PVE servers are fine with me

  • @manifest7 HAHA chickens are damn rare, thats a pretty bad loss XD

  • @tigeromega123 said in PVE servers are fine with me:

    @strinder Not a chance. PVE servers would bring back the players that left because of all the griefing.

    A lot of these people that left because of "griefing" don't even know what griefing actually is.

    The amount of people that said they left the game because of "griefing" just didn't research the game they bought. They complaint about how they are killed and got their loot stolen, that's not griefing. That's gamedesign.

    There's two types of griefing in this game:

    1. Spawnkilling the enemy, which can be worked around by scutling your ship.
    2. Harassing your own crew; throwing off loot, non stop anchoring, stearing in rocks on purpose, killing caught animals etc. Brig these people.
  • @srnerbane
    Looking back I just laugh but at that moment I was like, I just wasted 45 minutes looking for chickens! FOR CHICKENS! Then I shortly realized that you lose stuff in games all the time, no big deal.

  • I don't get all the commotion either. 99% of people who are against a PvE server seem to say they're against it because then the balance would be off. If you all care so much about balance, why not play as a balanced player yourself? You can have fun being balanced around each other. Sometimes you attack, sometimes you don't. I think it's so s****y to play aggressively all the time, and kick passive rookie player's a***s (thus ruining their game, clearly, otherwise there wouldn't be such a large PvE demand) and then boasting about the lovely balance of the game. Balance that works out for you very nicely. It clearly doesn't work out for the peaceful players, but it seems like you couldn't care less.

    And yes, I hear the old 'it's the way the game is, it's a pirate game' and yes you've got a point. But still, if people are leaving the game because they feel like they're constantly being bullied near outposts, then they have every right to ask for a PvE server. Not demand, ask.

    I like playing on the PvP server, it's exciting, especially with friends in my crew. But sometimes I'm tired and I just feel like sailing the lovely oceans on my own for a bit. I can't express how many extra hours I would have played this game already if it had had a PvE mode. I wouldn't only play PvE, but I would definitely enjoy it. And if there are people out there who only want to play PvE, I would gladly offer them the option to do so. :)

    Just my 02

  • @tigeromega123 said in PVE servers are fine with me:

    I have no problem with people wanting a PVE server.
    I run across a lot of players who don't fire on me and if they don't I
    don't fire on them. I have had players wave and say I won't
    fire on you then when we go hunt for treasure or
    what ever they sink our sloop.I think the biggest objecters
    are the griefers. How can they sink a ship without total surprise.
    If people want a PVE server why do you care so much.

    The thing is, when I attack someone, i presume they are gonna fight back. I presume they bought this game because they wanted to steal loot, have loot stolen, and either way laugh about it afterwards. I don't roll up on a boat thinking " oh look, it's just some PVE player and I am going to take their loot".

    Bottom line is, it's what you signed on for when you downloaded this game.

  • @trickrtreat01 said in PVE servers are fine with me:

    @tigeromega123 said in PVE servers are fine with me:

    I have no problem with people wanting a PVE server.
    I run across a lot of players who don't fire on me and if they don't I
    don't fire on them. I have had players wave and say I won't
    fire on you then when we go hunt for treasure or
    what ever they sink our sloop.I think the biggest objecters
    are the griefers. How can they sink a ship without total surprise.
    If people want a PVE server why do you care so much.

    The thing is, when I attack someone, i presume they are gonna fight back. I presume they bought this game because they wanted to steal loot, have loot stolen, and either way laugh about it afterwards. I don't roll up on a boat thinking " oh look, it's just some PVE player and I am going to take their loot".

    Bottom line is, it's what you signed on for when you downloaded this game.

    People bought the game expecting PVE with some PVP. Some people abuse that and play nothing but PVP. They attack for sport because they think it is funny. Not for gold. Do all PVP do this...no.

