Which is your favorite Vessel?

  • Ahoy Mates!
    Today I'm gonna be asking the tough question:

    Which is your favorite Vessel?

    • The Galleon
      The Galleon

    • The Brigantine
      The Brigantine

    • The Sloop
      The Sloop

    • The Rowboat
      The Rowboat

    Let me know which is your favorite in the comments below Mates!
    Until then see ya on the seas!
    Palooggoo in a box

  • 39
  • That's easy. The rowboat.

  • Definitely the rowboat.

    I've done a lot thanks to the rowboat. I've made voyages alone across the world just to turn in a banana crate, while my crew continued on. I've shot myself to islands to get supplies only to find treasure and a rowboat for me to take it to an outpost. I've saved tons of treasure on many sinking ships. I've finished a skeleton ship battle with a rowboat and some kegs after someone left the captain ship circling a rock. I parked my sloop close by and rowed in undetected. I've finished off a meg with a rowboat and a sniper after it sank my ship. Not to mention they are incredibly useful during cargo runs.

  • Truly all of them. But most of my time is dedicated to the sloop.

  • Sloop. I have a thing for two-seater convertibles. I feel like a surgeon with that thing.

  • I am liking the Galleon, because I am preferring to play with larger crews. The galleon is the most "survivable" ship. Even with just three, I would prefer to use a Galleon. The brigantine is a bit too "fragile" for my liking. It cannot take any holes without starting to sink.

    That being said: I think the rowboat is the single most exciting and useful addition to the game in this last year. It has so many uses.

  • @surveyorpete said in Which is your favorite Vessel?:

    That being said: I think the rowboat is the single most exciting and useful addition to the game in this last year. It has so many uses.

    I quite agree mate, the Rowboat is the most Useful tool on the seas!

    I remember at the time when Forsaken Shores was launching, some people were saying it wouldn't have much of a use.
    What have they to say now?

  • Galleon. I play with a clan and having a full ship is super fun!

  • @sgt-palooggoo While the Rowboat is very useful I am a dedicated Slooper. I don't really feel comfortable in any other ship.

  • @sgt-palooggoo Galleon

  • @Sgt-Palooggoo

    The sloop captured my interest ever since it was first introduced way back in the day. It has been the ship I have the most miles on, and the ship that has taken me on many adventures. Outmanouvering and outsailing larger crews is still one of the most satisfying things about this game. But... the rowbroboat is also a fantastic addition. So many gameplay opportunities have arisen just because this addition. Choices choices..

  • @solestone563412 said in Which is your favorite Vessel?:

    Always use the right tool for the job. Each has their time and place.

    Very true, they all have their use.

  • This be my favourite 'vessel '.... :)

    alt text

    .... a Sloop for driving around the Seas in... of course. :)

  • Brigantine

  • This is going to seem like the dumbest answer in the history of answers, but it depends how many people I've got lol, they're all good ships though, I'd say my least favourite would be the brigantine, it's not quite as maneuverable as the sloop, and not quite as hard as a galleon, which for most people makes it the best of both, but for me it's just neither here nor there. I love the rowboats though, so versatile and so many opportunities for redemption or revenge from such a small craft!

  • @sgt-palooggoo definly the rowboat and the galleon mate

  • @piratecraggy of course it is mate

  • Nice topic.

    The galleon, just the sheer space on it, the cosmetics and ammo area in the front is nicely done. I love the walkway behind captains quarters.

  • @dyfrin
    Thanks mate, aye the Galleon's interior is quite interesting because since it's such a large ship they can fit tones of intricate little details in there.

  • I like them all actually. Have sailed each one many times. We started off sailing Sea of Thieves in a galleon because it was the only ship that could accommodate as many of our family and friends who where itching to take to waves at launch. Each one has it benefits and reasons to make it the first choice of ship to sail on.

    The sloop though despite its size has the best of all the ships for the perfect up close and person experience sailing on the Sea of Thieves. It can take you places the brig and galleon have difficulty going. Everything is just within reach without sacrificing anything. A sloop's size also does not come between you and the sea like the bulk of its bigger siblings.

    The one thing I would like to see better is give better treatment to the look of the sloop when using a livery. The sloop and even the brig tend to miss out on all the color and details for the hulls that each livery can provide.

    What makes it best is when you get to take to the sea challenging the waves, skellies, and other pirates with just you and your significant other aboard.

