1,402 words about why I'm smarter than you're

  • ironic thread title

  • @clumsy-george

    The grind isn't the problem. Really, go read what I said makes me angry.

    I love the grind in a game, if the grind is fun. I can grind in Warframe all day every day. I can lose missions all day every day. But when I lose missions in Warframe, I still get something. It might as well be nothing for how much you get, but it's something. Something that says "Sucks that you lost, but at least you got 1/40 the experience you would have gotten instead of nothing"

  • @ctl-x-alt-x-del
    i understand , you want a thing to hold in yer hand at the end of your session...No, i fear if you have lost the ship and every treasure aboard ,you indeed have lost it all...But...then you have to rewind the adventure and see how you could prevent a loss, this is how you learn in this game...Me too, i'm no exception...i learn from losing and i learn more because of this losing...You may have lost all yer stuff in a day ,but you may have learnt to keep a better look at the horizon, keep a guard on board or cash in more often...i just name examples...But in the end , you have learnt something that will make you have a better chance in the future to cash in something if not all...

  • NoOne on any server has any advantages over you besides crew count and skill. If you are being sunk a lot then you just aren’t very good at the game.. ships spawning farther away was one of the first updates they did and you have more than enough time to finish a skull fort by the time they get back. Unless you take FOREVER. I’ll admit sea of thieves didn’t have much at launch vs the betas, but they’re promise to improve the game is alive more than ever. No one knows what the game will be like in 3-4 months. No one! So for you to complain about SoTs game state and to say thing like it can’t get any better is dumb. What other game out there has this much passion and dedication to their community?

  • @ctl-x-alt-x-del This whole post comes across like it's written by one of those foolish, egotistical "I'm a Rick and everyone else is a Morty" kids who can't think two steps deep into a concept and conflate personal opinion with unobjectionable statements. I want to believe that this is a troll post and I'm quite sure there's a lot of readers here who did think that at first

    Like, you're upset, we all get that, but this is a forum for Suggestions and Feedback. Posting about how "grrr, I'm upset at your game and it's bad" isn't feedback. It's whining. It's not constructive

    The bottom line here is that you don't like the game. The game that the devs deliberately designed the way it is. You're not helping the devs continue to make Sea of Thieves. What you're doing is trying to get the devs to make a different game. What you need is a different game. You even said it yourself:

    @ctl-x-alt-x-del said in 1,402 words about why I'm smarter than you're:

    It’s a sandbox. There is nothing to do, just stuff you can do.
    I used to like this game, I still really want to. The game just makes it so difficult to enjoy.

    Yes, it IS a sandbox. That's what it's DESIGNED to be. You don't enjoy the game because it's not the type of game you enjoy. Everyone enjoys different types of games. I enjoy open world, horizontal PvEvP sandboxes and that's why I like SoT. Rare isn't going to one day decide they need to redevelop the entire game. They wanted to make this game and they did. The game they made is just not one you enjoy. You need a different game.

    You can go on making posts like this or making suggestions that are counter to the dev team's design philosophy, but I can nearly guarantee you that you're going to be nothing but disappointed by doing so. It saves all of us that like the design concept some forum wallspace and it saves you both a lot of time and anguish if you instead go find a game you do enjoy the design concept of and try to improve that

  • @ctl-x-alt-x-del
    Ok, lets break this monstrosity of an essay down... You've given me a lot to pick apart here and I'm bored.

    I get the sense that you're trying to come across as pretentious and egotistical as you possibly can, you state that this is satirical and I really hope that it was, because this entire essay reeks of egotism and an inflated sense of your own intelligence. In fact whether you were truly intending this as satire or not, the post comes across as pretentious, and regardless of that, most of what you're saying is clearly incorrect to anyone who was been actually playing the game.

    First off, why state that the word progression is a noun, and why would you feel the need to define it? People know what the word progression means, it's a pretty common term. You however seem to have a very shallow understanding. You're defining progression as an exclusively numerical term, when in the real world progression comes from learning and improving.

    To answer your question "How much more advanced are you at 40 hours of play time, than you are at 4?" the simple fact is that as you play this game you pick up tricks and strategies that allow you to take on bigger and more challenging enemies and win. There are many nuances and small details that can make all the difference in a battle and you learn these things by playing the game and learning the tricks. Put one experienced player who knows the game and knows the ships against four players on a galleon who have only been playing for a month and the more experienced lone pirate will win every time. You progress by learning, not by grinding up your stats. If higher level players had stat advantages over lower level players then the open PvP nature of the world would not be possible.

    You state that the easiest way to gain gold and rep is to steal from other players, anyone who actually plays this game for real knows that isn't true. A ship battle can last an extremely long time, especially when there is a chase involved, and there is very little guarantee that you will make it off with the loot or that they even have any loot to begin with. Voyaging is a much more safe, certain and easy way to get gold and rep and all actual players know this.

    I'm just going to assume that your "Math" was satirical, since it was literally entirely based on values dictated by your own personal enjoyment of the game (the term 10% fun is inherently ridiculous and I really hope you knew that when you wrote it). Then trying to take values derived from your own personal enjoyment of the game and state that is the exact value that the game has for everybody is not only faulty logic, it's attaching far too much weight to your own opinion.

