Kraken needs a body and head, it's time to rise up and ask Rare!

  • It's a very interesting script. The new knowledge and use to benefit as well. Thank you very much.

  • @roughleech03117 said in Kraken needs a body and head, it's time to rise up and ask Rare!:

    @bran-the-ent what happened in chapter 11 i forgot?

    Mermaids, Old Mother, chains...

  • @red0demon0 check their artstation page

  • @galactic-geek it's not concept art

  • @roughleech03117 go to their artstation and its labeled "kraken skull"

  • @dyornos ok mate

  • @roughleech03117 Unless it's in-game, it's either concept art or fan art.

  • @dyornos the creature deserves a head. It is either lazy game design or the game cannot handle the kraken having a head.

    Despite the lore there is absolutely no reason for the kraken to not have a head just because it does not like to pop it’s head up. Pirates can fall over board and be dropped by the tentacles into the sea.

    Think how much more an experience it would be and an opportunity to see the lore if there was an ugly, scarred head under your ship when in the water. Even if it was obscured some in the murky, ink filled water.

    In game books and NPCs need to tell more lore and a deeper, overarching story. Too much of SoT lore is outside of the game instead of in the game where it should be. So many opportunities for lore and story are missed and sacrificed.

    The kraken absolutely deserves a head for all the right reasons. The kraken needs to have more meaning, even a recurring potential for a rare award from defeating it.

  • @x-crowheart-x Could not agree more! well said!

  • @galactic-geek no it is from a rare member

  • @roughleech03117 said in Kraken needs a body and head, it's time to rise up and ask Rare!:

    @galactic-geek no it is from a rare member

    It doesn't matter if it's from a rare member, if it's unofficial it's considered fan art as rare devs are allowed to create their own individual fan art without it actually being part of the game or tied to the company. Now as far as I'm concerned, the devs in streams have just labeled these skeletal structure as "The sea creature" other than that, it really doesn't say anything about the kraken. Find us the link to that specific picture though maybe we can get a bit more insight to this.

  • It could be as simple as the black water is a “swarm” of krakens. There are lots of lore pictures of krakens and tbh it would be sad if Rare didn’t improve the Kraken. I’ve been exited to hunt them ever since the merchant alliance mentioned being interested in them

  • @red0demon0 the skulls are all over the map and it clearly has an art designer labeled it kraken skull how could you even argue that lol

  • @red0demon0 its not concept art if its already in the game

  • @dyornos ok mate

  • @dyornos people think the kraken is a joke since it has no body. They should add a body.

  • Im not against the idea but to give the kraken a head would be a difficult task to code and not really a point of focus at the moment. There might be possibility in the future but who knows.

    An idea to cut on time would be to have a quick animation in the water. Here's the idea:
    When the tentacle grabs your character and dunks it in the water, a 20 second timer would activate and bring up an animated screen shot of the krakens face growing as it gets close and eats you.

    This would probably be the best way and least use of space on the entirety of the game without having to build a 3d rendering model of a kraken head. A place holder until they come back to the Kraken. Thoughts?

  • ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SUMMON THE KRAKENs HEAD ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

  • @qtrmaster-zeta i want to see it above water not just 20 sec i want to be able to shoot it and finally kill it

  • @qtrmaster-zeta said in Kraken needs a body and head, it's time to rise up and ask Rare!:

    Im not against the idea but to give the kraken a head would be a difficult task to code and not really a point of focus at the moment. There might be possibility in the future but who knows.

    Please explain how making 1 3D model and animating it a little bit is too much work for a beast this promonent in pirate lore.

    The head does not need to connect to the other tentacles, since the tentacles themselves also don't connect to anything atm. Also this head can be the main body that you need to damage, instead of the tentacles.

    As for your 2D image idea, its nice that you're trying to think of something, but a scaling 2D image looks terrible and is not on par with the rest of the games quallity.