    But many do. RARE has said on many public occasions one of the biggest requested features is not to be attacked by others and let them enjoy the game. And have responded that they are listening and hear the feedback. Why do you think so many things are coming out to encourage more friendly play? The alliance system shows that. They are trying things to help keep things more balanced...if it doesn't they will have to keep trying new methods. They want new people to always feel welcome.

    We will see where things take us.

  • With alliances coming, it will be easier for pve players to group up and fight off hostile players. We don’t need pve servers. If anything, we need more ships per server.

  • Most players vacillate between PVE and PVP. Very few focus exclusively on fighting others. Just because someone attacks you does not mean that is all they do. As others have said already, combat is a very slow method for progressing with factions. You can assume most everyone with any significant progress does so via PVE. If you are being attacked so much then you are consistently making a number of mistakes and making yourself prey. It is very rare I am attacked in my solo sloop lately.

  • @wombaxx no, you're just wrong. Private servers or PVE servers, whatever the case the progression should all be the same. Just because someone doesn't care for interacting with real people in a simulation they bought for personal enjoyment doesn't mean they should be punished for it. Let everyone play the way they want to play. Rare needs to get this through their thick skull and so do all the Fortnite fanboys

  • @dragonsire2016 said in PVE servers are fine with me:

    @trickrtreat01 said in PVE servers are fine with me:

    @tigeromega123 said in PVE servers are fine with me:

    I have no problem with people wanting a PVE server.
    I run across a lot of players who don't fire on me and if they don't I
    don't fire on them. I have had players wave and say I won't
    fire on you then when we go hunt for treasure or
    what ever they sink our sloop.I think the biggest objecters
    are the griefers. How can they sink a ship without total surprise.
    If people want a PVE server why do you care so much.

    The thing is, when I attack someone, i presume they are gonna fight back. I presume they bought this game because they wanted to steal loot, have loot stolen, and either way laugh about it afterwards. I don't roll up on a boat thinking " oh look, it's just some PVE player and I am going to take their loot".

    Bottom line is, it's what you signed on for when you downloaded this game.

    People bought the game expecting PVE with some PVP. Some people abuse that and play nothing but PVP. They attack for sport because they think it is funny. Not for gold. Do all PVP do this...no.

    But many do. RARE has said on many public occasions one of the biggest requested features is not to be attacked by others and let them enjoy the game. And have responded that they are listening and hear the feedback. Why do you think so many things are coming out to encourage more friendly play? The alliance system shows that. They are trying things to help keep things more balanced...if it doesn't they will have to keep trying new methods. They want new people to always feel welcome.

    We will see where things take us.

    Show me where RARE said this. Send the link, cuz ive seen 2-3 videos/interviews where they said there will never be safe zones, pve only servers, or private servers because it goes against the “core vision” of the game. Please stop making things up. Yes they want to bring people together like the alliance system but never will there be private/passive modes or anything like that

  • @blackelite-id16 said in PVE servers are fine with me:

    @wombaxx no, you're just wrong. Private servers or PVE servers, whatever the case the progression should all be the same. Just because someone doesn't care for interacting with real people in a simulation they bought for personal enjoyment doesn't mean they should be punished for it. Let everyone play the way they want to play. Rare needs to get this through their thick skull and so do all the Fortnite fanboys

    First of all this is nothing like fortnite. And its not a simulator its a Shared Open World Experience. Its a pure Multiplayer game, and by that i mean u are never playing this game on a map that doesnt have other players on it. U are never alone even if u choose to solo sloop. So if u dont want player-player interaction i hear Assassins Creed Black Flag is still available.

  • @dragonsire2016 said in PVE servers are fine with me:

    People bought the game expecting PVE with some PVP.

    If people bought it with that expactation, they didn't do their research properly. This game has been promoted as PvEvP since the start. If you expected PvE with some PvP, there's only one person to blame.