    I also want to point out that you state "I’m not here to tell you that you don’t like this game if you do." then you follow up with "I refuse to believe anyone genuinely thinks they got a game worth the asking price.". So you aren't here to tell us we don't like the game, but you're also saying that we all think this game wasn't worth our money. When you try and state what every bodies opinion on this game is and say you "refuse to believe otherwise" I hope that's more poorly executed "satire" because assuming the opinion of an entire group of people and refusing to believe any truth to the contrary is as pretentious as it gets.

    Lets go back to your "Math" because that is the funniest part of your entire essay and the easiest to pick apart. lets look at (60$ for 20h). The value of 60$ is flat and unchanging, (not including the game being purchased on sale) however the amount of hours played varies greatly depending on the player. Your value of 20 hours was literally just the amount of time you played the game, not the average time played by everyone who bought the game. Myself and many others have spent over 1000 hours on this game. Then you throw out "10 minutes of fun in 20 hours, that’s 19:50 wasted time." which is again a value entirely based upon your own enjoyment of the game and has absolutely no bearing on the average player base. Yet you state that you've proven it's a bad game with math? You've merely stated that you didn't enjoy the game and given exact specifics as to how much you did not enjoy it, in what way does that prove that the game is bad for everyone else?

    None of this proves anything, it's just your poorly informed opinions stated as fact peppered with pretentious language and faulty mathematics. The fact that you seem to think this essay makes you appear intelligent is really just indicative of how unintelligent you really are. On top of all of this you stated yourself you only played the game for 20 hours, so you're not even properly informed on the topic you just wrote a 1,402 word essay about. You clearly have no idea how actual statistics work, and seem to think that just because something is your opinion that means it is mathematical fact.

    By the way a smart person doesn't need to tell people how smart he is, it just comes across.

  • @emperorass I was reading your "criticism" of his post and every piont that I read fell flat so I just skimmed the last part, but this:

    "I’m not here to tell you that you don’t like this game if you do." then you follow up with "I refuse to believe anyone genuinely thinks they got a game worth the asking price.".

    Is easy to set you straight on so i'll just address this point. These 2 statements are saying 2 separate things. The first statement is saying that of course you can find enjoyment with this game as most of us have. The second statement is that even if you like the game he can't believe any thinks that it has 60$ worth of video game VALUE. An example is that sure that 30$ turkey leg still tastes good, but is it a 30$ value? no. and don't come back with "but I think it does" or "if you're starving in the desert it does!" nonsense. We are talking about value(assets like music, lvl design, writing, VO, and other stuff that costs money and time to put into a game increase the value) as defined within relative consistency in an established market. We are comparing SoT to other games for the same price that are regarded as "worth it" such as "God of War", "RDR2", "Witcher 3", etc. and when you compare SoT to these you can see that this game is more of a "puddle of thieves".

  • @emperorass I didn't wanna so I didn't and that one point was easy. Most people don't think about the value of things. If you yourself thought about the value as a far as the assets and content Rare put into this game then you can easily see that it doesn't come close to other 60$ titles. SoT was more in line with 20-30$ indie games value wise.

  • @betsill Every point fell flat and you skimmed? You don't hear how that renders your argument invalid?

    When I'm proving somebody wrong I read everything they write in detail so that I can pick apart everything, that's what how an intelligent person debates. Unintelligent people latch onto one topic where they can maybe make a fair point, then use that to try and make a blanket statement about the entire topic which they didn't even read properly in the first place. if you want to talk smack back up what you're saying rather than just making blanket statements. You also kind of have to read what the other person is saying not just "skim". You're just ensuring you're immediately uninformed which is like shooting yourself in the foot at the start of the race. You have a lot to learn about debating, but don't worry I'm sure you'll maybe learn one day, first step is to actually "read" instead of "skim" second step is to actually back up the c**p you're coming out with.

  • @betsill Ah I see you could prove me wrong but you don't want to.... that's actually hillarious

  • @emperorass reading the entire post has nothing to do with the validity of my argument against one specific point because the rest of the post doesn't anything to do with that point. You had a harder time with the point I made than I thought, so I was right IMO not to try and tackle more nuanced points. I'm obviously not an intelligent person though according to your definition, so I would probably get destroyed by an intelligent person such as your self if I tried to take on your full post.

  • @betsill Well you made a claim about the entire post. You said every point fell flat, yet you can't seem to back that up. You're just focusing on one topic that has some potential for reasonable debate. A smart person would have focused only on that topic and kept claims to that topic, as you actually could make some fair arguments there. But instead you skim the whole thing, decide you don't agree with it then pick out one thing you can maybe put up a decent response to and try and use that to de-validate the entire argument. Also called intellectual dishonesty, very easy to identify, very common tactic with morons. A moron will always claim they can prove you wrong, but they'll have some sort of reason as to why they can't.

  • So alot of complaining.

    Says the quests are to grindy. That's what quests are for gringing. At least it's not a repeative grind and it varies. Then later said it's not difficult enough. So your claiming to be the best PVPer in the game then.

    Claims that the pirate game it's not pirate enough then later complains players are acting like pirates when they steal anothers loot.

