Battlefield V Reveal Trailer

  • I won't embed it as it contains a strong word or two but

  • 7
  • WW2 based, token female, action sequences that would get you killed in real life …. nah, I don't think so.

  • @fantome-of-blue said in Battlefield V Reveal Trailer:

    WW2 based, token female, action sequences that would get you killed in real life …. nah, I don't think so.

    Female avatars are fine. I do disagree with the fortnite style skins, but it's the new hot thing to sell. The biggest thing though, is that it looks like battlefield is losing its weighty feel for a more arcadey CoD style action which to me sucks really bad.

  • @fantome-of-blue said in Battlefield V Reveal Trailer:

    WW2 based, token female,

    It's a feisty redhead who's missing an arm, what's token about it? She looks awesome, the whole Company does in fact. I'm excited about Battlefield characters again for the first time since Bad Company!

    action sequences that would get you killed in real life …. nah, I don't think so.

    Have... Have you played any popular AAA shooter before mate? Doing stuff that would kill normal humans is the whole shtick man. In a real gunfight you'd probably get shot in the head within the first 6 seconds, that ain't entertaining to the masses.

    The whole reveal was pretty great, the trailer was awesome. BF1 Kinda let me down, but V has actually gotten me excited again.

    Like @Gloog , I'm a little worried that they'll go more CoD, but I'll remain hopeful. Battlefield's marginally more realistic approach has been what fans have always loved, going away from that would be franchise-suicide.

  • Because I'm sick and bleeping tired of WW2 movies, books and games. There's a faction of paranoids in Hollywood that thinks we're all potential Nazis, and that mentality migrated to games some years back. Fortunately WW2 isn't the big thing in games as it was in movies, but it's still the same thinking.

    If I ever get in front of the world stage, I'll vet my spleen on the matter.

  • @fantome-of-blue you sound... paranoid 😉😂

  • I want one set in Napoleonic times.

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