Upset about Pioneer Requirements

  • So I've been a part of every program in this games development and been an xbox insider and ambassador for years now, I'm super dedicated to this game and making sure that it improves and gets the updates that it needs.

    What makes me angry though is a mate of mine got pioneer status when she had the alpha but never played it and is an insider and all but hasn't contributed anything, No forum posts and nothing else contributed personally Rare yet she got a pioneer invite last night. Even she's confused why she got invited last night but I haven't!
    Makes me and many others that are actually dedicated and been excited for this game and been through the thick and thin of it only to see people get pioneer that haven't contributed anything or been a part of any stress tests, alphas, betas or anything!

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  • @novastar868 No one knows what the selection criteria is for pioneer.

    I was one during the Alpha and Beta but never got selected for it post launch but then I also received an invite last night. Maybe they have a dart board at Rare with all out gamertags on it and periodically throw darts to decide?

  • Yes.. Only RARE know how & why the 'ones' are chosen.
    Careful what you wish for... :-)

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    Seriously though... I would agree ( & I imagine ) that previous involvement would be a major consideration.
    Equally, they will only wish to have a certain number of Pioneers at any one time for testing... so your time may come.

    I wish you good fortune.

  • @piratecraggy Only time will tell matey!!!
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  • @novastar868 our time is served. We done our best with the means we had to help improve the game.
    It's all that matters.

    Thankfully Rare choose my crew mate to get in the pioneer as well in this reopening of the group. He doesn't understand much of English and never used the forums nor reported a single error. Ahahah but he's the best mate rare could pair me with ahahah.
    But he is a dedicated player to the game. We play together since last alpha.
    We have the same time invested in gameplay time.
    So I think the fact he played for so long and so many times with me was a factor to call him in.

    Now I know other people almost never have time to play, people that don't even own a copy of the game and probably never participate in this forum or reported some sort of error or anything that was called as well.

    As long as they enjoy here, and are useful to rare to let them pick up the data they need, it's all alright.

    The only con I find is the behavior of some players during the sessions. Some people seems to not understand that we may be testing something and bring their saltiness into the gameplay sessions...

  • I would think it would be advantageous to have a variety of different kinds of players. Of course some may be long-time dedicated players and contributors. But if you're testing new features, it would be beneficial to also see how less devoted players respond to the content. The whole point of the program is to play test the game. If you only have a particular type of player, e.g. the "dedicated fan" type player, then your results won't reflect a broad player base. Now, mind you I have no idea if this is their rationale or not, but it would make sense to me.

  • @novastar868 Don’t even worry about it, I gave up getting salty over the way they do it.

    I’ve had hundreds and hundreds of hours in the game and that was before it even launched. Was in the TA, old pioneers every scale test and beta and still am constantly filling out bug reports to this day whenever I enounter them and am extremely active on the forums.

    But I still don’t fit there mysterious criteria, in all fairness they have always had a terrible selection process for everything they do so I’m not to surprised. xD

    I’m sure you will get there one day, you just have to basically win the lottery xD

  • @knifelife
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  • As an alpha tester and OG pioneer, I wish to ad to this. (I'm new Pioneer too)
    Though Rare has never stated the requirements for being a Pioneer, it has been speculated that you must own the game and be a founder. All pioneers that I have seen are founders, and that's really the only major requirement.

  • I would also like to point out that they pick new people every few weeks, so don't be too disappointed. You might get in someday

  • @novastar868 i feel the same, i have something of a similar situation myself

  • @novastar868 well that actually explains ALOT the first thing i noticed after the last but 1 patch was equipment and resources needed swapping around along with other bugs n stuff made me think the pioneers need shaking up as they're obviously not doing anything useful... this would explain why!

  • I feel the same way! I’ve only been playing since launch though but still. I have put hundreds of hours into this game. I’m pretty active on here have reported 4 bugs that I’ve found and didn’t hear being mass reported. Yet I’ve never got an invite and yet people in a group on Facebook who are fairly new and aren’t on here at all have been invited. It’s really a slap to the face

  • I spoke to support about it and the reply was as i expected, they said

    “At this point it is literally a lottery”

    So there ya go, no requirements just hope you get invited by luck. Shame they just can’t be honest and say that in the first place instead of misleading people about it and giving false hope. Then again after how they lied to the last group I shouldn’t be surprised.

