already feel like I've made the game a better place because you changed your mind an accept that its only right and fair for MS/Rare to make crossplay optional for Xbox players.

    Thank you for your support.

  • Well, I'll not waste my time anymore. Each day that passes I realize that there are no issues that we should avoid, but rather people we should avoid.
    Then they criticize me when I say that I only play Sea of Thieves with adults...

  • day 0 xbox player with way too many hours played.... game is fine the way it is, imo. I got gud.

  • @marsmayflower said in Crossplay On/Off Option please:

    day 0 xbox player with way too many hours played.... game is fine the way it is, imo. I got gud.

    So if its just a minority of bad players who need to get good, there's no harm in there being an option because all of you who "got gud" wouldn't opt out, so theres no reason to be opposed to it.

  • @targasbr said in Crossplay On/Off Option please:

    Well, I'll not waste my time anymore. Each day that passes I realize that there are no issues that we should avoid, but rather people we should avoid.
    Then they criticize me when I say that I only play Sea of Thieves with adults...

    Thanks for your support.

  • @pcmr4lyfeboi disse em Crossplay On/Off Option please:

    Thanks for your support.

    You're welcome, fake account :)

  • @pcmr4lyfeboi I oppose it because it's a shared world. everyone shares equally.

  • @marsmayflower Optional crossplay wouldn't make it not a shared world tho... also shared world doesn't have to mean non-level playing field.

  • @pcmr4lyfeboi yes it would. your world would be different than mine, hence not shared.

  • @marsmayflower But that happens every time we get in, theres more than one, and at no point are they ever all the same or shared with every player...

  • @pcmr4lyfeboi but it's possible to join any open server with enough slots. nothing says, sorry you can't join this world because you own a pc/xbox.

  • What if instead of asking what it is (let's face it) impossible and taking out the cross-play function. We ask them to balance the game. And WAIT have a bit of PATIENCE to see what they are working on. You want things to happen now like, they could just take the code and solutions out of certain holes in their bodies and implement it in the game any minute. That's something they need to work on, test, tweak, send to pioneers and make sure it works and it's viable before sending it to the regular servers. They have a good record of listening to us in the forums and addressing our issues. Just give them some time.

  • @marsmayflower Nothing would do that anyway, you'd be put on a server where you'd be allowed, because after all, its only a minority of bad players who are asking for it, so for all the people like who who got gud they'd obviously not be and you'd join them...

    is your issue some kind of disguised hatred of the adhoc PVE servers? because thats not what I'm asking for. I like PVP.

  • @lmatticl said in Crossplay On/Off Option please:

    What if instead of asking what it is (let's face it) impossible and taking out the cross-play function. We ask them to balance the game. And WAIT have a bit of PATIENCE to see what they are working on. You want things to happen now like, they could just take the code and solutions out of certain holes in their bodies and implement it in the game any minute. That's something they need to work on, test, tweak, send to pioneers and make sure it works and it's viable before sending it to the regular servers. They have a good record of listening to us in the forums and addressing our issues. Just give them some time.

    nobody is asking them to take out crossplay... Also their record of listening to the forums hasn't always worked out great, look what they did to the EoR, lol.

  • @PCMR4LYFEBOI have you seen the exorbitant amount of post asking for it to be removed, add the option to turn it off, different servers. Those are things that will pull teams out of other projects, updates, expansions, events and possible fixes for other issues for something that was intended since day 1.

  • @pcmr4lyfeboi as for the EoR... Patience man, just try to relax and wait.

  • @lmatticl said in Crossplay On/Off Option please:

    @PCMR4LYFEBOI have you seen the exorbitant amount of post asking for it to be removed, add the option to turn it off, different servers. Those are things that will pull teams out of other proyects, updates, expansions, events and possible fixes for other issues for something that was intended since day 1.

    Good. Lets hope so.

  • get a pc then!

  • @lmatticl He's using a alt account to post on the forums. Don't waste time on @PCMR4LYFEBOI. He'll troll anyone who doesn't agree with him. Read the above comments he put down. Lies, get caught in a lie, then trolls. Which is why he uses a dummy account. So he can troll all he wants and doesn't matter if he gets banned.

    @PCMR4LYFEBOI There is no such thing as a macro that immediately drops anchor. However, I did not know that we can site streamers without proof and make things up. I do know that after watching a stream from a console player that controllers can in fact eat a banana WHILE shooting at the same time while reloading another gun. That sounds like hacks and I think that all consoles should have to be forced to buy K&M. Since controllers are just too OP.

    So instead of options on/off, they should just make it to where its M&K only for SoT. What you think?

  • Same old tired contradictory arguments, "buy a pc" irrelevant noise, insults and accusations, (I never lied), all because I'm here to stand up for the minority community here in the forum and try to make the game a better, more fair place to play.

    Y'all protest too much and just come off like you're afraid that PC will be left in the cold of Xbox players get the option to opt out that they deserve.

  • @imadeyoureadme read it again. Also optional crossplay doesn't force pc out of the game, or remove crossplay.

  • @imadeyoureadme optional cross-play doesn't mean cross-play is gobe just fyi so your argument is invalid.

  • @pcmr4lyfeboi disse em Crossplay On/Off Option please:

    @targasbr But I dont care if any of you understand.

    @pcmr4lyfeboi disse em Crossplay On/Off Option please:

    I'm here to stand up for the minority community here in the forum and try to make the game a better, more fair place to play.

    Lets do a game better creating a fake account an trolling other players!

    Waste of time!

    No more internet for today...

  • @pcmr4lyfeboi dijo en Crossplay On/Off Option please:

    that they deserve.

    Why. Tell my why, because they buyed something without knowing what they were buying?

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