Is there a place to warn other players about trolling players?

  • I know we can't call people out on here but these people post their gameclips to Xbox all the time and one of these dudes just joins random crews to drop all their treasure out and make their lives miserable, particularly to new players who are trying to make it in the world.

    I just want to warn people in case he joins your crew (I don't do randoms, I just came across his xbox clips and the dude is a trash bag)

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  • @edemardil Ahoy matey!

    No there is not a place to do this, and on the forums, we do not allow naming and shaming as this will create some kind of witch hunt which we do not want.

    If you believe a player has been toxic in the game, you can report them to Xbox Live here. You can also submit a support ticket to Rare Player Support.

  • @musicmee Yeah those tickets don't do anything. I mean one look at the dudes Xbox profile full of gameclips should be enough to see that the guy is toxic to his own crew. But he isn't cheating and I guess over all that's part of the game, according to the Devs, isn't it?

    I just wish I could warn other players about him so they don't trust him only to lose all their loot.

  • @edemardil Agreed, they only work well if others report them too. But if no one reports them then nothing gets any traction and nothing ever gets done.

    So please at least be the catalyst for this change :)

  • @musicmee I've reported it. As I said my catalyst was sent to the "SOLVED" folder.

  • @edemardil said in Is there a place to warn other players about trolling players?:

    @musicmee Yeah those tickets don't do anything. I mean one look at the dudes Xbox profile full of gameclips should be enough to see that the guy is toxic to his own crew. But he isn't cheating and I guess over all that's part of the game, according to the Devs, isn't it?

    I just wish I could warn other players about him so they don't trust him only to lose all their loot.

    You can file a report through MS for unsportsmanlike behavior. Message me his GT on Xbox so I can check his clips and file a report if it’s warranted. Can’t stand idiots.

  • I've tried to start a streaming series where I do that and other trolling type things.. It's part of the game. Some people are friendly and kind. Some people are cruel and mean. Some people like to be both, at different times. It's all part of the game. Why not let players play how they want to play? There are in-game options to deal with bad/rude/mean players. If you feel that strongly about a specific player, use the options you have. Brig them. Block them. Being a bad guy in a game isn't something that should be reported.

  • @dislex-fx Joining someone's crew and on their way to the outpost just to throw all of their treasure into the sea while pretending to be friendly or getting on the wheel of the ship and crashing it into an Island and not letting them get on the wheel to stop should absolutely be reported and I hope that a moderator sees your comment here and that some action is taken against you.

    What's sad is that the game is not specifically designed for people to be trolls but there are people out there who will find it fun to make other people's fun times a nightmare because they think it is fun. There have been some interesting studies on this and just like lying, they find that people who think it is fun to troll other people or "grief" in this manner may have genetic disorders. For example, they found that people who lie, generally have parents who are liars. People who find joy in other people's pain, generally have bad parents who also find joy in other's pain. Basically if you're a cruddy person, your parents most likely were also. It's interesting.

  • @edemardil, oh. I didn't realize I was destroying lives because I sometimes like to be a bad guy in a game.

    While you wait for a mod, are you going to call the police on me?

  • @dislex-fx said in Is there a place to warn other players about trolling players?:

    @edemardil, oh. I didn't realize I was destroying lives because I sometimes like to be a bad guy in a game.

    While you wait for a mod, are you going to call the police on me?

    I know trolls don't see it as anything except a bit of fun but it can have repercussions you don't see. "Destroying lives" is a bit strong but it is possible to trigger someone's anxiety/depression with negative actions, particularly if it's on top of other issues they may be experiencing.

    I'm never going to tell you what to do with your time, just making you aware that even the most innocuous actions to you can be detrimental to someone else.

    Some of us have empathy though, some of us lack it.

  • @dislex-fx

    Actually, no. Depression and anxiety can hit people at any age and with any background, they don't discriminate.

    As someone who has suffered with both for 20 years, I wouldn't dare try to counsel anyone, but I do have experience.

    I wasn't attacking. Just making you aware of how negative actions can have an impact on other players.

    And regards inserting something about my "young" parents, well, my mother (mid-50s) suffers from severe depression and my father died 9 years ago.

    Happy sailing, pirate

  • @dislex-fx said in Is there a place to warn other players about trolling players?:

    I've tried to start a streaming series where I do that and other trolling type things.. It's part of the game. Some people are friendly and kind. Some people are cruel and mean. Some people like to be both, at different times. It's all part of the game. Why not let players play how they want to play? There are in-game options to deal with bad/rude/mean players. If you feel that strongly about a specific player, use the options you have. Brig them. Block them. Being a bad guy in a game isn't something that should be reported.