    Complains combat is clunky. For the time period it's pretty close.

    the developers themselves stated on multiple occasions that is a pirate sandbox game. They never said anything else. You bring up WatchMojo which is and a pinion top tens list creator not factual.

    Then you talk about a fun value. Fun is subjective not objective. You simply just don't like this kind of game but this is.

    You also bring in the price of value versus content. yet completely dismiss all the free DLC that they've been adding.

    since you want to bring all this up let's talk about a what a FPS that's a very popular. Destiny which cost $60 to buy. And then every DLC after is another $20. With the year 2 DLC that came out for destiny 2. That's a $40 buy plus you have to buy the game itself and another twenty bucks for 2 DLCs just to play. So is all the content destiny 2 who gave where's the $140 that you're required to spend just to play year 2? And that's one of the more popular games but you can be everything within a few hours. as well as the grinding that you have to do is completely repetitive

  • @ctl-x-alt-x-del you should put more time into something else you might achieve something

  • @shurthugal In a strict sense, you're completely right. That is, if you define feedback as literally any response to a given thing. My that metric, trash talking is also feedback. I'll argue exactly what I did directly to @Ctl-x-Alt-x-Del:

    "It's not really feedback though. It's not constructive . You're just venting grievances. This isn't an emotional support group. It doesn't help the devs because they don't want to make the game you want them to make. No one on the forums needs to know that you don't like the game. It doesn't change or help anything. It just takes up space and time. Putting a troll act on during it doesn't help anyone either. If anything, it just makes the forums a more negative space"

    All this being said, it's totally fine to include your opinion in a feedback/suggestion post, but that shouldn't be the focus of it. This post essentially boils down to a complete misunderstanding of what SoT is intended to be (e.g. complaining that it's a PvP sandbox when it's deliberately designed to be a PvP sandbox) and statements like:

    @ctl-x-alt-x-del said in 1,402 words about why I'm smarter than you're:

    I used to like this game, I still really want to. The game just makes it so difficult to enjoy. There’s no easy quick fix solution to make this game better. In fact, I think this game CAN’T get better.

    I'm complaining because this serves no purpose on these forums; it doesn't help the readers, the devs, or the players. There's plenty of games out there that I've bought and thought were terrible/irredeemable, but I understand it's because the devs had a different idea for what they wanted to make then what I thought the game was going to be. They made the game they wanted to make and I just didn't like the core concept of it. I don't go around taking up space telling the players that the game they like is fundamentally bad or that it's future is doomed. I just realize that the dev's core concept isn't what I personally want in a game and I move on

  • @ambiguousmonk said in 1,402 words about why I'm smarter than you're:

    @shurthugal In a strict sense, you're completely right. That is, if you define feedback as literally any response to a given thing. My that metric, trash talking is also feedback. I'll argue exactly what I did directly to @Ctl-x-Alt-x-Del:

    "It's not really feedback though. It's not constructive . You're just venting grievances. This isn't an emotional support group. It doesn't help the devs because they don't want to make the game you want them to make. No one on the forums needs to know that you don't like the game. It doesn't change or help anything. It just takes up space and time. Putting a troll act on during it doesn't help anyone either. If anything, it just makes the forums a more negative space"

    All this being said, it's totally fine to include your opinion in a feedback/suggestion post, but that shouldn't be the focus of it. This post essentially boils down to a complete misunderstanding of what SoT is intended to be (e.g. complaining that it's a PvP sandbox when it's deliberately designed to be a PvP sandbox) and statements like:

    @ctl-x-alt-x-del said in 1,402 words about why I'm smarter than you're:

    I used to like this game, I still really want to. The game just makes it so difficult to enjoy. There’s no easy quick fix solution to make this game better. In fact, I think this game CAN’T get better.

    I'm complaining because this serves no purpose on these forums; it doesn't help the readers, the devs, or the players. There's plenty of games out there that I've bought and thought were terrible/irredeemable, but I understand it's because the devs had a different idea for what they wanted to make then what I thought the game was going to be. They made the game they wanted to make and I just didn't like the core concept of it. I don't go around taking up space telling the players that the game they like is fundamentally bad or that it's future is doomed. I just realize that the dev's core concept isn't what I personally want in a game and I move on

    He can express his opinion about the game. Please don't bash other players and "trash talk them" just because you don't agree with his opinion. You state that no one here needs to know how he feels, that is wrong. I appreciate the fact that he expresses his honest opinion of the game and writes about what it is that bothers him. Furthermore, this game is not a pvp sandbox, it's okay to want it to be but it's not nor was it intended to run just as a pvp sandbox. I see so many people continue to label it as such when in reality it's a hybrid between pvp and pve. With that said you are partially correct, but you're not realizing the devs core concept either by stating it as such. Now if you want to provide constructive criticism or argue against his point then great, but stop attacking the person and instead attack the argument at hand. Now, towards the topic at hand, I only have a few topics for criticism, OP stated the reason why you dislike the state of the game, which is great but you failed to mention how you could improve upon those mechanics. Specifically, what do you recommend in order to improve those mechanics of the game and improve upon progression knowing that the devs have a core value of limiting vertical progression? (As they have chosen horizontal progression). THe other problem is the title, it does come out as disrespectful to othersso I would suggest you change the title to something else. I would recommend to change it to something that actually relates to the topic written about.

