Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6

  • @d4u2s0t said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    You are responding from an emotional standpoint instead of an informational one. You say the code "needs to do something" but that coding is already created and implemented, is it not? That's what you push every time you join a game. Can you be more specific about what would need to be done outside of simply removing the command for online matchmaking, and duplicating a button that says "Private" or something?

    Exactly where in the game can you create a private session/ship? That code doesn't exist, so i has to be created and tested. It's not the same on as where you join a game because it requires a different task to be executed. There needs to be code that makes sure a session is private, stays private. Also that button needs to call the right action, if that button would just use your copy past method. Well than people who make a private session would still end up with randoms, because it uses the already exisiting matchmaker.

    I'm coming from both standpoints both emotional, because i am a developer myself and you think it's just add a button and tadaa, and an informational standpoint. But you read past my information to suite your needs and don't answer any questions that you are asked. All this, because you are ignorant.

  • @aarghmaargho said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @d4u2s0t said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    You are responding from an emotional standpoint instead of an informational one. You say the code "needs to do something" but that coding is already created and implemented, is it not? That's what you push every time you join a game. Can you be more specific about what would need to be done outside of simply removing the command for online matchmaking, and duplicating a button that says "Private" or something?

    Exactly where in the game can you create a private session/ship? That code doesn't exist, so i has to be created and tested. It's not the same on as where you join a game because it requires a different task to be executed. There needs to be code that makes sure a session is private, stays private. Also that button needs to call the right action, if that button would just use your copy past method. Well than people who make a private session would still end up with randoms, because it uses the already exisiting matchmaker.

    I'm coming from both standpoints both emotional, because i am a developer myself and you think it's just add a button and tadaa, and an informational standpoint. But you read past my information to suite your needs and don't answer any questions that you are asked. All this, because you are ignorant.

    No, no, you're missing the point. The session doesn't need to be private, only the crew. Maybe I didn't say it clearly, I was talking about Private CREWS, not a private lobby with no other ships. What would need to be done besides removing the matchmaking?

  • @d4u2s0t

    It's hard to read isn't it, my first line:
    Exactly where in the game can you create a private session/ship?

    A session is for you and your friends. It's the ship/crew/session, whatever you want to call it. It doesn't exist yet, so it has to be coded. And thus tested.

    But hey, keep skipping the reading part and just comment blindly.

  • Game still looks really bad if you view medium/long distance stuff from your spyglass.

  • @aarghmaargho said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:


    It's hard to read isn't it, my first line:
    Exactly where in the game can you create a private session/ship?

    A session is for you and your friends. It's the ship/crew/session, whatever you want to call it. It doesn't exist yet, so it has to be coded. And thus tested.

    But hey, keep skipping the reading part and just comment blindly.

    yikes... You are clearly over stating your knowledge here in some weird attempt to "best me". Why are you so emotionally vested in this?

    The only thing required to have a private ship is to REMOVE MATCHMAKING lol. It would be no different then when 3 players leave you alone on a galleon, except now it WON"T ADD YOU TO THE MATCHMAKING QUEUE. That's it. Nothing else needs to be done lol The ability already exists in the game, that's what you're not understanding.

  • @mad-mordechai The 90 FPS options should not have been removed, and will be put back in the next patch.
    If you have vsync enabled and the game is running at 50 fps then this probably means your PC is unable to run at 100 fps. When vblank is enabled on a 100 Hz monitor a frame can only be displayed at every 1/100 second interval, so if it just misses one then it won't be able to display it for another 1/100 second after that, causing a frame rate of 50 fps.

  • @teddy-25

    Have you thought about bringing back the pioneer sessions? You have a base of people who can provide valuable data to avoid problems like this.

  • @d4u2s0t

    Still not reading but only typing.
    Where exactly can you create a private crew/ship/session?

    And this has nothing to with "besting one", it's about actually knowing how developing works and some random claiming he knows how it works. Altough you really don't know anything, with your copy and paste methods and just remove this and tadaah

  • I want to be able to see Animal and Players From a Distance.
    Fix this next patch, please.

  • @grimmoaks786 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    When are you going to sort the achievements issue? Stopped playing while they arent unlocking for me. Dont see the point in doing repetitive quest for little rewards if i cant even get an achievement

    The achievements have been fixed for a while now. What problems in particular are you having?

  • @aarghmaargho said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:


    Still not reading but only typing.
    Where exactly can you create a private crew/ship/session?

    And this has nothing to with "besting one", it's about actually knowing how developing works and some random claiming he knows how it works. Altough you really don't know anything, with your copy and paste methods and just remove this and tadaah

    A private crew is the default once matchmaking is removed. Think of choosing solo sloop. You now have a 4 player lobby with no players being added in unless you send them an invite. Inviting friends already exists. Solo ships already exist, which means they already have the ability to bypass matchmaking. Simple. How hard would it be to program in a 2 man sloop on the "solo" setting? It would be as easy as changing the #of allowed players from 1 to 4 in the table while bypassing matchmaking, which IT ALREADY DOES. lol

  • @khaleesibot The new cosmetics and fixes are awesome! I don't think I can wait much longer for The Hungering Deep!

