Suggestion: The Logbook

  • I hope for a logbook where each player can read his personal stats, how much hours played, how many time we died and the cause (example: death by shark: 7, Death by skeletons: 20, etc) how many player or npc we killed, bananas eated, chests delivered, ships destroyed, Miles traveled and many other Statistics, Just to remember all the lived adventures.

  • 5
  • A journal entry/log book would be good. I don't like having to enter someones xbox gtag profile and compare stats to see. During game would be nice to see yours and your crew.

  • I agree with this. We typically post a looking for group just to see how many chests we have turned in. It would be convenient to have a log book with all of our information. I also wish they tracked in game hours like other games do.

  • Great idea. Would love to be able to remember the quests I've done, what I've accomplished, where and when, etc. All the stats.
    Would be cool, like a personal adventure journal.

  • Hey, Rare! We need this!

3 out of 5