  • Brigantine, I find it goes faster than the other vessels, is far more easily maneuvered than a galleon, has just the right amount of cannons, the captain can often handle minor repairs, it can be bailed out with extreme ease, and user error is less prevalent in a three player crew than a four player crew while three players stand a much better chance in boarding action than two.

  • This order:
    1º - Rowboat
    2º - Sloop
    3º - Galleon
    4º - Brig

  • Arrr! A tough question indeed...

    Mine would have to be the Galleon. I very much enjoy sailing with friends and having three of them with me makes for the most fun in my opinion. This is the primary reason I hope to one day see a larger ship, the more friends I can share this world with at one time, the greater the adventure will be!

    Excellent post!

  • The brigantine is easily my favorite. It’s incredibly flexible in that it can be used efficiently for both solo and multiple players.

  • I think the Brig, but it's a difficult choice.

    I love all of them for very different reasons.

    A full broadside from a galleon with all four guns barking?

    The speed of the Brig at full sail coming down the back of a wave?

    The manouverability of the sloop and how easy it is for a single person to manage?

    The sneakyness of the rowboat as it stealths its way through the waves towards an unsuspecting galleon?

    Very difficult to pick just one.

  • @sgt-palooggoo

    As a pirate who spends a lot of time on the helm, my first choice would be the sloop!

    We've had some amazing adventures on this compact, swift, maneuverable little craft, it makes battles fun especially against the larger ships and just gives you so many opportunities for exploration, strategy, gameplay.

  • Ahoy @katttruewalker, what is that sail called?
    And what is it aswell?
    Never seen it before.

  • I would have to say the galleon with a rowboat attached to it. You get the best of both worlds..lol

  • I love the Brigantine, but the best adventures come with a larger crew, so for me it has to be the Galleon.
    I always feel sad when on a Sloop, as I know it means most of my sea-faring friends are away doing other things, ot there is a full Galleon somewhere with a spot for me taken by someone else!


  • @katttruewalker said in Which is your favorite Vessel?:


    As a pirate who spends a lot of time on the helm, my first choice would be the sloop!

    We've had some amazing adventures on this compact, swift, maneuverable little craft, it makes battles fun especially against the larger ships and just gives you so many opportunities for exploration, strategy, gameplay.

    You're just showing off those Duckhand sails there Katt!
    I didn't get a look in at the helm when I sailed with you either so I know that's true about hogging the wheel! Sure @Musicmee will vouch for that one! 😜

  • @sgt-palooggoo said in Which is your favorite Vessel?:

    Ahoy @katttruewalker, what is that sail called?
    And what is it aswell?
    Never seen it before.

    Those, as @Sshteeve so rightly mentions, are Deckhand Sails :)

  • Still a big fan of the Sloop.

    I know it's not as big as the Galleon and doesn't have close to that kind of firepower or even as fast as the Brigantine. But what it lacks in those categories it makes up for in maneuverability and charm. Also it's perfect for those session when you just want a quiet solo jaunt on the open seas.

  • The Mysterious Vessel. It's so... mysterious.

  • Galleon is the best only if you have a good crew if you are learning it's still fun but it's a big step up if no one knows what they are doing you would be better off slooping

  • @sgt-palooggoo There is nothing in this world quite so majestic as a well-organized, fluid, experienced crew of four Pirates managing a Galleon like a well oiled machine. It's truly a thing of beauty and I hope everyone gets to experience it at some point during their time on the seas. I really think this is how the developers saw the game being played in their mind when it was in its infancy.

    But a crew of four is sometimes hard to put together and I find myself sailing solo in a neat little Sloop more often these days. The extra challenge, while extremely aggravating at first with the introduction of Shrouded Spoils and Forsaken Shores, brings immense pride and a feeling of accomplishment once you learn how to do it successfully.

    The Brigantine is fecal-matter.

    The rowboat is in another class entirely. I don't consider it to be the same as the other vessels. It is the only water vessel that I want to have with me 100% of the time. No matter what I'm sailing on when I load into the game, I always look for a rowboat. They are just too useful to not have. I really wish we could have two, in case one breaks in some unfortunate event.

    Now I will elaborate on the brig. For me, it is too cramped. For some reason I feel like I have less room in it then I do in a sloop. When I am below deck I get stuck on everything and it feels difficult to navigate inside of. I also don't like the fact that it is lacking a rear castle. It is quick though, I'll give it that.

7 out of 39