    Griefing is not part of the game. This pretty clearly falls under unsportsmanlike conduct and Microsoft could potentially take action against your account.

    If you want to be a "bad guy", go sink peoples ships and take their loot.

  • @dislex-fx By all means, continue trolling. Just don't be surprised when you eventually get your account suspended.

  • @doomed-panda This is directly from the Sea of Thieves FAQ of what the game is considered.

    "Sea of Thieves is a shared world adventure game (or SWAG) with crew co-operation at its core, designed to let you be the kind of pirate you want to be. Want to follow maps and solve riddles to find legendary treasure? Assemble the mightiest, most fearsome crew to sail the seas? Set a course for the horizon and just explore? Our ambition is to build a game that lets you pursue whatever adventure your salty heart desires."

    While I do not support trolling or griefing in any sort of the form. It has been stated countless times by members of this community that griefing and trolling does not exist in SoT because the game mechanics are not being manipulated in anyway and players are playing how they wish to. If you'd like further clarification on this? I'd suggest pulling up a search for it on the forums themselves.

    Also, it does not fall under unsportsmanlike conduct because the person is playing the game the way it is intended. Chucking chests overboard is a tactic that can lead them to riches as you do not know if someone is tailing you or not or perhaps they are going to work within the 15 minute time window of picking up chests. Assuming the worst however? Is falling prey to your own paranoia and "Knowledge" of the situation.

  • @kashaarafall Manipulating game mechanics is an exploit, not griefing. The general (though not all that meaningful) consensus about griefing existing in Sea of Thieves has always been in regards to PvP. Not someone hopping in a game just to ruin their own crews play session.

    Saying "I can play how I want" isn't a valid stance when using an online service like Xbox Live. Under the report page on Xbox, if you highlight Unsporting Behavior, it reads, "This player participated in disruptive multiplayer gameplay such as team-killing, griefing, inactivity, or other unsporting behavior."

    This isn't about throwing chests overboard as a tactic, although I'm not really following your example. This is specifically in reference to a player who openly stated that he is trolling.

  • @doomed-panda So wait, even though the game description literally says "Play how you want." You want to combat that and say it is a reportable offense to do just that? Perhaps Xbox is quite pampered then if they police it so well. Wait, they don't. As someone that used Xbox live for quite a bit of time (Not anymore.) we had people constantly doing just that, doing whatever they wanted and outside of cheating? Nothing ever happened to them.

    However, transfer to now adays where people are more softskinned and more open to "Telling" rather than doing something about it within the game that allows such freedoms and the owners of the servers, services and of course the "Rules of conduct." have their hands forced and do things simply to cease the mindless bickering over "Unfair game moments."

    Where as the person said he was trolling, it is still using the game's mechanics which the devs have been quite open to understanding and not doing anything about, to enjoy the game the way he sees fit. It sucks, yeah, but people play games the way they want and will do so as long as it is allowed. Considering RARE hasn't changed the mechanics? I'd say it's pretty allowed.

  • @kashaarafall said in Is there a place to warn other players about trolling players?:

    @doomed-panda So wait, even though the game description literally says "Play how you want." You want to combat that and say it is a reportable offense to do just that? Perhaps Xbox is quite pampered then if they police it so well. Wait, they don't. As someone that used Xbox live for quite a bit of time (Not anymore.) we had people constantly doing just that, doing whatever they wanted and outside of cheating? Nothing ever happened to them.

    However, transfer to now adays where people are more softskinned and more open to "Telling" rather than doing something about it within the game that allows such freedoms and the owners of the servers, services and of course the "Rules of conduct." have their hands forced and do things simply to cease the mindless bickering over "Unfair game moments."

    Where as the person said he was trolling, it is still using the game's mechanics which the devs have been quite open to understanding and not doing anything about, to enjoy the game the way he sees fit. It sucks, yeah, but people play games the way they want and will do so as long as it is allowed. Considering RARE hasn't changed the mechanics? I'd say it's pretty allowed.

    So I can sail around as a racist pirate and call everyone every racial slur under the sun? I says I can play how I want.

    There is no further mechanical fix for the issue. Crew mates need to be able to move the loot around freely. That's why Rare has commented on posts about griefing and directed people to report the players who are taking part in that behavior. Making only one person able to move loot around, or any other possible fix anyone could dream up would be game breaking.

    It absolutely is a reportable offense. There's really no way around that. You could argue that someone shouldn't report it, and should just move on. It was an issue many people saw coming a mile away, and that's why I don't ever bother with random crews.

