New "merchant alliance" animals ideas

  • So i've been talking with a friend about some animals we'd like to be able to catch for the merchant alliance. so we came up with 3. here they are:

    Crabs: The genius pirate who created the cages for these critters forgot to put a bottom in it. so if you're not holding the cage. the crab will try to push the crate off the ship to escape. When he goes overboard, you can still get him back in the cage (you'll have to swim a bit). keep an eye on him and place him far away from the ladder (if placed in the crows nest he falls down to the deck and continues to head for the other ladder). crab species are 'basic (orange)', 'purple crusted', 'black textured' and the 'golden crab'. Crabs walk around on beaches and can be caught by setting a trap with the cage, and then chasing the crab to force him in the trap (might as well use the open bottom for something).

    Fish: The pirate who made these fish tanks, thought it would be more friendly for the fish to put air holes in the tank. 'Fish need to breathe too, right?' He said. Well, those air holes kinda let the water flow out. You'll have to fill the tank with water every 10 minutes. or he'll start splashing around in his fish 'friendly' tank. And dying after 2 minutes without water. During the rain you don't have to worry about refilling the tank (even if he's below deck). Letting the water raise a bit and then putting the fish tank there also helps. Species are 'blue scaled', 'brown stained', 'black shadowed', and a 'golden goldfish'. You can find them swimming around near beaches or in lakes. If you stay underwater too long after scooping up the fish. He swims out of the tank.

    Parrots: Parrots remember things your crew says in voice chat. And can quote any of your statements with a slightly higher pitch voice. So when having a parrot on board. Make sure it's your captain giving the orders. And not the little b****r. Species are: 'red & yellow feathered', 'blue & yellow feathered', '(dark) green feathered' and 'golden feathered'. Catching them requires a bird cage and some seeds to lure them out of the treetops. Seeds can be aquired by cutting down bushes with your sword.

    Any other animal ideas? share them with me. :)

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  • @jorin33 If I read the signs and portents of the in game graphics right, then I think birds or flying critters are a coming to the game at some time.

  • i want crabs in the game at any cost!

  • @revanjstone oh crabs are coming... but they may be a bit bigger than what you are expecting... muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!

  • @bogusmeatinc JUMBO LUMP CRAB MEAT FOR ALL!

  • Crabs... Yes. But the fish, I don't think I'm going to be selling live fish. much easier to transport dead ones.

  • Theres already a crab model shown in The Hungering Deep trailer.
    I'm sure they'll add alot of different animals and critters with time.

  • @fantome-of-blue they're already flying around showing locations of islands and sunken ships. but being able to catch (some of) them would be awesome!

  • Parrots are already going to be added sometime down the line as pets, that will be purchasable via microtransaction.

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