  • @ctl-x-alt-x-del said in 1,402 words about why I'm smarter than you're:

    This game is conceptually flawed, and I can prove it mathematically

    You didn't prove anything. You just gave a subjective opinion. If you were as smart as you feign to be you would have done the smart thing and paid $10 for gamepass, tried the game for those 40 hours and concluded you didn't like it. There is totally a progression and it's skill based. The only other game that comes to mind is something like Dark Souls because as the enemies do get harder; you get better gear and weapons, yes; but if your skill doesn't improve you will hit a wall regardless of gear.

    This game tried something new and I commend Rare for keeping to their vision. Now that the game has content enough so that there is rarely a time to stop and think on the sea, people attack the apparent lack of progression. Admit you made the wrong purchase and move on instead of trying to convince other people they're wrong for loving a game you dislike.

    No, I don't think I'm smarterer than you're. Despite that satire though, I was serious about what I said here.>

    The term you want there is sarcasm, not satire. And if that is you trying that hard to be actually sarcastic then you are obviously writing for yourself and not for anyone else. I'd suggest stop playing a game you dislike and starting a blog.

  • @red0demon0 I don't think I've bashed or trash talked Ctl-x-Alt-x-Del's character, just criticized their actions. I've read a few of their other posts and they're usually a great poster otherwise. Admittedly, I haven't been particularly kind about my criticism on this one and I am regretful of that, but at the same time, neither was the post itself and when one posts things like:

    @ctl-x-alt-x-del said in 1,402 words about why I'm smarter than you're:

    This game rewards you for being a [censored].
    If you can call it a game. What I described above may certainly sound like a game, but it’s not.
    I refuse to believe anyone genuinely thinks they got a game worth the asking price.
    This game is just poorly designed as a pirate RPG.

    It tends to make people upset. Especially when they are one of those "[censored]", which half the time I am. Confrontation with other players is what you buy into when you get a PvEvP game (you're right that it's not just a PvP game, but the PvP aspect was intended. The 'sandbox' terminology comes into play due the games intention for players to personally create their own adventures, rather than only engage in contrived adventures) game. That doesn't make people whatever a [censored] is, it just means they're playing with all the freedoms their given. Attacking other players is, by definition, acceptable behavior because it's both allowed in the game and not included in the Pirate's Code. Things definitely do need to be done to make attacking players a more calculated decision on the part of the attackers, since it's really not at all right now, but that would have been legit (and not insulting) criticism

    Now, I realize these are all naturally just Ctl-x-Alt-x-Del 's opinions and I'm totally fine with that. It's just the manner they're presented in and, like you mentioned, that there's no mention of how Ctl-x-Alt-x-Del thinks the game could be actually improved (besides the "In fact, I think this game CAN’T get better.", which might actually cover that topic). There's no constructiveness there and that bothers me on a profound level, especially since I love SoT the way it is and I actively desire to make it even better. From my perspective, Ctl-x-Alt-x-Del's post is literally the antithesis of that desire

    TDLR: @Red0Demon0, you're totally correct and to @Ctl-x-Alt-x-Del, I apologize for not being kinder. Just, please try and be constructive when posting and if you really need to talk negatively about the game/players in a insulting way, please do it privately before posting your feedback

  • @ambiguousmonk said in 1,402 words about why I'm smarter than you're:

    @red0demon0 I don't think I've bashed or trash talked Ctl-x-Alt-x-Del's character, just criticized their actions. I've read a few of their other posts and they're usually a great poster otherwise. Admittedly, I haven't been particularly kind about my criticism on this one and I am regretful of that, but at the same time, neither was the post itself and when one posts things like:

    @ctl-x-alt-x-del said in 1,402 words about why I'm smarter than you're:

    This game rewards you for being a [censored].
    If you can call it a game. What I described above may certainly sound like a game, but it’s not.
    I refuse to believe anyone genuinely thinks they got a game worth the asking price.
    This game is just poorly designed as a pirate RPG.

    It tends to make people upset. Especially when they are one of those "[censored]", which half the time I am. Confrontation with other players is what you buy into when you get a PvEvP game (you're right that it's not just a PvP game, but the PvP aspect was intended. The 'sandbox' terminology comes into play due the games intention for players to personally create their own adventures, rather than only engage in contrived adventures) game. That doesn't make people whatever a [censored] is, it just means they're playing with all the freedoms their given. Attacking other players is, by definition, acceptable behavior because it's both allowed in the game and not included in the Pirate's Code. Things definitely do need to be done to make attacking players a more calculated decision on the part of the attackers, since it's really not at all right now, but that would have been legit (and not insulting) criticism

    Now, I realize these are all naturally just Ctl-x-Alt-x-Del 's opinions and I'm totally fine with that. It's just the manner they're presented in and, like you mentioned, that there's no mention of how Ctl-x-Alt-x-Del thinks the game could be actually improved (besides the "In fact, I think this game CAN’T get better.", which might actually cover that topic). There's no constructiveness there and that bothers me on a profound level, especially since I love SoT the way it is and I actively desire to make it even better. From my perspective, Ctl-x-Alt-x-Del's post is literally the antithesis of that desire