  • @dyornos the body should be attached to the kraken

  • @dyornos Im not a game dev or know how in coding sir. It is merely a suggested idea.

    Im not for/against a krakens head but i think they are focused in other aspects like future content. It might come down the line in the near future but I'd rather allocate game space for other fun/cool things than a kraken head.

  • @dyornos we need the kraken to have a body plain and simple can anyone ask on their next stream if there is any plans what so ever of it

  • @roughleech03117 said in Kraken needs a body and head, it's time to rise up and ask Rare!:

    @dyornos we need the kraken to have a body plain and simple can anyone ask on their next stream if there is any plans what so ever of it

    This! I've been hoping each stream that someone asks this! Please do ^^!

  • @dyornos yes been waiting for awhile i have next week off so ill try my best

  • @roughleech03117 said in Kraken needs a body and head, it's time to rise up and ask Rare!:

    @dyornos yes been waiting for awhile i have next week off so ill try my best

    Asked it a number of times, no reply :\

  • Anybody figured the Kraken all ready has a body and head?
    Its in the murky ink water below the ship. U can't see it.

    So it should be make the head and body visible instead of give HER (yes i read the comments) a body and head.

    Ill leave it at that

  • @weakdexx said in Kraken needs a body and head, it's time to rise up and ask Rare!:

    Anybody figured the Kraken all ready has a body and head?
    Its in the murky ink water below the ship. U can't see it.

    So it should be make the head and body visible instead of give HER (yes i read the comments) a body and head.

    Ill leave it at that

    Lol. No it does not have a head or body. If you glitch through the water, the tentacles are not connected to anything as showen in the picture below. There is also no body, or head :) So they should still give it a head or body!

  • @dyornos

    Never seen that. Funny it looks weird.
    BUT as u state, u can see this when its "glitched".

    Because if not glitched the water would be ink black and u won't be able to see it. Therefor as i stated. She has a body and head but u can't see it.

    I understand she does NOT have one in-game because proof is your picture. But that is when u can see under the black ink via a glitch.

    Also with your picture how about we start adding bottomfloors to the ocean? They are not there!
    I reckon we all imagined it was to deep to see and figured there would be somehting like an oceanfloor. Thanks to the glitched picture we now know there is no oceanfloor. They should add this! Same logic as the kraken.

  • @weakdexx said in Kraken needs a body and head, it's time to rise up and ask Rare!:

    Also with your picture how about we start adding bottomfloors to the ocean? They are not there!
    I reckon we all imagined it was to deep to see and figured there would be somehting like an oceanfloor. Thanks to the glitched picture we now know there is no oceanfloor. They should add this! Same logic as the kraken.

    Ocean floor comes down to performance. We will never see the ocean floor because it’s too deep, so that’s why they don't add one, only in the parts where you actually are able to see it (close to islands and stuff). This prevents your pc or Xbox from rendering unnecessary geometry.

  • @dyornos

    Yes indeed! i reckon same with Kraken.
    If not glitched u can't see under the black ink water. So we pretend the body and head are there :) at least i do :D

    We wont see ocean floor because it's to deep.
    We wont see kraken body or head because ink is to black.

  • The reason it doesn't is because it's not something you can kill so the head and body will just take up CPU,gpu and ram. Possibly making the survers lag. Since you can't see it anyways theres no point in having it

  • Here's an idea, what if after you took out all the tentacles, it swam around the ship for a few moments. They wouldn't have to use a high quality model, because we'd only be able to make out a silhouette through the water anyways. This would let us see its body without it taking up too much game storage. My crazy, off the rails idea, would be to make it so that there's an entire second phase of the fight, where the model just the head of the Kraken, and have pop up behind the ship, while its tentacles (which wouldn't actually be connected) shoot out at somewhat realistic angles and grab the ship, pulling it closer to the Kraken. This idea(crazy as it is) would work, as the devs wouldn't need to model the head, plus it kind of fits the lore, as this would be seen as a last-ditch effort.

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