Is it worth fighting the Megaladon's now?

  • I just soloed a Meg tonight and I did not see any chests or spoils come from where the Meg died. So if there is no loot from killing one, is there actually a point other than needless combat?

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  • @necromancer-v and yes I know I typed in the title.

  • I dont even fire a shot at the megs. they just circle, maybe bite my boat once, but sail close to an island and they go away. its a waste of my time and cannon balls

  • @necromancer-v

    The Meg is now in game as an ai threat on the seas, much like the kraken. There are a couple of different types of Meg, sometimes she will attack and other times she'll swim alongside you. You're able to choose how you react to her and likewise if you fire on her she may become aggressive... she's helped us out a time or two in battles but also turned on our allies :D

  • @necromancer-v If you call it "needless combat" then I think you answered your own question, hehe. If you want to know if you'll get any treasure or reward from it other than a story to tell or a sense of satisfaction for reducing the population of megs, then the answer is no. Like Katt said, it's just an in-game event like the kraken that can avoided or, better, used to your advantage. :D

  • @whenkoalasattak said in Is it worth fighting the Megaladon's now?:

    @necromancer-v If you call it "needless combat" then I think you answered your own question, hehe. If you want to know if you'll get any treasure or reward from it other than a story to tell or a sense of satisfaction for reducing the population of megs, then the answer is no. Like Katt said, it's just an in-game event like the kraken that can avoided or, better, used to your advantage. :D

    Krakens can't be avoided once one is summoned or appears. It can only be attacked until the tentacles go away or the ship is sunk. The Kracken was supposed to give treasure when you kill it, but the full way of killing it was not introduced yet so right now the Kracken in incomplete. The Megalodon on the other hand is avoidable but if you take the risk and the challenge then there should be something for your efforts. A merchant alliance turn in maybe, or instant gold added to your pockets, or even some sort of reputation gain or something. But if kill one does nothing at all and you can easily avoid the fight by sailing away from the beast then it really is is "needless combat"

  • @necromancer-v You can run from the krakens. It's very slow, but you can absolutely get away. :) I would like something from killing the kraken or megalodon, though. It'd just have to be something that's worth a good bit, but not so much that it gives more reward than forts or hours of questing.

  • @whenkoalasattak

    It's been a while since I was on a Galleon and the Kracken appreared, but last time I fought one it stopped my ship. A little while after that fight (a month or 2) I was chasing a galleon on a sloop and a Kracken appeared on the Galleon and it stopped them. It also stopped my sloop from getting closer to shoot the Galleon. Maybe Rare made the Kracken avoidable now since you can't truly kill it yet...

  • @necromancer-v Possibly, but from what I've seen it stops at first and then you slowly wade through the water until you're free. However, when my crew does this, I always jump back and fight the beat with my bare hands! ;)

  • @necromancer-v said in Is it worth fighting the Megaladon's now?:

    Krakens can't be avoided once one is summoned or appears.

    Aho there matey. Karen cannot be summoned.

    The Kracken was supposed to give treasure when you kill it, but the full way of killing it was not introduced yet so right now the Kracken in incomplete.

    Actually, the Kraken was never supposed to give you treasure. This is a common misconception. The same goes for killing Megan, it was never going to give you treasure. To quote this article about the Kraken: "they don't think of the kraken as a boss, but more of a force of nature, like the storms in the game."

    So if anything, you have to look at Karen and Megan like they are a force of nature. They are just like the storm you try to avoid. If you choose to face the storm and come out alive on the other end, there is no treasure waiting for you there.

    Smooth sailin' mate.

6 out of 10