    TDLR: @Red0Demon0, you're totally correct and to @Ctl-x-Alt-x-Del, I apologize for not being kinder. Just, please try and be constructive when posting and if you really need to talk negatively about the game/players in a insulting way, please do it privately before posting your feedback

    Well from what you quoted from him the only thing I can take from that as being threatening or hurtful is the censored part. I don't consider you … well, whatever it is that was censored here. Sometimes we get angry when our games get criticized, it feels like they are attacking us directly, but if you take a deep breath, and realize the weight that communication carries from one person to the next, well people would hear you out better. It's difficult to understand exactly what he meant by "The game rewards you for being a censored". OP would need to be more precise about what he meant there, I'm assuming he meant that if you steal from other players, lie to them to take all the rewards for yourself you are rewarded. Now if this is what he's talking about then it's not directed to the players, it's directed to how the game rewarding system tends to lean towards and even support these kind of actions. I'm sure you can tell by the title that his own emotions where already slipping when he wrote the topic title, and once again it can be seen when he wrote that line, but I don't think he mean't to attack anyone particularly. Because of this fault though, many people such as yourself turned themselves off to his message. It's important though that we as a community stay united, because at the end of it all, the reason the OP wrote this with such emotion, the reason why you commented back feeing attacked or hurt, and the reason why I'm writing this here, is because we all have a strong love or passion for this game, none of us really want to see it fail, we enjoy it, or at least the idea of it. Everything else are valid points he expressed, and he explains why he feels that way about them which is great. He gives others the chance to bring their take on it. If one disagree, then they bring up why they disagree, and if one agrees with the OP, then they can add new ideas that can improve upon the problem he brought into the topic. He bought this game when it came out which had a price tag of $60 or 70 euros. I can understand his frustration there, and why he said he refuses to accept that anyone got what they asked for. He brought of a lot of problems, that's already something brought to the table, we should all contribute something now, find ways to fix this problem and hopefully Rare will see it and implement those fixes. Like I said, you were half right about it being pvp, but the game has elements of pvp and pve in harmony that if you eliminate or add to one, chances are, you'd be affecting the other. Here's my take on this, pvp and pve are so connected, like all of us here that unite together in the community, that a change in the game would cause a chain reaction. Therefore, any improvement should come in an update that improves pve which in turn improves pvp gameplay and vice versa. The best way I see this being implemented, and as a solution to OP's "progression" problem is to improve the voyage mechanic with more story elements, boss battles, and mini game riddles with some situational platforming mechanics. I wrote a topic post about this "Voyages need a overhaul". If voyages have riddles with tons of rewards and chests per island, and have interesting distinguishing voyages, pve incentive would increase, and because their are now more ships at sea with rarer and higher quantity loot, pvp also has a higher incentive. Now progression with weapon types and so on need to be carefully looked at because the devs still don't like the idea of vertical progression much. that's okay but I'm definitely on board with having more variety. OP might agree or not, but this is something that would have been appreciated when he wrote this, possibilities for a solution to the problems brought up

  • @red0demon0 The thing that I really find ultimately upsetting about Ctl-x-Alt-x-Del's post is that it doesn't come across as having the intention to try and improve the game, nor does it actually highlight real problems with the game, it just comes across as pure negativity. Most of the things mentioned aren't even problems, they're intentional choices made by the devs ("Pirates don’t pirate other pirates", "I paid Rare so I don’t have to make my own fun. I kinda thought they made the fun for me.", "The progression: still nothing", etc). Ctl-x-Alt-x-Del just calls them bad because they don't like them in a game, even going so far as calling SoT not a game. This is the literal hallmark of someone who doesn't like a game because it's not their type of game. Ctl-x-Alt-x-Del looks at SoT and can visualize a game they would like, but the problem is the game they're visualizing isn't the same game the devs are visualizing. PvEvP means PvP is supposed to be there and even encouraged just as much as PvE. Buying SoT so you don't have to make your own fun is literally buying it for the opposite reason it was made; it's supposed to be about making your own adventures, a.k.a a sandbox (example: the time three friends and I got the red and blue Flame of Fates, one person sat on either side of the ship flashing their lanterns, and we went around 'policing' people with the megaphone. Or the time 3 of us went on a quest to search and rescue our newbie friend sitting in DR in just a rowboat of a fort's worth or more of loot). The progression, namely horizontal, exists and is working as intended. Granted, they do make some valid criticisms, like repetitive voyages or even the combat (which isn't anything advanced, but it's still great for the game). However, it's already well known that those are currently being address. Arena is going to update/improve combat. There's a confirmed voyage overhaul coming in a future update. These are easily researchable. And again, they made the criticism, but still don't offer anything constructive as a suggestion

    It really seems to me that Ctl-x-Alt-x-Del's complaints about the game aren't due to real issues like bugs, mechanics, proper player incentives, or the like, but rather with the core concepts the game is based around, like PvEvP, open world sandbox play, strictly horizontal progression, the goal being players creating unique experiences rather then simply grinding out premade content. Those things won't change. They can definitely be improved, but they will always be a vital part of the game. Ctl-x-Alt-x-Del doesn't say these things can be improved or even suggest how, just that they make the game fundamentally and unavoidably bad. It's the opposite of a strong love or passion for this game. It's a condemnation of it. That's what makes me upset