  • It is the weirdest of things. I sometimes get invites to take part in pioneer sessions but on the day they take place. Like "there's a session now, go join". As if I don't have to download the build first.

  • Lol, why? Content rolls out soon anyways, they do not want to invite dedicated players , it is their loss not yours.

  • whats the point in givin it to people who hardly play / dont have a clue about the game or whats goin on / dont care and wont report anything ??!!! 8-/
    major slap to the face!
    "its ok the pioneers havent reported anything" looks over to the kettle and arrangement of rubber chickens "theyre a great group"... gooooood grief -.-

  • I was a pioneer for almost a year when it was stripped of me so yeah don't feel to bad

  • @novastar868 An acquaintance of mine had the same concern and is under the impression that statistically if it reads that you often "shoot first" when encountering another pirate it lessens the chance of invitation. It's an interesting theory but it's true, nobody really knows what warrants an invite. The only constant I've seen so far is that all pioneers I've seen that are active around the forums are also founders.

  • @dcr-lt-kanada a dit dans Upset about Pioneer Requirements :

    @novastar868 An acquaintance of mine had the same concern and is under the impression that statistically if it reads that you often "shoot first" when encountering another pirate it lessens the chance of invitation. It's an interesting theory but it's true, nobody really knows what warrants an invite. The only constant I've seen so far is that all pioneers I've seen that are active around the forums are also founders.

    If that was the case, I'd have -1000% chances.

  • I'm wondering how many people in the Pioneer program ever speak up and tell them when the game is broken or their ideas are bad. Seems like that must not be happening too much. Do they just want a fan-boy echo chamber or actual constructive criticism too ?

  • @trickrtreat01 "just lots of yes men please"
    too many rebels in the group will cause too many problems before releasing content. lets just have a bunch of nodding churchill dogs...
    "ohhhhhhh yessssssss"

  • @trickrtreat01 said in Upset about Pioneer Requirements:

    I'm wondering how many people in the Pioneer program ever speak up and tell them when the game is broken or their ideas are bad. Seems like that must not be happening too much. Do they just want a fan-boy echo chamber or actual constructive criticism too ?

    Definitely not. What sense would that make and what purpose would it serve?

  • @tre-oni said in Upset about Pioneer Requirements:

    @trickrtreat01 said in Upset about Pioneer Requirements:

    I'm wondering how many people in the Pioneer program ever speak up and tell them when the game is broken or their ideas are bad. Seems like that must not be happening too much. Do they just want a fan-boy echo chamber or actual constructive criticism too ?

    Definitely not. What sense would that make and what purpose would it serve?

    Well, if there are Pioneers play testing this then they are failing us or Rare isn't listening to them.

  • @xundeadxrabbitx I don't know. Sometimes I wish they were trolling. It's really hard to believe anyone could possibly like this game in it's current state.

  • Jealousy, anger and a lot of mimimi is the only thing i read here.
    Dont know if thats the right Pioneers.

  • @trickrtreat01 said in Upset about Pioneer Requirements:

    @xundeadxrabbitx I don't know. Sometimes I wish they were trolling. It's really hard to believe anyone could possibly like this game in it's current state.

    It's really hard to believe you still stick around.

  • @crimsonraziel said in Upset about Pioneer Requirements:

    @trickrtreat01 said in Upset about Pioneer Requirements:

    @xundeadxrabbitx I don't know. Sometimes I wish they were trolling. It's really hard to believe anyone could possibly like this game in it's current state.

    It's really hard to believe you still stick around.

    I just got done with about 6 hours of World of Warcraft. That's 6 hours that would be spent here if they fix the game. I am just waiting around and hoping that by some miracle they snap out of this and make the game great again. The hope is fading pretty fast though.

  • yea i ran into a pioneer from when he signed up for the beta and he said he never even used it since then. I mean if they dont need new pioneers. oh well

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