Sea of Thieves is an evil place.

  • Maybe they had a lot of loot on board and were suspicious of you? Idk there are lots of reason one might sink someone who appears friendly. Too many of us have been betrayed I suppose. I probably would have taken your supplies before I killed you.

  • 26
  • @perviouscello34 Paranoir can be a humans worst enemy or best friend lol I had an experience where I had to log out and didn’t have time to go to an outpost so it tried to give my loot to a solo player. It was like trying to coerce a scared cat out of a hole with ham lol

  • link text

    Wanna see how bad it is?

  • @sprungnickel427

    that is becoming all too common now :(

  • @rusty-xbone They refused to sink our boat and told us to scuttle. I refused. They ended up moving on and in the end didn't sink our boat. They sailed it back to an outpost. How weird is that! I guess it wasn't fun tormenting us any longer than they did.

  • @sprungnickel427 honestly, at this point the level of toxic behavior in this game is disgusting. Wish there were ways to report it to Rare and see them purged.

    Worst part is the number of Legends who partake in this immature and trolling behavior.

  • @sprungnickel427

    what on earth did they get out of that??!?!?!?


  • @sprungnickel427 I only watched the first couple of minutes and that’s just sad. I would highly recommend filing a complaint in the support section of the forum and link them the video.

    Bans will be handed out. People need to realise children play this game.

  • @sprungnickel427 said in Sea of Thieves is an evil place.:

    link text

    Wanna see how bad it is?

    That guy [Mod Edit - removed gamertag] got on my nerves in the first 20 seconds. I couldn't get past those disgusting gagging and f**t sounds he kept making.

    EDIT: Really, Rare? You censored the word f-a-r-t

  • @sprungnickel427
    It's very interesting that throughout their behavior they claimed that it was your responsibility to let it end....implying that they aren't responsible for their behavior.

    Also, that the game is designed on behalf of those who want to behave this way because of the SCUTTLE feature.

  • @sprungnickel427 You need to do as @KnifeLife suggested and report them. That kind of behavior is a problem and will cause more harm than good.

  • @Andriel1036 Just to be clear, not all PL are this way. My entire regular crew are PL, and we play the game under our own code. That code does include respect for others on the sea. I can think of only a couple of times where we actually trolled someone. And in everyone of those times it was more payback than trolling. An example is this link text.

    If I see you out on the sea, I am more willing to help you if I can than sink you. At the end of every game session, we will place all of our left over crates on a dock, place some of our supplies back in barrels on the dock and hope they help someone else have their own adventure. Sadly, the few PL out there that act that way give the rest of us a bad name. Remember, just because someone is PL doesn't mean they are a bad person.

  • @nofears-fun said in Sea of Thieves is an evil place.:

    @sprungnickel427 You need to do as @KnifeLife suggested and report them. That kind of behavior is a problem and will cause more harm than good.

    I did, I tweeted the vid to support because It was too long to upload, and I've submitted a ticket for Toxic Player.

  • @perviouscello34

    At least it bumped your thread. ;-)

  • @perviouscello34 said in Sea of Thieves is an evil place.:

    @sprungnickel427 tx for hijacking my top, btw, ;)

    sorry, Not my intention. I agree SoT can be an evil place.

  • We had 25 cursed cannonballs at the end of our session last night and were looking to hand them off to someone but everyone was in party chat and instantly threw down and fired cannons at us. So we sank them. Sometimes it would pay to Parlee before firing those shots.

  • @goedecke-michel It is galleons. They will 70% of the time attack. They know they have the numbers. The only time I give galleons my supplies is when they are blowing holes in thier hull.

  • Oh my god. This same p******e is in my game now and he’s using a pc hack to stay on ferry of the damned to gain loot all day. I’ve recorded [Mod Edit - removed gamertag] hacking and have reported it to rare and Xbox live. Sad loser

  • @rusty-xbone Ahoy matey!

    Naming and shaming on the forums isn't allowed and is against the forum rules, please remove their Gamertag for your post.

    Witch-hunting and Call-Outs
    Posting gamertags or screenshots of conversations in order to name and shame community members is not allowed on the Forums.

  • I think I've only been trolled once. I've scuttled my ship right away after they stole it and shot me. Don't care if that's what they wanted or not.

    Usually when I want to give people something, I try to sneak on board :p If you come up with a villainous skull, drop it and swim back to your ship to get more, they're usually not keen on shooting.

    I think that so far, I've in general had more positive interactions than negative ones. (counting some tense sea battles as positive and chasing a sloop for more than half an hour, just to give them a chest as negative...)

  • Many people have had bad experiences with other people in general...i don't only point my finger towards games for that...When i came towards this Forum, there weren't Alpha's nor Beta's in those days , i reached out towards the pirates here...i expected to be laden with rubbish since my English is just...bad. All those people embraced me in a way that it still chills my spine with Happiness when i remember ...i had become asocial during the years,not because i'm dirt of the Earth but i had become frightened of other people...i lived and walked in the shadow, people ran over me because ...They simply could without retaliation...Now some people act like me , like a shy dog that crawls away in a corner and start crying out of fear for what may happen....Others act like those barking dog that would attack you ,also from the same fear that has taken possession of them...It is very admirable that you kept trying in sharing your cannonballs...Many would just say " If this is how it 's gonna be, then goodbye , i'm not sharing a thing"....This game has of course ,fear of losing stuff and that shows towards many pirates but there are also a lot of pirates that simply can't interact with others, out of fear for verbal and other abuse that will come to them, but it's people like yourself that have planted a little seed in their being that will slowly grow towards a tree that bears the knowledge that not every pirate / person is evil...

    i know that you wrote that Sea of Thieves is an evil place, but you should have added in yer title , "that Sea of thieves is a place with people who fear others"....Don't underestimate what shyness, fear , and other mental emotions can do , although i have to admit that there is a big number that just looking for a verbal fight ...Once they had their kicks from this game they will move towards other games to spew their " knowledge" around...

  • Your English is great

  • @sprungnickel427 please tell me that you reported that and send the link because it's unacceptable .
    This behaviour does not happen often in the game from my experience .
    We get bloodthirsty players and backstabbing ones but hell it's a pirate game I can deal with that .
    But this is abuse and it must not be tolerate by any of us and definitely not be TRIVIALISED .
    I like this game .
    But if you do and believe this is the way now ,this only mean we are failing as a community to support OUR game , we failing to do what must be done to help Rare to see a developing problem.

  • Sending in reports is plenty, don't bring gamertags over to the forum, as it violates our call-outs rule, everyone.

    To report a player, you can use Xbox Live here. You can also submit a support ticket to Rare Player Support.

    (Also sometimes the profanity filter goes out of control and gets false positives, it's weird!)

  • I asked, and was told that I could not learn of the judgement handed out. best i can tell it was a 7 day ban because the player didn't record a clip for approx 7 days. The Others involved did play in 3 days time. It may all be coincidence or actual judgments extended to the players. Privacy dictated I was not informed of the outcome of my complaint.

    @Kenji-Salk Submitting a report to Xbox live is limited to content in emails and "cheating" claims. Xbox Live is not able to handle such a complaint. I submitted to Rare and I'm sad the player is still in game!

  • @sprungnickel427 maybe another player of this crew did use a cheat, and maybe u did report the one who didnt...
    I never encounter a cheater yet in SoT, after mastering the game mechanics with ur crew or on ur own its nearly Impossible to sink ur well stocked up ship...

15 out of 26