  • If you're going to leave feedback about the game then by all means do so. Actually everyone is allowed to have their own opinion regardless of what it en tales. However where I myself see an issues is when post starting complaining about price of the game. Anyone who palyed pre alpha or during the beta test would have an idea of what this game was. If you are unsatisfied with your purchase then just uinstall it to make room for another game and leave it on the shelf. If your looking for end game boss fights, loot crates, weapons drops, disguising yourself as a barrel, rolling around in a massive cannon ball or whatever PUBG,Fortnite, and WOW content has been pushed out over the last few years then this is not the game for you. As far as Pirates stealing from Pirates umm yes that happened in real life in that time period. So if you get killed over three castaways, a pig, a chicken, a grog chest, supplies on your ship or just simply cause you are an easy target well it's part of the game.

  • @ctl-x-alt-x-del sagte in 1,402 words about why I'm smarter than you're:

    I like playing SoT. I really do. I even like the PvP. I don't like it when I lose my loot, and the realization sets in that I've been grinding fetch-quest for 2h, and have nothing to show for it now.

    That's because you like winning and achieving and maybe are taking playing games too serious.
    Because normally playing a game is fun even if you loose.
    It doesnt matter that much if you do not loose all the time.
    Loosing is part of playing and shouldnt matter that much.
    Of course if you loose all day it is no fun, but loosing someday can be fun and make winning special fun.
    I dont mind loosing when playing with my daughter (no she isn't 3 anymore, but a Teenager), i dont mind loosing a battle of xy game against a friend and i still had fun fighting him.
    Sure we want to win, but i dont play games to win and get rewarded only.
    I play because playing is fun, regardless of the outcome, if i loose the fun wasnt very much less, but sure if i win the fun is increased a little.
    But it's the fun playing nit the result i have fun with.
    Players who take it too serious arent the players much others want to play with.
    Relax, it's a game, not a serious Sport competition or a job except you make it one.
    I understand if the whole game concept isn't for someone, no Problem xy Manager or something like that isnt for me, so no problem. It's a matter of taste.

  • @princes-lettuce some people are better then others.
    if you want ill be glad to help you with a problematic ship or just good tips to use.
    you dont have to be great in gun fights there are many ways to to defeat or scare a ship

  • To be honest you have to have a really high IQ to understand rick and morty

  • @faceyourdemon said in 1,402 words about why I'm smarter than you're:

    @princes-lettuce some people are better then others.
    if you want ill be glad to help you with a problematic ship or just good tips to use.
    you dont have to be great in gun fights there are many ways to to defeat or scare a ship

    I've watched many tutorials, but I still get outmatched most of the time. Probably because I just don't actively engage in PvP, so I haven't had a lot of practise. I just don't like fighting other players. :)

  • @princes-lettuce i dont enjoy PVP all the time, alot of the time i enjoy a frienly seasson with good people but we sail in "SEA OF THIEVES" sometimes you dont ask for PVP but you dont have a choice so im offering you tools to help your foes to pay a visit the the Ferryman

  • @faceyourdemon said in 1,402 words about why I'm smarter than you're:

    @princes-lettuce i dont enjoy PVP all the time, alot of the time i enjoy a frienly seasson with good people but we sail in "SEA OF THIEVES" sometimes you dont ask for PVP but you dont have a choice so im offering you tools to help your foes to pay a visit the the Ferryman

    It's sweet that you're offering, but like I said, I don't think I need tips, just practise :)

  • People will be people, tastes will be tastes - I'm yet to hear of a hot-fix for this problem. What matters is what sensation you get whilst playing the game: not for you - move on, bored - give it a bit, enjoying it - keep on e.t.c. Sea of Thieves is a small fish in a big sea (indulge me in saying a small sloop in a big sea). If the social crux of the game isn't for you that's fine - competitive games are probably better suited to you. You gave it a try and welp - 40 quid later albeit - it didn't work out.

  • @ctl-x-alt-x-del said in 1,402 words about why I'm smarter than you're:

    This game is conceptually flawed, and I can prove it mathematically

    I used to like this game. I played it during its beta test and was eager to pick it up day one to see what additions they had snuck in. But there weren’t any. The game was the beta. That was a huge disappointment to me as someone under the impression that what I was playing was a beta, as in unfinished. I played it maybe 2 hours total and then quit. A week ago I picked it up again to see what had changed. They certainly added a lot (a lot that the beta testers asked for months before launch) but nothing had changed.

    The quest: still grindy
    The combat: still clunky
    The progression: still nothing
    But at least you can redo your tattoos, so no need for a proper character creator.

    I convinced a friend, let’s call him Kyle, to join me in my revisit to the game this past week. Kyle and I probably had, in total, 10 minutes worth of fun in our 3 play session. That was all during our last play session when we tried to take a skeleton fort, and got all the gold skeletons into a puddle, and blew them up. The 2 session before that were just doing some treasure hunting. We didn’t necessarily have a bad time, but it wasn’t fun. Not to mention all the fun we had had in the fort was spoiled when another ship engaged us while we were trying to clear it. The ship combat wasn’t what did it though, it was the 3rd time we had to sink the same ship because they just respawned 2 islands away, and came back fully equipped to fight us again.