    @blackelite-id16 said in PVE servers are fine with me:

    @wombaxx no, you're just wrong. Private servers or PVE servers, whatever the case the progression should all be the same. Just because someone doesn't care for interacting with real people in a simulation they bought for personal enjoyment doesn't mean they should be punished for it. Let everyone play the way they want to play. Rare needs to get this through their thick skull and so do all the Fortnite fanboys

    People can play the way they want.
    Want to play PvE only, fine but keep in mind that there will always be other people arround. As designed by the game.
    Want to PvP only, fine as well.
    Want to do both, fine as well. Just do a voyage and sink every ship you sail across.

    People who bought this game as a simulator just haven't done their research on the game.
    Buying this Shared Open World Adventure PvEvP game and then expecting only PvE is the same as buying Fifa and then being suprised that it's a football game.

  • @blackelite-id16 said in PVE servers are fine with me:

    @wombaxx no, you're just wrong. Private servers or PVE servers, whatever the case the progression should all be the same. Just because someone doesn't care for interacting with real people in a simulation they bought for personal enjoyment doesn't mean they should be punished for it. Let everyone play the way they want to play. Rare needs to get this through their thick skull and so do all the Fortnite fanboys

    No, it shouldn't be the same. PVE servers should not even exist.

  • I still have one question unanswered in this whole discussion:
    "How do you want these PvE servers?"
    and I want a good answer a complete impact analysis, cost, development time etc.
    And then please take in mind the game this is right now and that most people who bought this game bought this game for these reasons, to sail a Sea of Thieves.

    See in my opninion to make a PvE server work is to have only AI and just you as a player (or you and your team). The problem is that this game is run serverside. So you'd need 1 server per player, that's millions of shards potentially. (for the plebbes amoung you that's a massive cost issue)
    See since you need to account this game's sense of freedom it's impossible to go back and programme all the barrels random treasure etc to be only interactable by the crew who's property it is, so gunpowder barrels would still sink ships, treasures can be stolen and nothing can be done about it.
    You might be able to lock the ship up, (ladders unusable wheel unusable etc since that's already the case with flags, but that doesn't prevent people from ramming into you and just hopping on board taking your treasure and running off. Not to mention sinking you by ramming you.

    Reprogramming the game would seriously be devastating. Imaginge you've made a game, you made it like Sea of Thieves and people are enjoying it. But a small amount of people is forcing you to change that. Do you have any Idea how bad that would feel?

    Imagine if George RR Martin rewrote his books because people didn't like a certain character dying? That's what you're asking with your PvE servers.

  • I don't get why people refer to Assassin's Creed Black Flag as an alternative for people who want PvE.

    The only thing it has in common with SoT is that it's an open world game in a pirate setting. But Black Flag doesn't have grog drinking, hurdy gurdy playing, cool ship and sail mechanics, treasure digging, skeleton forts, cartoony outfits, and the most important one: playing with friends. It's not an alternative.

  • @hynieth That's an interesting point you bring up, that all the separate servers would take a lot of work. But aren't there other games that have succeeded in this? I'm genuinely asking, because I don't know.

  • @princes-lettuce This isnt a game like GTA5 online or Ark but rather more like an MMORPG like World of Warcraft. A lot of the world data and calculations are done server side, in stead of client side.

    So you'd need a seperate server shard (piece of the server) for everyone who wants to solo play.

    Often people say it's a pirate game and they just want to be a pirate. There are already perfectly valid Singleplayer pirate games like Cid Meyer's Pirates and Assassins creed black flag. People name the latter because it's just really good and they want people to have a good time on their terms.

  • @hynieth you make a lot of bad assumptions or are just plain ignorant. All the devs have to do to make people happy is offer private servers. They dont have to change anything else about the game design or code. If they did still want to develop pve servers then that also wouldn't be nearly as difficult to implement as you're making it out to be. Give real reasons for being so dead set against this instead of grasping at straws that aren't there. This game as of right now is just a complete dumpster truck of unbalanced and straight up boring gameplay. PVP in this game would work as a small game mode on the side but completely detracts from the relaxing cooperative adventure game underneath when its forced on you all the time. They need to add more stuff to do that doesn't rely on other people to make their game fun such as NPC ships and ditch this failed attempt at a "shared world adventure" because my interest went from complete hype to so much disappointment I actively detract for this game when I see people looking at it where I work.