    People have their accounts suspended all the time. Certainly not every report is going to result in action taken, but it happens more often than you seem to think. I've been playing on Xbox Live since it was rolled out on the original Xbox. I'm quite familiar with how people behave and what people often get away with.

    Friendly fire is enabled in Rainbow Six. Team killers aren't cheating, but people get suspended when enough reports pile up that they are intentionally team killing.

    EDIT: At the very least, even when no action is taken, the players reputation eventually lowers to "Avoid Me" and they are only matched up with players who also have that reputation level.

  • "Play how you want" is advertising speak. They're hardly going to add a big long caveat that that means not ruining other people's gaming sessions while doing it. It's pretty much common sense and, as Doomed Panda has pointed out, it's already covered in the Xbox Live Terms Of Service.

    @dislex-fx said in Is there a place to warn other players about trolling players?:

    @doomed-panda, I'll play how I want. We (my crew) sink (or die trying) 99% of the ships we come across.

    From now on should I request the medical history of all the players I come across? I'd hate to be the cause of someone's depression.

    You people are silly. Go make more threads about the skeletons being too tough, or something.

    There's no problem with any PvP that I can see, that's all part of the game (even if some want to incorrectly label that as griefing).

    What we are specifically talking about is people joining open crews to ruin the experience of the other players in their own crew. That kind of behaviour is deliberately malicious and is certainly against Xbox One TOS.

    If caring about other people is being silly, then I fully admit to that. As I said, some people have empathy and some lack it. I'm happy to go sink any ship in the game but would never extensively troll those on my own crew just for my own entertainment at their expense.

    But play how you want. Just don't be surprised if you get an Xbox Live ban for that kind of behaviour.

  • @dislex-fx said in Is there a place to warn other players about trolling players?:

    @edemardil, oh. I didn't realize I was destroying lives because I sometimes like to be a bad guy in a game.

    While you wait for a mod, are you going to call the police on me?

    Call the police on you? What are you a child?

  • @realstyli said in Is there a place to warn other players about trolling players?:

    @dislex-fx said in Is there a place to warn other players about trolling players?:

    @edemardil, oh. I didn't realize I was destroying lives because I sometimes like to be a bad guy in a game.

    While you wait for a mod, are you going to call the police on me?

    I know trolls don't see it as anything except a bit of fun but it can have repercussions you don't see. "Destroying lives" is a bit strong but it is possible to trigger someone's anxiety/depression with negative actions, particularly if it's on top of other issues they may be experiencing.

    I'm never going to tell you what to do with your time, just making you aware that even the most innocuous actions to you can be detrimental to someone else.

    Some of us have empathy though, some of us lack it.

    Some people won't care about that. The dude is given a choice in a game. You can be nice or you can be not nice and he made his choice. Many people do, you can't change them and their exterior is probably the exact same. Best thing to do with people like him is to go to his profile and block him so he has nothing to do but cut cat's tails off or whatever it is that sociopaths do when they don't have other people to mess with.

  • @edemardil , look for me when online, I'll sail w/ you anytime mate ! !

  • Is @DISLEX-fx deleting all of his posts or is he just being the same type of person on the forums that he is in game and getting moderated?

  • @drayman86 said in Is there a place to warn other players about trolling players?:

    @edemardil , look for me when online, I'll sail w/ you anytime mate ! !

    I've got a regular crew bud, But I have a feeling you wouldn't want to play with me lol.

  • @edemardil Just looked at his profile and it's showing him as banned.

  • Also, looking at his post history, most of his posts are pretty tame. The only conclusion I can come to is Rare takes his admitted trolling seriously.

  • @doomed-panda said in Is there a place to warn other players about trolling players?:

    Also, looking at his post history, most of his posts are pretty tame. The only conclusion I can come to is Rare takes his admitted trolling seriously.

    I hope they did!

  • @Deckhands

  • @dislex-fx lol. You sure like poking the bear, don't you?

  • @dislex-fx said in Is there a place to warn other players about trolling players?:

    I've tried to start a streaming series where I do that and other trolling type things.. It's part of the game. Some people are friendly and kind. Some people are cruel and mean. Some people like to be both, at different times. It's all part of the game. Why not let players play how they want to play? There are in-game options to deal with bad/rude/mean players. If you feel that strongly about a specific player, use the options you have. Brig them. Block them. Being a bad guy in a game isn't something that should be reported.

    If you want to find other crews, hide on their ship, and throw their loot overboard? Go nuts. It's not my idea of fun, but it's certainly part of the game.

    However, BEING IN A CREW and doing these things to your own crew? That's just textbook trolling/griefing behaviour. People shouldn't have to babysit their own crewmates, to make sure they aren't actively trying to sabotage the experience.

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