    This is the first, and probably biggest flaw in the games design. Pirates don’t pirate other pirates. This game rewards you for being a [censored]. What’s the easiest way to get gold and gain rep? Let someone else do the work, then just take it. You get everything, and they get literally nothing other than a bad experience. This is the only game I’ve ever played where the best way to “progress”, if you can call it that, is to make sure someone else can’t. Games should be fun to lose. I can lose a game of monopoly and still have fun playing. I can lose a round of [insert fighting game here] and still enjoy the fight. This game is barely any fun to win.

    Progression: noun
    the process of developing or moving gradually towards a more advanced state.

    How much more advanced are you at 40 hours of play time, than you are at 4? You certainly look snazzy with your gold eye-patch and pearl cannons. Has anything changed though, or are you still doing the exact same things. Doesn’t matter if it’s the quest, or pirating. It’s just a bigger number, nothing else. All doing anything does, is make big number get bigger. I know that is a drastic oversimplification of any game’s progression, but this game has drastically simple progression.

    At least the other players can know how cool you are when you raid them for their 3 castaway chest and a foul skull. One selling point for this game was you could RPG as a merchant. Make a name for yourself as a skeleton bounty hunter. But no. Merchant quest are by far the worst ones. The best way to level up is to just find stuff and turn it in. No reason to lock yourself into a time restricted mission when you can just passively gain rep doing other things. Not that those things are much better. Skeletons are at best boring, and at worst frustrating. The combat is heavy, sticky, and really just unsatisfying in every way. Kyle and I were trying to think of another FPS sword play game to compare this too, and we couldn’t think of any. I’m not saying there aren’t any. WatcMojo has informed me there are, in fact, at least 10 games with “Amazing First Person Melee Combat” but the fact I had to look it up, and we couldn’t think of any, made us think that maybe, just maybe, there’s a reason the “S” in FPS stands for shooter, and not swords.

    Maybe it should stand for sailing though. I may have just spent the last 6 paragraphs bashing every aspect of the game so far, but credit where it’s due, the ship play is phenomenal.

    Water: beautiful
    Anchor turning: tactile
    Sails: weighty, but tight, and satisfying
    Ship flooding… fluid, lol

    There’s almost a zen aspect to just sailing, even in storms. The cannons are, while maybe not the most intuitive, still easy to use, and have a nice chunky feel when you land a direct hit. The new special ammo (most of them anyway) gives ship combat more strategy to them now rather than just “shoot the other guys”. There are so many good mechanics and systems in this game. It’s just a shame they’re in a bad game.

    If you can call it a game. What I described above may certainly sound like a game, but it’s not. It’s a tech demo. It’s things that you put into a game. I can’t tell you what makes a game, a game. I’ve heard people say all it needs is challenge, some say just a goal to work towards. I don’t know, but I know a game when I see one. Sea of Thieves is not a game. It’s a sandbox. There is nothing to do, just stuff you can do. It’s not hard to find gold, so no difficulty. All gold let’s you do is search for more gold, so nothing to work towards. If you can “make your own fun” with games like this, good for you. I’m not here to tell you that you don’t like this game if you do. You just do you. For me, I paid Rare so I don’t have to make my own fun. I kinda thought they made the fun for me.

    $60 is how much I’ve invested in this game. $60 and probably 20 hours total. Pirate level 20, and only 10 minutes of memorable fun in the game. Here’s where the math I promised earlier comes in. $60 for 20h, that’s $3/ph. 10 minutes of fun in 20 hours, that’s 19:50 wasted time. 19:50 at $3/ph comes out to $59.50 wasted. $0.50 worth of content is what I feel I’ve been given. $0.50 for 10 minutes is a gumball (a large gumball, but still a gumball). I refuse to believe anyone genuinely thinks they got a game worth the asking price. I am the only of my circle that has purchased the game., everyone else has only ever played it through the $1 Xbox Pass trial. They’ve spent double what the game is worth on it.

    I used to like this game, I still really want to. The game just makes it so difficult to enjoy. There’s no easy quick fix solution to make this game better. In fact, I think this game CAN’T get better. Its biggest flaws aren’t mechanical or anything that can just be patched or added. This game is just poorly designed as a pirate RPG. Combat would need a total overhaul, even the ship combat I praised is very restrictive in terms of what you can actually do. The core idea of pirating other players isn’t fun 75% of the time (never fun when you’re the one being pirated, and only 50% fun when you’re the pirate). For those of you who just want to tell me to switch servers if I’m being harassed, because that's what it is, harassment, let me just say this: If the solution to making a game more fun, is to stop playing, it’s a bad game.

    I’ll close with this. Kyle, the same Kyle from earlier, said that this was the 1st game to make him angry in a looong time. Not rage. I’ve raged quit plenty games in the past, and I plan on rage quitting many more. But I always come back, because the rage motivates me. Anger just festers, and leads to typing a 1,402 word document explaining why a game is bad and I’m actually really smart on the internet.

