Hungering Deep Voyage Help!

  • What now? I've got the drum and loudspeaker.. finished the journal part. Is that all we have? nothing else new apart from summoning this shark somewhere? possibly bottom right of map..

  • @mcdoll said in Hungering Deep Voyage Help!:

    @chitownsace3 said in Hungering Deep Voyage Help!:

    What island do you summon the beast at ??? Is it Devils Ridge ???

    Yep. Devils Ridge.
    If you read all the diaries it tells you.

    Too bad you need 5 people. Solo players are fuuuurked.

    I solo but i'm open to joining other crews, besides I just couldn't see one person being able to summon the beast, would of been stupid if one person could. I'm happy it needs five people, maybe players will be more willing to help each other out!

  • So where to summon it guys; I got the feeling some know where.
    Also, does everyone need drums alrdy?

  • You need the drums, wait at Devils ridge T 24 for 5 people, then play it in T24 - 27 and see if he shows

  • @phoenixelitenl I do just don't know what to do

  • Do you have to do this all in one sitting, or can you log out and return to it?

  • @tagerung
    This ain't an answer? DID you summon it?

  • You can log out

  • @aeekto said in Hungering Deep Voyage Help!:

    @mcdoll sagte in Hungering Deep Voyage Help!:

    @chitownsace3 said in Hungering Deep Voyage Help!:

    What island do you summon the beast at ??? Is it Devils Ridge ???

    Yep. Devils Ridge.
    If you read all the diaries it tells you.

    Too bad you need 5 people. Solo players are fuuuurked.

    not only solo players, but all those people who had been toxic and griefing with theyr gallys every single day... no one will ever help them.

    Good, They deserve it. haha!

  • T26 guys. On page 26 was the first clue. T for Tina

  • Are you guys sure it's devil's ridge and not discovry ridge?

  • Some people are just saying stuff they THINK where it spawns.


    • do you need 5 people with drums?
    • where precisely do you summon it?
    • which tune is the shanty?
  • @PhoenixEliteNL I'd assume it wasn't just drums as it said harmonising.

  • @phoenixelitenl said in Hungering Deep Voyage Help!:

    T + page where he retired perhaps? Was that 26?

    Yes sir it was.
    Now to find a fifth pirate that isn't a d1ckhead

  • @mcdoll Is there an island at T26?

  • Right… So… Hopefully none of this is too much spoiling it for others. You're gonna have to go to shark Petco talk to Merrick. Then you need to go to the center of the aisle and read his journal on the altar. You didn't go to Golden Sands tavern and talk to the barmaid. Your then going to go to sector L14 and go to the crows nest on the sunken ship and read the journal. You then going to go to dagger tooth outpost. From there you'll go to the tavern read a book as well as talk to the barmaid. At this point I left but from what I was told you need to go to Devils Ridge for an item most likely the drum. But then also you need to go to the next uncharted island at S 16. From here you can conclude that it will send you to most likely another outpost and then from there to the last unmarked island at N 10. You're always notice That smack dab in the middle of the entire map as a giant spider with three rocks facing it. This is most likely were the last battle take place if you go back to sherbet Coville noticed there are three shark rocks all making a triangle around the middle alter you'll see the same design of this giant spire with three rocks facing it. I've been told that they will have to be a sacrifice. You'll notice there is a hole big enough for a ship to fit through in the middle of this spire. So although it's just speculation up to this point until I can get back on to the game but I am 100% sure this is where the battle will be

  • You need 5 people with drums
    We dont know precisely where but the clues lead to devils ridge and the letter T, we are assuming the number is 26
    The new shanty

  • has anyone actually summoned this thing?

  • @robisdoyal Many things you said didn't make any sense to me. You don't go to Devil's Ridge for the drum, nothing alludes to that. In the journal it says the battle took place at Devil's Ridge, or that's just where they summoned it.

  • we couldnt play shanty at t26

  • Try T24 or out in the fog, T27-28

  • @tagerung
    Summon succesful on T26

  • @phoenixelitenl Last Step! Last Step! Summon the Hungering Deep at T26 with 5 people with drums!

  • @fgfoot no kidding. I thought the same thing

  • 1 problem, tune doesnt play there; so we played all the way from shark bait cove....

  • @phoenixelitenl are you kidding

  • @the-all-c-n-i thats crazy

  • @phoenixelitenl No way that's true lol

  • If you look at the covers of all the journals, you get XX, V, and I. That's 20, 5 and 1 so 26. T from the 2nd journal gives you T26.

  • hey guys will be the journals save after logoutß or i have to be read it again?found 2 jorunals already

  • try T15 the shark fin look alike rock

  • @natmatt2010 a dit dans Hungering Deep Voyage Help! :

    @nightwolfryan go to the uncharted island l14 and go to the shipwreck

    hello, L4 = outpost sanctuary?

  • I just can't find the journal at S16. People are saying it's near the entrance of the underwater cave and near a totem but I just can't find it. Can anyone give me some more specific details about this journal?

  • @yobri-the-prinn need to go into the cave when you reach the end of the tunnel look behind the Aztec statue

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