  • @blackelite-id16
    Seems like you've bought the wrong game.
    This game has been designed around there constantly being a threat, a threat that are other players.

    You probably lost interest because you didn't properly research what this game is about and got hyped for stuff that was never even talked about. Or when there has been talked about, said that it wasn't coming into this game.

    @Hynieth "Assumptions" are valid arguments why PvE and PvP only will never happen, it would require years and a lot of money to develop.

  • @aarghmaargho again with the ignorant assumptions, I've been playing this game since beta and before dropping money on it. The nostalgia quickly faded upon release when I realized how shallow and poorly thought out the game design truly is. Rare wants their game to perform some kind of magic trick on people's minds that gets everyone to enjoy forced interaction with other players, and it was an interesting and somewhat tantalizing thought when it was just a rare encounter that could happen but has clearly turned out to be the main gameplay loop and is so poorly executed it seems designed to leave someone rage quitting. Words can not express how much I think this game is garbage yet hear I am, another one of the thousands of players they lost in the first couple weeks waiting for change. Stop trying to get me playing on a schedule with you're "evensts and exclusive unlocks" and turn your pretty graphics into something actually worth playing with friends! If nothing else I'll eat popcorn while this game goes down the toilet because of the arrogant pvp player base and a stubborn dev team, at least then maybe I'll get my $60 of entertainment.

  • @princes-lettuce said in PVE servers are fine with me:

    I don't get why people refer to Assassin's Creed Black Flag as an alternative for people who want PvE.

    The only thing it has in common with SoT is that it's an open world game in a pirate setting. But Black Flag doesn't have grog drinking, hurdy gurdy playing, cool ship and sail mechanics, treasure digging, skeleton forts, cartoony outfits, and the most important one: playing with friends. It's not an alternative.

    Black Flag does indeed have treasure digging.

  • @blackelite-id16 said in PVE servers are fine with me:

    @hynieth you make a lot of bad assumptions or are just plain ignorant. All the devs have to do to make people happy is offer private servers. They dont have to change anything else about the game design or code. If they did still want to develop pve servers then that also wouldn't be nearly as difficult to implement as you're making it out to be. Give real reasons for being so dead set against this instead of grasping at straws that aren't there. This game as of right now is just a complete dumpster truck of unbalanced and straight up boring gameplay. PVP in this game would work as a small game mode on the side but completely detracts from the relaxing cooperative adventure game underneath when its forced on you all the time. They need to add more stuff to do that doesn't rely on other people to make their game fun such as NPC ships and ditch this failed attempt at a "shared world adventure" because my interest went from complete hype to so much disappointment I actively detract for this game when I see people looking at it where I work.

    Wow, what a disconnect. Complains abut game currently being boring, yet wants PVE servers with no threats which would be an absolute snore fest. Anyone else note the irony/hypocricy of this?

  • @dlchief58 said in PVE servers are fine with me:

    @blackelite-id16 said in PVE servers are fine with me:

    @hynieth you make a lot of bad assumptions or are just plain ignorant. All the devs have to do to make people happy is offer private servers. They dont have to change anything else about the game design or code. If they did still want to develop pve servers then that also wouldn't be nearly as difficult to implement as you're making it out to be. Give real reasons for being so dead set against this instead of grasping at straws that aren't there. This game as of right now is just a complete dumpster truck of unbalanced and straight up boring gameplay. PVP in this game would work as a small game mode on the side but completely detracts from the relaxing cooperative adventure game underneath when its forced on you all the time. They need to add more stuff to do that doesn't rely on other people to make their game fun such as NPC ships and ditch this failed attempt at a "shared world adventure" because my interest went from complete hype to so much disappointment I actively detract for this game when I see people looking at it where I work.