    Thanks for reading, I would apologize for the length, but it was in the title, so it's really your own fault, and I'm sure most of you picked up on this, but just in case; No, I don't think I'm smarterer than you're. Despite that satire though, I was serious about what I said here.

    I guess you've never played rust if you think people in this game hinder others progression. The kind of progression you are suggesting in your post is exactly the kind of progression that would make the game worse for people like you. Imagine coming back after months if progression like that was in the game. People would have ships that might turn tighter than yours, faster cannon reloading times, less damage taken and bigger inventories.

    Now when you come back after months of being away, you know everyone is at the same level still, no one is sailing better ships, no one has stronger guns. People however, do have more skill because they have been playing the game.

    There is progression in game, just not the kind you want. For me the progression was getting the pirate legend and getting better at playing every level. What fixes people raiding you for your 3 castaways and 1 skull is, i know it's an old reason but, simply getting better at the game. You can't expect to own in a game that you have played last almost a year ago.

    People taking your stuff? I've noticed lately that most people are not looking for a fight EXCEPT ON FORTS, so if you go to forts expect your ship to be sunk eventually or your loot to be stolen. They are the area in game where pvp still frequently happens.

    Sometimes the fights take so long that they are not worth the money, I remember fighting on a fort for at least 3 hours with 2 other galleons and we never even got the loot. Would that been faster for us even if we got the loot, or would it have been faster for us to just do normal voyage. What I'm saying, you need to make it not worth their time to pirate you, waste enough their time and will give up, this goes for forts and normal ship chases.

  • When, exactly, did Rare or Sea of Thieves claim this to be a progression based game?

    I mean, Sea of thieves also absolutely sucks as a space flight sim or a farming sim...

  • The first thing is the title of this just because you think your smarter doesn't make it so, but I do respect your opinion I my self have played this game since the beta I do believe it lacks in some places but this game has made me friend's for life from across the world I thank rare for making this master piece of a game, my wife and I and the friends we have made do greatly enjoy this game is about banding together in my opinion we have sailed a while now and saved sloops from other players taken forts from players and lost too other players, but having a good team of people you have met on the sea makes every lost fort and or chest easier to deal with in my opinion

  • @ctl-x-alt-x-del

    Wow dude. Never in my life have I witnessed anyone write a review of a game like they are reviewing a movie on a feedback forum like you do. I agree with some of your points, though. Missions are grindy and progression isn't there yet. But there is fun to be had with what's in the game.

    On a personal level, I think you're on some kind of ego trip because of your title. After reading your post, I find that your attitude is either your way or the highway in the world.

    One thing that struck me was "I refuse to believe anyone genuinely thinks they got a game worth the asking price."

    It doesn't really matter if that is what you think if you're speaking for other people in some kind of weird way. There are people on here that have gotten their $60 dollars of entertainment. And, I purchased the game at $60 dollars after I used my free Xbox pass trial + another month trial at a low cost. So, if you're buying games at launch at full price and are not somewhat disappointed (be prepared because all the major AAA developers are doing these now and it does suck) then that is entirely your fault as a consumer. It is like you bought a car from a dealer without ever checking under the hood or going to a mechanic for a full review.

    The game has improved a lot since launch. And, I was in the boat that it wasn't a full priced game at launch. I think a lot of people can find 60 dollars of entertainment here at the current content we have. Most of the experience is with other people. I love solo play and it is difficult. But the best is with a Brig or Galleon. Again, with my personal opinion, the way you write doesn't look like you're a very fun person to be around.

    I'm a critical guy too. I love to take things apart and get to the heart of things. But sometimes patience is necessary. I think Rare needs more time. I think there needs to be more content now because who in their right might wouldn't want more anyways? Microsoft probably rushed the game and the marketing wasn't the best.

    The only mathematical metric you've applied is your own personal data from your experience. It is egotistical. I was expecting to see from outside sources supporting your claims but I don't see that at all. I see a gumball reference to your 10 minutes of fun. That sucks that you didn't get to experience the game like a lot of other people have. And, not to be too dismissive, I know there are a lot of people that were disappointed.

    Per your points:

    1. The missions are grindy. Show me an MMO that isn't. Every game that I have played have a grind.
    2. The combat is clunky. The animations work well. The skill level requirement doesn't have a huge learning curve so it is easy to learn and harder to master. Though mastering isn't much of an issue, either.
    3. The progression is nothing. They have commendations and cosmetics. It is something but I agree that it isn't fun. Most MMOs have leveling and level-tiered equipment for characters that makes them stronger vs new players. What are you looking for? To make an ultra-high level character to grief noobs in starting areas? Rare is trying something different with this platform.

    Here is what you're left with:

    1. Either move on with your life and never play it again.
    2. Come back and play it at a later date when there is more content in the game (it will be free for you to do this as you have already purchased the game).
    3. Try finding a community to play with. Enjoy their company with the game to get the most out of the vision of its developers.

    Edit. Apologies to @EmperorAss
    Our posts are identical. I already wrote mine out but I wouldn't have if I had read yours. Lol. So, hopefully this person gets what we were trying to say.

  • @ctl-x-alt-x-del mate play fortnight if you don't want to play this game and it's a fun game

44 out of 69