  • @i-like-a-bau5-i said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @khol-thndrwlkr This was a terrible reply. lol

    The merchant quest is cancer. It would be totally fine if you didn't have to do all three factions to get pirate legend, but because you do, and because 90% of people hate merchant, they clearly missed the mark on this one. There's always going to be those weird players that enjoy things like sailing around collecting animals, but don't force the rest of us to do these goofy voyages.

    I couldn't really care less if you didn't like my reply. I like merchant quests and the people I play with like them. That's what I care about.

  • @teddy-25 Can you clarify the respawn patch? Did you shorten the time players need to stay on the ship, or did you decrease load times? Ship combat is one of the things keeping this game fun, but right now stalemates are all too common. Players come back too fast and repairing is too easy, so it can be a barrel them or give up type of situation. I would love to see you guys increase respawn times if you were killed by another player to help make ship combat faster and more enjoyable. Thanks!

  • @d4u2s0t

    And that is where you are wrong, they have no option to bypass the "Matchmaker". They have an option to set your crew size:

    • Solo sloop
    • Duo sloop
    • 3 man Galleon
    • 4 man Galleon

    This has nothing to do with a private crew or something, it's just the max size of the group you play with.
    Example, me and my 3 friends play. 1 quits and my crewsize is still set to 4, a random will join because there is a slot available and it is not a private crew.

    Private crews don't exist and thus have to be created. And that takes time.

    Also i'm really wondering if you know what a matchmaker is and what actually happens when you join a server.

  • @aarghmaargho said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:


    And that is where you are wrong, they have no option to bypass the "Matchmaker". They have an option to set your crew size:

    • Solo sloop
    • Duo sloop
    • 3 man Galleon
    • 4 man Galleon

    This has nothing to do with a private crew or something, it's just the max size of the group you play with.
    Example, me and my 3 friends play. 1 quits and my crewsize is still set to 4, a random will join because there is a slot available and it is not a private crew.

    Private crews don't exist and thus have to be created. And that takes time.

    Also i'm really wondering if you know what a matchmaker is and what actually happens when you join a server.

    Your scenario includes matchmaking though, which is the opposite of what is needed. Remove matchmaking and now nobody joins when your friends leave. Nobody joins when you choose a private sloop, right? So this is literally exactly the same, with the # of allowed players raised. You are way, way overcomplicating it.

  • @themuckypaw Servers came back up 3 hours ago.

  • So one of the flag wavers reported me for bumping a thread - then Rare posted this in regards to draw distances of animals and people.

    "We are currently investigating this issue and any reports you can send us about when this is happening will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!"

    All I can say this is obviously not a bug. Rare is not changing the draw distances for either a Xbox performance reason or to keep players having to be on top of island and boats for a gameplay reason or the slight chance it's impacting overall network performance somehow...

    I don't care which it is. It needs to be altered / fixed ASAP .

    The lack of being able to see animal and people at a distance both with and without a spyglass is game breaking.

    I don't know if another ship is about to fire or not - I don't know if there is an animal on an island until my boat is practically on top of it. (fix this for merchant quests to keep my sanity)

    I'm going to ask nicely again to get this fixed in the next patch.
    And I won't bump threads anymore but come on...

    Please fix this the draw distances.

  • Ok game liaded and patch working but missing loads of stuff, only showing sead dogs and blige rat in game items

  • Female characters still use male voices.
    The Corsair Sea Dog Hat uses a different texture to what is being shown in the shop.
    Female characters with a thin body will aim their weapons into the sky when aiming(This I have only seen from my shadows, not sure if others see it the same way)
    My character still has mud on her face even though she had a pristine face when selecting her.

    That is all I have noticed for now =)

  • Regional stock, no, no way if u ask me that's just dumb. No good

  • What happened to my frame rate? Post patch, everything is choppy.

  • @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    alt text

    • “Launch Crew” Eye of Reach - In celebration of being at sea for a month, we've added a special weapon to the store. This limited edition item will only be available for two weeks, so grab yours while you still can at a very reasonable price of 1 Gold!

    And they told me I couldn't find the answers to my problems at the bottom of a bottle hehe

  • Ship respawn seems to have reverted back to how it was at launch, can someone confirm this?

    I scuttled my ship, sank it by crashin and asked another random pirate to sink me and in all three cases my ship spawned one island away from the location the ship got sunk. (Sank at Ancient spire - Spawned at kraken's fall; Sank at Sanctuary outpost - spawned at Cannon cove; Sank at Dagger tooth - spawned at Old faithful isle)

  • Hunter of Cursed Crews and Hunter of Fort Skulls Commendations now track.

    DO WE HAVE TO DO THIS ALL OVER AGAIN? mine is still 0/10 and 0/20.

