The ruby statues can be beaten with only two! Here’s how.

  • I came up with this while playing. Just stay right outside the area I damaged you and beat the c**p out of it. You will only have to go up for air once so take turns. One of you stay behind so it doasnt regenerate health. The soon you’ll destroy it.

  • 12
  • @nacmine Awesome Work!!

    Rock On....

    Also, can you post a vid of what you did?

  • @theothervillain as soon as I get a chance I’ll create a video.

  • @theothervillain
    Thank you for posting this. I love listening to Dethklok

  • It can be done by one..

  • @NACmine me and my crew saw one and could not destroy it mate and we tried

  • We've done ruby statues with just two crew mates simply staying out of harms way and belting it with our cutlass. Nobody had to go up for air or eat bananas during the process.
    Our health dropped maybe a centimeter when the statue finally exploded.

    We found sharks to be the only setback.

  • I tried defeating it with just me. I was able to see a ruby statue about 2 feet under the water on an uphill. I anchored my ship close and pounded it with at least 50 cannon balls. This did not work haha

  • Coming upon a ruby that could be done while standing on the beach I was overcome with the spirit of discovery. Five minutes of sword swinging and a minor case of tendinitis later it went bang so yes, they can be done solo. Two players is relatively easy, just swim up and start walloping it with swords. If it’s shallow should explode around the time you start taking drowning damage.

  • @e11evenbsouth If ye can find some GP kegs, you can get them solo in the shallows - 5 should do the trick. I went overkill and used 7.

  • @unusual-j You're Welcome. Seemed very appropriate. I wanted to post the music video that went with it but it would probably get flagged for inappropriate content. It's TOO METAL!!

  • Saw a ruby statue deep in the water. Had to swim down and tried to hit it from a distance. To no avail and was transported to the familiar ghost ship ...

7 out of 12