Ahoy! I'am the brave SrobbinHeadache. Im here to introduce my self in the forums!

  • So I have been playing SoT since alpha, and I have basically dedicated my life to this game (loser). About 10 months ago I started my SoT forums account thinking that I would post almost everyday and dreaming that i would grow in the community and become a well known pirate! So here I am now 10 months later re-visiting the forums and I dont know where to start! So let me introduce myself.

    You can call me Srob. Im the owner of one crew of 6 and the co-owner of a fine crew of 3
    The "HMS HumpinStuff" and the absolutely amazing "Dirty Fortune". The Dirty Fortune is my most active crew. We set sail on a Brigantine with our "Dirty Fortune" cosmetics and Plunder the seas! So right now, with the quick approach of the Arena i would love to grow this crew and make its name echo across the Sea of Theives!
    In the near future after I'am done creating the join page for the crew, I will post a second thread on this topic.

    Thank you so much community of SoT for being so amazing!

    -Brave Srobbin

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