  • @khaleesibot I hope you'll soon make the Kraken more agressive. Rare said it will be a powerful enemy and we can beat it only with other crews' help... But actually, at the moment, we can kill the Kraken in 5 minutes... He's not agressive and powerful enough...

  • Love the game and so happy to see more customization options added (still need MORE, of course, haha).
    I'll say that I am not convinced regional stock for the outposts is a good idea. Maybe if you could browse all the options available in the game, but the items unavailable in your location would be marked as "available elsewhere" or something.
    Let's face it, there will be plenty of people that won't know they can look elswhere, or may not realize they're not seeing everything.

    Of course, I'm not entirely against the game making things harder and weirder for players, so it's not a huge dislike on my part. ;)
    I'd, personally, rather just be able to browse through everything at one place (even if I couldn't purchase it there).

  • @disthene said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:


    My reaction to this patch is W*F ?! Do I really need to check all outposts to see the SKINS ?! Really for skins ? I have to spend 2 hours ? Ok let's disconnect and reconnect until I went to all outpost to buy my skin...this is stupid, like really.

    Second is not related to the patch, but you fixed the issue for the merchant, please consider that merchant is not fun at all, it's a nightmare, it's killing game, it's not pve, it's not pvp, there is no interest to do it. If you pvp, you kill the animals, and if you don't, even if you steal them to someone else, you don't get money for that, then it's just useless, this job is the contrary of what we want in the game.

    Anyway, thanks for adding skins, even if we have to spend hours to see what it looks like.

    In most play sessions I usually end up going from the Ancient Isles to the Wilds then to the Shores of Plenty.
    I doubt that finding these skins will be a hard task.
    They separate the vendors like that so there is variation in the world, rather than every shop being the same.
    How off-putting would it be if there were only 3 types of vendors in World of Warcraft? Every one of them scattered across the world only ever sold the same exact things everytime.
    It is necessary for the immersion of a sandbox game with shops to have different shops sell different things.

    Second, I love the Merchant Missions honestly.
    I can just grab them, grab the cages, then move on to have some fun.
    Take note that I never do crates, I hardly ever do pigs, and I only do missions with at least 2 gold animals on them.

    If voyages need a patch, it's Order of Souls.

  • @mad-mordechai Did you solve it? Same for me :(

  • @disthene said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    Second is not related to the patch, but you fixed the issue for the merchant, please consider that merchant is not fun at all, it's a nightmare, it's killing game, it's not pve, it's not pvp, there is no interest to do it. If you pvp, you kill the animals, and if you don't, even if you steal them to someone else, you don't get money for that, then it's just useless, this job is the contrary of what we want in the game.

    Speak for yourself mate. Merchant adds a nice quiet contrary to the din of constant combat and conflict you find everywhere else. Sometimes it’s nice to just relax and go chicken chasing.

  • Thanks!!

  • @ultimate-powa said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    They separate the vendors like that so there is variation in the world, rather than every shop being the same.

    Agreed! I love this change. It makes complete sense that in the era the game is based in, not every single merchant would have the same wares. It adds to the immersion in my opinion.

  • @d4u2s0t said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    Your scenario includes matchmaking though, which is the opposite of what is needed. Remove matchmaking and now nobody joins when your friends leave. Nobody joins when you choose a private sloop, right? So this is literally exactly the same, with the # of allowed players raised. You are way, way overcomplicating it.

    First, you have no idea what matchmaking is and what actually happens when somebody joins a server.

    Second, nobody joins on a private sloop because the crewsize is 1.
    What happens if you add another person to that? Well 1+1=2, 2 is bigger than 1 and tadaah that is not possible because the crewsize is 1.

    I'm not overcomplicating it, i know how a private system works. And that's not just using the shipsize as a guideline.

    Thirdly, by using your idea. And removing the "matchmaker", how would you join a game? Because what you suggest is just remove everything that Rare uses to get you into a game.

    Just stop talking because you have no idea what a matchmaker is, how joining a game works. And how creating private sessions/crews work.

  • I keep waiting for them to finally fix the cannons. When firing a person out of the cannons it almost is never accurate. Either you fly 45 degrees to the right or 45 degrees to the left. I've had it happen on rare occasions where it literally fires me straight down into the water super deep. Firing people off cannons is a crucial way to board other ships and it's incredibly disheartening when you've been chasing someone for 30+ min and you're first two cannons shots are miles off from your target. This drags on the chase for another 20 min until you get back close to your target. The second I'm on someone's boat, the fight is over within less than 5 min. I wish they would fix firing people from cannons and take it as a priority because it's a HUGE bug that's incredibly annoying. It also happens all the time for people trying to speed run athena quests, when dropping people off at islands to solve a riddle or tap the chests and you're miles off your island making you swim for a couple minutes to get to where the cannon should have fired you in the first place. PLEASE please please fix this Rare.

  • @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    Patch Notes - 1.0.6

    • [PC Only] Half Vsync option was removed. The Frame Lock option should now be used instead.

    Still not working 30fps lock is still there.

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