    Wow, what a disconnect. Complains abut game currently being boring, yet wants PVE servers with no threats which would be an absolute snore fest. Anyone else note the irony/hypocricy of this?

    He also said hes “one of the thousands” that quit weeks after launch. Idk about other people but when i quit a game I usually dont hang around the games forums for months after complaing that i want the game to be easier (pve only/passive mode/private server type stuff). This game is already too easy and the ONLY challenges u actually face are during player-player interaction.

  • @blackelite-id16 said in PVE servers are fine with me:

    @hynieth you make a lot of bad assumptions or are just plain ignorant. All the devs have to do to make people happy is offer private servers. They dont have to change anything else about the game design or code. If they did still want to develop pve servers then that also wouldn't be nearly as difficult to implement as you're making it out to be. Give real reasons for being so dead set against this instead of grasping at straws that aren't there. This game as of right now is just a complete dumpster truck of unbalanced and straight up boring gameplay. PVP in this game would work as a small game mode on the side but completely detracts from the relaxing cooperative adventure game underneath when its forced on you all the time. They need to add more stuff to do that doesn't rely on other people to make their game fun such as NPC ships and ditch this failed attempt at a "shared world adventure" because my interest went from complete hype to so much disappointment I actively detract for this game when I see people looking at it where I work.


    1. anytime anyone wanted to do a voyage to level up they would only use pve servers, meaning the normal servers would never have ships worth attacking because no one would be carrying loot

    2. you would have people achieve legend status without ever having a pvp encounter, and a legend should have seen battle at some point in his voyage, its a LEGEND! Legends should know how to handle battles

    3. cuz rare says it goes against their “core vision” of the game and its their game

    4. there is no 4, if 1,2&3 we’rent enough and u think im just “ignorant” than maybe check the mirror cuz ur the ignorant one

  • Well you got your wish with the whole alliance thing, no reason to pvp at all anymore

  • @blackelite-id16 said in PVE servers are fine with me:

    @aarghmaargho again with the ignorant assumptions, I've been playing this game since beta and before dropping money on it. The nostalgia quickly faded upon release when I realized how shallow and poorly thought out the game design truly is. Rare wants their game to perform some kind of magic trick on people's minds that gets everyone to enjoy forced interaction with other players, and it was an interesting and somewhat tantalizing thought when it was just a rare encounter that could happen but has clearly turned out to be the main gameplay loop and is so poorly executed it seems designed to leave someone rage quitting. Words can not express how much I think this game is garbage yet hear I am, another one of the thousands of players they lost in the first couple weeks waiting for change. Stop trying to get me playing on a schedule with you're "evensts and exclusive unlocks" and turn your pretty graphics into something actually worth playing with friends! If nothing else I'll eat popcorn while this game goes down the toilet because of the arrogant pvp player base and a stubborn dev team, at least then maybe I'll get my $60 of entertainment.

    Rare delivered us what they said they would gave us. You don't like it, which is fine. But calling it stupid and all because you don't like it due to lack of research is actually ignorant.
    You even said you played beta and all, yet here you still are with $60 invested in a game you didn't like. So either your purchased the game with lack of knowledge about it and dislike it. Or you disliked it before you bought the game and you still bought it for whatever reason.
    You just proved my "ignorant assumptions" are right, the only person to blame on you not liking the game is you. And now you're here just trolling the forums, life must be good.

    Just because you don't like doesn't mean a game is dying or that a dev team is stubborn, they actually listen to the community unlike many other developers.

  • @shuoink said in PVE servers are fine with me:

    Well you got your wish with the whole alliance thing, no reason to pvp at all anymore

    I see it the exact opposite. Now you'll have two or more ships farming loot. More loot , more stealing.

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